Static Kills


Aug 3, 2003
Ok, I've killed 2 mouse's in the past week from static. Each time I go to grab it, get shocked to shit, then mouse no worky.

What the hell is going on? Obviously my environment isn't the best due to the high amount of static. I can't control that, boss doesnt care.

The mouse is plastic though. How can I be getting zapped?

Im on my 3rd mouse now. lol. I find it kinda funny really. I told the boss the static up here could kill equipment, now hes paying for it. I'll have to wait for a server or workstation to go before he'll look at the source of the problem though.
Originally posted by SKiTLz
Ok, I've killed 2 mouse's in the past week from static. Each time I go to grab it, get shocked to shit, then mouse no worky.

What the hell is going on? Obviously my environment isn't the best due to the high amount of static. I can't control that, boss doesnt care.

The mouse is plastic though. How can I be getting zapped?

Im on my 3rd mouse now. lol. I find it kinda funny really. I told the boss the static up here could kill equipment, now hes paying for it. I'll have to wait for a server or workstation to go before he'll look at the source of the problem though.

speed up the process and fry everything!! :D
Originally posted by Jason711
speed up the process and fry everything!! :D
Ohh the amount of times I get zapped a day.... I really dont think the process needs any speeding along... :D These aren't just slight zaps either. They zap the crap outta me everytime. Like sticking a fork in an outlet.
Two words....Static Guard..... it really works. Spray your clothes, your work area floor and your chair. Problem will be solved :)
Originally posted by MajorDomo
Two words....Static Guard..... it really works. Spray your clothes, your work area floor and your chair. Problem will be solved :)

Bought some on this reccomendation in another thread -- do what the good man says.
Originally posted by SKiTLz
Ohh the amount of times I get zapped a day.... I really dont think the process needs any speeding along... :D These aren't just slight zaps either. They zap the crap outta me everytime. Like sticking a fork in an outlet.

pansy!! ;)
Originally posted by Jason711
pansy!! ;)

haha.. No its like being hit from behind. Bloody sucker punch. Your not expecting it, then zap... Scares the shit outta ya....

I walked around in my socks for awhile and went and touched the light switch just to show my boss... man was that a good laugh (after the initial zap)

Thanks for the rec on the static spray.. Didn't even know it existed...

The place is so dry its not funny. Carpet area upstairs in a warehouse. Humidifier is all of what... $2-300? Cheapass
Originally posted by SKiTLz
haha.. No its like being hit from behind. Bloody sucker punch. Your not expecting it, then zap... Scares the shit outta ya....

I walked around in my socks for awhile and went and touched the light switch just to show my boss... man was that a good laugh (after the initial zap)

Thanks for the rec on the static spray.. Didn't even know it existed...

The place is so dry its not funny. Carpet area upstairs in a warehouse. Humidifier is all of what... $2-300? Cheapass

haha.. right on.

yeah, give a humidifier a try.. along with that spray, you should be square..
Originally posted by Carnival Forces
how the hell does anti-static spray work ??
I'll let you know when I buy some... Going to work everyday is going to be like camping... Anti-repelant spray vs static spray.. haha
From the Static Guard website.....

It's simple science: Static Guard spray prevents electrical charges from accumulating on things such as fabric, carpet, bedding and even your hairbrush. It does this mainly by neutralizing the charges on fabric surfaces. It also works by attracting humidity from the air, thus increasing the electrical conductivity of the fabric. Raise humidity and you lower the imbalance of positive and negative charges, and the occurrence of static cling or shock.

As to how well it works...excellent...all for $3 bucks. I use it on my car seats more than the computer area. ;)

Originally posted by Carnival Forces
how the hell does anti-static spray work ??
Originally posted by MajorDomo
From the Static Guard website.....

It's simple science: Static Guard spray prevents electrical charges from accumulating on things such as fabric, carpet, bedding and even your hairbrush. It does this mainly by neutralizing the charges on fabric surfaces. It also works by attracting humidity from the air, thus increasing the electrical conductivity of the fabric. Raise humidity and you lower the imbalance of positive and negative charges, and the occurrence of static cling or shock.

As to how well it works...excellent...all for $3 bucks. I use it on my car seats more than the computer area. ;)

hah.. and possibly save your life! opening and closing your car door whille fueling up is a bit dangerous! ;)

so static CAN kill!! :eek:
Or you can just grab onto something metal while you touch your mouse every time? I dunno, just get yourself grounded when you work.

I dunno... I think i've been extremely lucky with static. I've had 2 experiences where I've zapped the fuck out of hard drive and a motherboard, and both lived to tell about it.

But now I ground myself before touching anything and I'm fine.
telly uor boss to shove it up your ass, and put in tile. jeez, your sitting in a rolling chair all day anyway....
So would it be a good idea to spray this stuff around the area before you work on a computer?
getting shocked by static doesnt really hurt much, but its the surprise that gets ya. Like hitting your head on your bedpost.......
That sounds like a fun place to work :)

As for Humidifier's, you can get good one's starting at around $60 or so. As for ESD, I haven't smoked any hardware yet, and I don't wear a strap, *knock's on wood*

Originally posted by IoWnZa
That sounds like a fun place to work :)

As for Humidifier's, you can get good one's starting at around $60 or so. As for ESD, I haven't smoked any hardware yet, and I don't wear a strap, *knock's on wood*


yea.. i havent either.. come to think of it.. even when i was handling $50k+ circuit cards for the AF. ;)
Same goes for me. I haven't burnt any hardware and rarely am I shocked. I don't use the strap or the spray either, so I'm kind of glad it's all been working out for so long now.

