Static Shock


Jan 7, 2003
Alright we have a bit of a problem in our office.

There's 3 people who walk around the office quite a bit doing work. Unfortunately on doing this they build up a lot of static electricity.

Very often they shock the computers and equipment. When they touch the CD-Rom eject button, the power button, sometimes even the front of the case. Every time they send a shock like this to the case, the PC reboots on it's own! And they often lose work.

I've tried to get people to touch the tops of the cases (metal) before they touch the front of the PC but they forget. So what I did was took some anti-static cleaner and lightly sprayed the carpet and then wiped down their PC with the cleaner as well. It doesn't seem to work that great, as it's happened again today.

So.. I don't care much about them shocking the case. What I don't want is the PC's to reboot every time the front of the case or a CD Eject is shocked. Is there anything I can do to prevent this problem?
put their comptuers into a box and lock it and when the need to use it they have to come to you for the key and then you can touch it for them after despersing your SE, of course...hahah
Another vote for antistatic carpet or mats. How about foldable metal chairs?