SSD brand, most reliable


Oct 9, 2009
I know most SSD are fast, most of them with very comparable speeds. But who has the best reliability? They are suppose to be as reliable as ram and bla bla bla but I see SSD's failing left and right, much more so than HDD's.
So should I get an Intel? Corsair? Maybe a Kingston? (these brands pop into my mind when thinking of RAM quality)
Intel is the most reliable SSD brand according to a few return rate studies that I have seen posted on this forum. I believe the main reason is the quality of the controller that they use and also that they use their own NAND. However with that said I believe that most reported SSD failures (on this and other forums) are not NAND related but controller or some other failure in the SSD.

Basically from what I have read and experienced first hand the intel drives do seem to be the most reliable although they are certainly not the fastest drive.

As for perceivable differences in speed that is a whole other question entirely.

Reliability go intel.
I'll put my 2 cents in and say that everyone here is right. For reliability, Intel is king. But for speed, right now it's OCZ, which, btw, is probably the least reliable.
Intel > Toshiba=Micron > Samsung

Everything else is mehhh. I would avoid.
Kingston sells a lot of different OEMs under their brand: They sold Intel X25-M and JMicron on Toshiba drives so you need to look closely.