Starting a local monthly lan party


Dec 24, 2006
Starting a local monthly lan party in my area, say with about space for 10-5 computers. (My apartment complex party house is available for 'non' corporate functions)

Anyways, how would I plan / setup this out so everyone has a good time? I have a 20 port switch so its enough ports, but the building doesn't have internet access (to my knowledge).

I was thinking 1 Saturday night lockdown a month to see how it goes.
LOL yeah where are u located dude.

If it's in the Los Angeles area, I'm so there!
if its in the dfw area youve got a handful of people interested. we need moar details!
Make sure you're not going to blow a breaker or anything. We had a 35-40 person LAN at my college once where we had to actually run extension cable out windows to other rooms because the room we were using couldnt support all the computers.
Still no news about where you are sir. Hard to LAN with ya if we can't find ya. And yea, blowing your college dorm buildings breaker is never fun to explain.
OOPS, SORRY ABOUT THAT, damn caps... anyways, I'm in the Tampa Bay area. sorry to those outside of the area. :( But might be an idea for a WAN/LAN party?

thread notify doesn't seem to be working for me.