State of Thermal Pastes 2014

IC Diamond for temp sensitive and where electrical conductivity would be an issue:: performance is excellent but the main winner for me (now) is it's performance over time. it hasn't seemed to have degraded much over the 4+ years. bought a bunch of IC24 tubes 4 years ago, stuff still applies well and obviously performs well. (replaced the cruddy failed stock TIM on an X58 chipset).

Bought a lot of AS5 8-9 years ago, also still use it (don't want to waste it!) in applications where electrical conductivity would not be a risk at all and where I'd still want pretty good performance, but with the expectation that it might need to be replaced years down the road.

Bought a bunch of AS Ceramique (original variant) at the same time I bought that AS5. Only use this for electronics now. stuff still seems to get the job done.