Starcraft 2:WOL $20

I dunno why I can't get into sc2..I really enjoyed SC, brood wars,wc3, and frozen throne..
Admittedly, the storyline has a touch of suck to it. But mostly only in comparison to the high bar set by Blizzard themselves.
For anyone actually interested in whether or not this is a deal, yes, it seems to be, by at least ten bucks. So if you want to play Starcraft 2, this is a less expensive way to do it.

Amazon price: $35.58 + $0.00 shipping

Newegg price: $39.99 + $0.00 shipping

[URL="]Rakuten price[/URL]: $27.95 + $4.95 shipping

To anyone unsure as to whether or not they want to play Starcraft 2, I offer the following caveats based solely on my own experiences:

First, make sure that your main/only interest is the single player. LAN gaming no longer exists, online play is defined by professionals. Sadly, you are more likely to find an enjoyable, casual gaming experience in League of Legends or an open septic tank than you are in the online Starcraft 2 matching. If you already have a group of friends who you like to play RTS games with over the internet, then you should be fine and find this a quite enjoyable way to game with them.

Second, while the animation quality is markedly improved, the story quality is not. I'm not sure I'd go quite so far as to say it's worsened, but it does feel like an element that got left behind.

Third, you can safely ignore all comments about balance. While this game is not well balanced for people capable of performing multiple distinct actions every second of every game. If you are on the fence about buying this game or have been waiting for a deal on it, this will not be a concern for you. It is more than balanced enough for everyday players.
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First, make sure that your main/only interest is the single player. LAN gaming no longer exists, online play is defined by professionals.

I feel quite the opposite. The multiplayer is where SC2 really shines. The story of the singleplayer campaign in my opinion is no where near as good as it is in the first game. And once you beat the single player threw one time, expect pretty much the same experience your next play threw, and the next.

On the multiplayer custom maps, every week I see fresh new maps to try and out experience. And the ladder system is a huge improvement by actually pairing you to fight against players of similar skill level.

In starcraft 1, I lost 95% of ladder games I played and found it very hard to learn when I was getting smashed faster than I had the change to build any offensive units. In Starcraft II I actually win about half the games I play, which I find completely amazing given how bad I feel I am at it.
That's because the matchmaker is set up such that you're supposed to win/lose 50% of your games. This holds true for everyone except the very top masters/grandmasters. If you start winning more games it eventually will move you up a rank. This is why you have people in silver / gold that get matched against plat and diamond players.

The only real issue is the majority of low level games devolve into cheese fests because it's much more simple for a new player to perfect a 5 minute rush than macro properly for 20+ minutes and learn how to use special unit abilities, drops, double pronged attacks, etc.

That being said, I've seen some awesome low level replays where both players have a general idea of what's going on but poor decision making on both sides end up turning the game into an epic back and forth match.
I have yet to play an epic back and forth match..I never did play sc1 online so I can't say much. But I did love the storyline of sc1 more so than 2. But as in anything usually the first is the best bc it's so new. For example the matrix..the first one was the best. Max Payne to me the first was the best. Maybe I need more practice I dunno I just can't get into multi play like I did with wc 3 and the frozen throne..
Trying to care...

but I can not.

Not buying buy separate games to get the "full" story.

They got me with the first one, wont happen again.
Here's an idea, don't necro threads in the hot deals section. Close this thing and take your discussion to the gaming forum.
why do people complain about the expansion thing? RTS games have always had expansions that added new content that you had to pay for. Why weren't Age of Empires and the Rise of Rome expansion complained about?

Because age of empires and rise of Rome where not announced as being stand alone titles.
People still play the Original Starcraft. Also, people still watch old black and white movies like it's a wonderful life. Mind blown much? :D

It wasn't to long ago I was still playing SC1. I'm just getting into SC2 now that it's priced more for what you get..... 1/3 of a game.

I wouldn't mind seeing a SC1 with current day graphics. I remember playing it on a 75Mhz Pentium with an onboard graphic card when I was a kid lol.
Can we stop with this '1/3 of a game' bullshit? These games, in thirds, are longer than the majority of standalone RTS games.

The individual story lines don't allow the playing of all three races; boo-hoo, who cares? That's what multiplayer and custom are for.
Can we stop with this '1/3 of a game' bullshit? These games, in thirds, are longer than the majority of standalone RTS games.

The individual story lines don't allow the playing of all three races; boo-hoo, who cares? That's what multiplayer and custom are for.

You know, I too made the argument that SC2 was essentially 1/3 of a game since Starcraft 1 seemed to set a bar, that essentially gave you a story with three perspectives; yet this game only gives you the Terran POV, then forces you to buy another full priced game to get the second and third story perspective. So I went looking to see just what SC1 had to offer.

Turns out, SC1 only has 30 total missions. 10 per each race. I have no idea how long each one is "designed" to last, so I can't really put a total hour number on the game.

Then I took at look at SC2. It offers 25 missions + 1 bonus missions + 3 alternative missions for a total of 29 missions. Uh oh. :eek:

So lets recap.

SC1: 30 missions total
SC2: 29 possible missions total

So it's official. SC2 is 97% of the game that SC1 was, but wait... their is more. That's right folks, if you just wait 3 - 4 years you'll get another SC2 game to continue your game. However, I've read that it's only 20 missions total. Still, 29 + 20 > 30 so we'll eventually get 164% of a game for what? Double the price at launch? Not sure what the price was on launch day, so that math might be wrong.

I love arguments.