started a hp net server coffee....


Nov 13, 2004
ok i'm starting a new project twoday i found a old hp netserver on the side of a street down the road from me so i grab it got it home it look like hell so got it most of the way working and found out i have to get a HDD so i sed hell no f it and started thinking hhmmm what can i make this thing in to and it hit me a coffee table it's low so i can use it with me gaming char and it wood look cool.
sorry don't have any pics just yet hold on.
altec said:
ok i'm starting a new project twoday i found a old hp netserver on the side of a street down the road from me so i grab it got it home it look like hell so got it most of the way working and found out i have to get a HDD so i sed hell no f it and started thinking hhmmm what can i make this thing in to and it hit me a coffee table it's low so i can use it with me gaming char and it wood look cool.
That's one really long sentence.
Scorpionjwp said:
That comment ain't funny, I just happen to have adhd. does my son...and ain't funny when he doesn't get his medicine :p
meh. havin adhd stinks. ive got meds that help a lot, strattera.
I remember talking like the thread starter had.

anyway, I would like to see pictures of this, it sounds like a neat idea but ive no idea of even the size of this computer...
ok got some pics but kids look away *cry*
look at this not done and its all ridy being used as a coffee table god.


god i'm going to be sick if i find the dude ho did this.




edit:sorry the house looks like crap redoing it
You are using that as a coffee table? You must be hot with the ladies :)
ha thanks, now I know which case this is :D ... I once bought an inner shell of some server case off ebay for like $5 and didn't have any use for it yet, it's that exact same case, though it's only the inner shell... hmm table... hmm thinks
Nice one, I scavenged the same case ( 486 server ) and stripped it's innards out, now houses my fileserver, with room for more than 20 drives :)
altec said:
god i'm going to be sick if i find the dude ho did this.

What the hell did he do to it?? Did he take a chainsaw to that case?? Or maybe a 16lb sledge?? :eek:
Heh, I use dead laser printers when I feel like that... Got me a Lexmark Optra R ready for my next bad day. One sledgehammer later, you get lots of plastic shards...... :D
lamarth said:
What the hell did he do to it?? Did he take a chainsaw to that case?? Or maybe a 16lb sledge?? :eek:

i think it was tos out of a car doing 40 to 60mph
ahaha what i wouldnt have given to find that complete version of the case...I used to have that same case as well...had a dualie ppro mobo in it and it was full of drives just stacked on top of one another inside of the case. hahaha

it went to the wayside though :(
starhawk said:
:rolleyes: :D :D yeah, sounds about right... what are you gonna do with the innards?

put them in a box for later and no i'm not going to sell them
its got a name :D
heavy metel

i know its not the best name but it goes with my xbox and my pc. but i'm not showing my pc tell later.

the EL in metel thats the way i'm spelling it ok
no not really i'm just going to etch the name in to the top window but thanks for asking :cool:
altec said:
its got a name :D
heavy metel

i know its not the best name but it goes with my xbox and my pc. but i'm not showing my pc tell later.

the EL in metel thats the way i'm spelling it ok

What a stupid name!

j/k :D Nice project.