Stalker Clear Sky: ATI obliterates nvidia at its own game(again)

There is no irony. I know for a fact money change hands in one case to push the technology ATI is claiming is so essential (which is why it required $?), and I know for a fact money did not change hands in the other. Ubisoft removed the code, not NVIDIA. Not going to give up sources though.

I apologize you can not be inside the same circles I am though <3

All things considered, I am rather glad I am not in the same circles. :D

To accuse one and defend another with no other evidence in either case, aside from your "top secret insider sources", is ironic to me at least. But say what you want, it is the internet after all. We are off topic a bit, so later.
There is no irony. I know for a fact money change hands in one case to push the technology ATI is claiming is so essential (which is why it required $?), and I know for a fact money did not change hands in the other. Ubisoft removed the code, not NVIDIA. Not going to give up sources though.

I apologize you can not be inside the same circles I am though <3

I have inside sources at the White House telling me George Bush is on vacation again in texas

Damn I <3 my inside sources (and circles if thats your thang)
There is no irony. I know for a fact money change hands in one case to push the technology ATI is claiming is so essential (which is why it required $?), and I know for a fact money did not change hands in the other. Ubisoft removed the code, not NVIDIA. Not going to give up sources though.

I apologize you can not be inside the same circles I am though <3

I rofl'ed a lot at that. Go start a rumor website with your sources. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Nvidia probably had something to do with the removal of a feature that did nothing but help their rivals.:p
There is no irony. I know for a fact money change hands in one case to push the technology ATI is claiming is so essential (which is why it required $?), and I know for a fact money did not change hands in the other. Ubisoft removed the code, not NVIDIA. Not going to give up sources though.

I apologize you can not be inside the same circles I am though <3

OK, so NVIDIA has a hell of a lot more pull than ATI does. They're more the bastards for it.
Not surprised here. In the reviews this summer ATI did better than nVidia in Shadow of Chernobyl benches, and it is the same engine. I can't wait for tomorrow :).
Well this is all well and good, but S:CS was a slideshow on my old rig when I tried it a couple days ago, Q6600 w/ 4gb RAM with crossfired 4870's. And I mean, a slideshow, less than 10 frames per second at many points. Turned resolution down to 1280 x 1024, still a slideshow. Lighting is really nice in this game, still not up to Crysis graphics, but pretty nice.

Anyhow, now that I've got my new rig put together, I'll try it again.
Well this is all well and good, but S:CS was a slideshow on my old rig when I tried it a couple days ago, Q6600 w/ 4gb RAM with crossfired 4870's. And I mean, a slideshow, less than 10 frames per second at many points. Turned resolution down to 1280 x 1024, still a slideshow. Lighting is really nice in this game, still not up to Crysis graphics, but pretty nice.

Anyhow, now that I've got my new rig put together, I'll try it again.

Thats your "old rig". :eek:

It should be running as well on that rig as anything. In fact, the few benchies that are out show 4870X2 being the best card right now to run this game. Crossfired 4870's should be very close in performance.
Well this is all well and good, but S:CS was a slideshow on my old rig when I tried it a couple days ago, Q6600 w/ 4gb RAM with crossfired 4870's. And I mean, a slideshow, less than 10 frames per second at many points. Turned resolution down to 1280 x 1024, still a slideshow. Lighting is really nice in this game, still not up to Crysis graphics, but pretty nice.

Anyhow, now that I've got my new rig put together, I'll try it again.

That doesn't sound right at all.
Might be a crossfire/driver issue, and tbh I didn't play around with it too much. I went down to 1440 x 1050, btw, not 1280 x 1024, sorry about that, tried to keep high settings without AA/AF.

I liked the original game a lot (great gameplay), but it had a very buggy engine, especially when the game came out, and those big worlds and draw distances are system killers in general . I was definitely impressed with how well the first Stalker plays with 4870's now, so I'll play around with the new one and wait for some patches/drivers, which should hopefully help.
ooh xfire scaling is working in this game. my x48 board is not for naught.