Starcraft II officially delayed until 2010...


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2008
News article here.

So the biggest non-surprise news story of the year - Starcraft II definitely won't be released this year.

Now they're citing the delay is due to not being ready...
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Well poo. I was hoping to do some Star-crafting this Christmas.
I saw this coming. There hasn't been a beta release yet and they are getting really slow on the footage. At least we know it will be a good game when it comes out eh.
Yeah, well, I guess it can officially go out and buy those games i have been putting off now that I know this year won't have SC2 in it.
It has been mentioned that Blizzard may have two game releases in 2010.

Starcraft is one, and the other... Diablo 3 perhaps?

When asked about whether or not we could see two Blizzard titles in one year, specifically Diablo III, Morhaime said "It would be correct to conclude that you could expect two releases of Blizzard next year," but he quickly added "I will not make conclusions on what those titles are going to be."

Source: IGN
If you didn't see this coming from the day Starcraft 2 was announced you're legally brain dead.
wow this is like the surprise of the century. NOT! it's been delayed so many times already that i now expect it to be launched late 2010.
Blizzard makes watching maple tree syrup drip fast...

SC2 is a rip, if its broken into 3 50$ campaign packages and no LAN play as reported by Ars.
Starcraft II is never coming out. Ever.

Okay that was an exaggeration, but honestly, I give them 3+ years til it comes out.
well they did mention that they wanted to spend 4 to 6 month on closed beta and it hasn't happend
This is blizzard people. They always delay, it may be that they are always too optimistic, or more so that they care about the games and release them when they are finished and not like so many other companies which are working on a patch before the game is even public.

I'll be buying all the releases reguardless because they will all be good.
Best Buy has had this up for a while. I thought it was funny. I think they need to just put a TBD next to any release date field with Blizzard as the publisher.

I think diablo 3 may come out first. Too many balancing issues in RTS's even if the campaign of sc2 is perfect, they still need to balance units and such. I doubt its though.
It's no coincidence that Clinton was in Korea. He wasn't saving hostages, he was begging forgiveness for Star Craft 2's delay.
Now they're citing the delay is due to not being ready...

Blizzard has been unable to handle WoW instance servers, world servers, authentication, normal authentication, or battlegroups for years now (Wintergrasp anyone? Care for another "No additional instances can be launched"?). Now amount of delay is going to make "ready" for the SC2 launch given their proven inability to handle large loads, even when people pay $15/month for the lag.
Best Buy has had this up for a while. I thought it was funny. I think they need to just put a TBD next to any release date field with Blizzard as the publisher.
Last June, Best Buy had Starcraft 2 listed as having a release date of December 3 of last year. I was sort of hoping it would be out this winter, but I was slightly disappointed again when I saw earlier today that it was being delayed again. Oh well.
i t hought they never released an official release date so it's not really delayed.
It's no coincidence that Clinton was in Korea. He wasn't saving hostages, he was begging forgiveness for Star Craft 2's delay.

I loled at this :D

I have one word for everyone else. 'Ghost'?!?
This is blizzard people. They always delay, it may be that they are always too optimistic, or more so that they care about the games and release them when they are finished and not like so many other companies which are working on a patch before the game is even public.

I'll be buying all the releases reguardless because they will all be good.

They seem screwed either way by things like this. If they don't make any estimated releases, people get restless and impatient. If they do, and don't meet that deadline, people will accuse them for lying. This happens all the time in WoW related stuff lol.

Engineering degrees.....because I need something to pass the time between starcraft/diablo releases.

long sigh.
It has been mentioned that Blizzard may have two game releases in 2010.

Starcraft is one, and the other... Diablo 3 perhaps?

When asked about whether or not we could see two Blizzard titles in one year, specifically Diablo III, Morhaime said "It would be correct to conclude that you could expect two releases of Blizzard next year," but he quickly added "I will not make conclusions on what those titles are going to be."

Source: IGN

My money is on another fucking WoW expansion...
No surprise, and its really funny given I have no desire to play on line with it anyways.
I don't mind. It's just that many more weeks of populated DoW 2 multiplayer. I've always been afraid that a new Blizzard RTS would take at least 50% if not more of the online community from every other RTS out there.

I don't want another standard gather -> build -> tech -> zerg game, especially with cartoony japanimation graphics and no sense of scale. I guess I'm just a hater but I'm not excited at all for SC2.
Good on them for making sure everything is as ready as it can be, instead of rushing to production with a peice of junk thats not ready/working like MOST developers now-a-days.

Keep in mind, because of this they miss the 'Christmas Sales' period -- and everyone knows that companies REALLY like their game to come out around X-mas. I'm sure Blizz isn't happy that they had to delay it, but if its in the best interest of the game, then I'm all for waiting.
While slightly disappointing I don't see how this makes it "delayed." They never officially announced a release date. Just means we have to wait a little bit longer. Simply means my computer will be even faster when it finally comes out so that I can enjoy the game even more with all the eye candy.
I'm an avid Starcraft fan, but I'm pretty on the fence about Starcraft 2. I never thought I'd say that years ago.
Wouldn't want to disappoint South Korea. They might declare war on Blizzard if this game doesn't descend from the heavens in a silvery chariot and deliver them to the promised land.
Not surprised.

Blizz & Valve are notorious for taking a long time in releasing a game. I don't mind... just as long as the product is substantive and worth my $.
Perhaps this will give them time to implement LAN know, like the player base will be clamoring for. Failing that, I fear this is going to become a "pay-for-battlenet" scenario. They'll drag it out, drag it out and then say "oh yeah, because of how popular SC2 is going to be, we won't be able to keep the servers up unless we charge monthly!". They've already monetized it out the ass by breaking one game into three, but I wouldn't expect them to stop there if the current management has anything to say about it.

Blizzard has been getting pretty greedy lately...
I think the subscription to announcement will be a when not if kinda thing