<knocks on wood>
...we had a customer with the worst ESD problem I've ever seen; picture an office of six figure income folks all wearing.....expensive wool suits. Now, picture a designer office with.....huge glass slabs for desktops. Average temperature / relative humidity almost perfect (ie: way too dry) for making static. They were all taking out every port on their $4K laptops about once a month......

A humidifier adjustment took care of about 90% of the problem; some well placed ground straps to the office furniture did the rest.


Good Luck - B.B.S.
Originally posted by BlindedByScience
...we had a customer with the worst ESD problem I've ever seen; picture an office of six figure income folks all wearing.....expensive wool suits. Now, picture a designer office with.....huge glass slabs for desktops. Average temperature / relative humidity almost perfect (ie: way too dry) for making static. They were all taking out every port on their $4K laptops about once a month......

A humidifier adjustment took care of about 90% of the problem; some well placed ground straps to the office furniture did the rest.


Good Luck - B.B.S.

Now that HAS to suck.

Originally posted by BlindedByScience
...we had a customer with the worst ESD problem I've ever seen; picture an office of six figure income folks all wearing.....expensive wool suits. Now, picture a designer office with.....huge glass slabs for desktops. Average temperature / relative humidity almost perfect (ie: way too dry) for making static. They were all taking out every port on their $4K laptops about once a month......

A humidifier adjustment took care of about 90% of the problem; some well placed ground straps to the office furniture did the rest.


Good Luck - B.B.S.

hahaha..... *point - laugh*
Well Im glad my daily static jolts have brought some laughter to you sick bastards! :D

I've never killed a single piece of hardware from static myself. Thats why I find it funny I've killed 2 mouse's within a week. heh

Anyways.. You boys continue to laugh it up. Soon as static kills my main work rig I may just have to get a dual optron setup... see whos laughing then! ;)

This could be a good thing... I'll blame the static for killing all my crappy equipment and get new stuff.
Buy yourself some leather soled shoes and drag your feet over the the "replacement equipment shuffle" :p

Originally posted by SKiTLz
This could be a good thing... I'll blame the static for killing all my crappy equipment and get new stuff.
Originally posted by MajorDomo
Buy yourself some leather soled shoes and drag your feet over the the "replacement equipment shuffle" :p

haha... not a bad idea... can't have a shuffle/dance without a catchy name... looks like im all set to kill off some equipment!
Originally posted by SKiTLz
haha... not a bad idea... can't have a shuffle/dance without a catchy name... looks like im all set to kill off some equipment!

or just lop the end off an extension cord and fray the wires.. then stick in the PC! muahahah!!!
Originally posted by MajorDomo
Buy yourself some leather soled shoes and drag your feet over the the "replacement equipment shuffle" :p
thats sig worthy
I know your pain....well not regarding hardware (not yet..;))

I used to have a summer job in a large department store's sports department. Everyday I'd get the bejesus shocked out of me as pushed around a steel shopping cart on the tiled floors while doing stock.

I'm thinking of suing for nerve damage...;)
solve the problem and go bong cooling.... that way you get the nice sound of a water fall while you try and work as well... :D

Thats funny, never heard of this. Get Static Guard, and maybe a rubber mat.
Originally posted by Flipside

I'm thinking of suing for nerve damage...;)

If only you lived in the USA, Im sure you could've had this stand up in court.. :D

So I have a major static problem as well at my office. I've used anti-static spray, and it hasn't helped jack.

What is the BEST way to solve this problem based on someones actual experience? Is it some kind of strip attached to the desk?
Originally posted by tinysmall

So I have a major static problem as well at my office. I've used anti-static spray, and it hasn't helped jack.

What is the BEST way to solve this problem based on someones actual experience? Is it some kind of strip attached to the desk?
A Humidifier is the best way. Get some moisture back into the air.
Originally posted by SKiTLz
A Humidifier is the best way. Get some moisture back into the air. to agree. Measure the RH and temps and have a chat with your HVAC dude on site. We use a humidifier in our SMT lab for that exact reason.

Originally posted by Jason711
hah.. and possibly save your life! opening and closing your car door whille fueling up is a bit dangerous! ;)

so static CAN kill!! :eek:

actually no, its not when you open your door. Its if you start pumping then get back in your car and pickup a static charge from you seat then go out and grab the handle to put it back and the static charge can jump and set the gas on fire... :) Static doesn't kill anything but electronics ... :)
Static can be very dangerous. *discharges before typing anymore* :D

*mice not mouses ;)
Originally posted by vbp6us
Static can be very dangerous. *discharges before typing anymore* :D

*mice not mouses ;)
Oh? News to me.
"pl. mice or mous·es (mousz) Computer Science. A hand-held, button-activated input device that when rolled along a flat surface directs an indicator to move correspondingly about a computer screen, allowing the operator to move the indicator freely, as to select operations or manipulate text or graphics. "

'Mouses' was added to the dictionary for the plural of a computer mouse. ;)
Originally posted by theNoid
actually no, its not when you open your door. Its if you start pumping then get back in your car and pickup a static charge from you seat then go out and grab the handle to put it back and the static charge can jump and set the gas on fire... :) Static doesn't kill anything but electronics ... :)

but the static *started* the chain reaction..

and for some fucking reason now every time i get out of my mothers jeep i get the fuck shocked out of me when i grab the door... :mad: