Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites


Sep 23, 2007
Should have removed my remarks a long time ago, good luck getting into the beta gentlemen!

Amazon and Gamestop are giving out keys for pre-orders, just incase no one knows.
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Wow, haven't kept up on this a lot lately. Can't believe they are giving them another key. :(
That's so not fair
Oh really? A friend of mine got into the beta... *sends text message to his BEST FRIEND EVER....*
if someone had one i will do do what ever i need to get the key even if i have to eat some weird food. i will even takes pictures or something. i am not begging i am just asking,

So send me a pm on what i need to do to get a key
I'd love a key as well if anyone feels like rewarding a friendly GoldenTiger for some reason :p . Huge starcraft player back in the day :). PM me the goods if you want to be kind :D!
Wow, haven't kept up on this a lot lately. Can't believe they are giving them another key. :(
That's so not fair

Yeah I totally agree, I thought that was the main reason the invites were random. It seems kind of hypocritical of them to say that invites are random, and then completely remove the chance from the process.
They are trying to stress test servers soon (Mini test).. so makes sense I guess.
Seems to not be everyone. I have been in beta since release and I have not recieved a friend key.
Oh man... that's disappointing for everyone else who's waiting for a key... If anyone feels generous enough, I'd like to be in the beta too. Been playing SC1 since who knows when.
hey all, i see there's an interest and I'd like to show mine too. If u have something extra and the above members already got theirs, I'd like a chance. Huge fan of this game and I don't beta to play, I really try to contribute.
This is news to me, where do I check?

It goes to the email address registered to your BNet account. A few friends of mine have received one, I haven't gotten my extra yet, but I reckon they're sending them out in waves just like they did with the initial round of invites. I don't think they want to nearly double SC2 capacity overnight. :)
Well hopefully they're going out in very limited amounts. I'm glad not a lot of people are getting them, I read recently on forums that most of the coming up invalid.
Got an email with the key. I have a friend in mind but will post back if he declines
yeah i was surprised seeing an extra key in my email. so i guess they didnt send out another wave of keys to random opters yet? sucks...
I could use a key too, if anyone got an extra. to play the game ofc, not sell for cash or "gold".
I would LOVE to get in on this beta!

I've been checking my account ALL THE TIME hoping for an invite to appear....

But alas, nothing yet....

So basically, if someone would be kind enough to possibly help me out with an invite, I
would really, really appreciate it.

Just shoot me a PM. I'll check it frequently.

hmm ill have to check my email when i get home I know yesterday I didnt get any extra keys. I only got maybe one or two friends I can think of interested.. But now that I think of it selling it for WoW Gold is not a bad idea I could really use some gold for epic flying.

I had just a crazy 2vs2 match last night lasted one hour and 11 minutes my team won but jesus i had to pee.
I will be your BFFL for a key.

You can hold me to that too, we can write eachother letters from time to time and talk about ponies n stuff.

Or not, how our relationships moves forward is up to you.
like i said before i will eat some crazy food just to get a beta key from someone in this thread.
I will give an infinite amount of e-cookies for a key. How can anyone say no to e-cookies?