SQL and phpBB Problems

Microsoft Web Platform Installer has phpbb as an app. It will download and configure everything for you. Its handy.

Cant help you otherwise. Sorry :(
Microsoft Web Platform Installer has phpbb as an app. It will download and configure everything for you. Its handy.
That screenshot is from WPI.

OP: Have you installed MySQL? If so, is the service running? Can you connect to the database server via commandline? Is the MySQL instance on the same machine (looks like XP or newer) or is MySQL on a different machine? Or are you using SQL Server? If so, the same concepts asked earlier apply.
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did YOU install SQL or did WPI?

How familar are you with SQL?

You can have multiple instances of SQL running on the same machine. So you have to specify which instance to use. When when it asks where the sql instance is you cant just enter "localhost" you have to enter localhost\sqlinstance. (or .\instance)

If its on a different machine you have to do the same thing but you also have to make sure in the "SQL Server Configuation Manager" that TCP/IP and Named Pipes are enabled as SQL protocols.
That screenshot is from WPI.

OP: Have you installed MySQL? If so, is the service running? Can you connect to the database server via commandline? Is the MySQL instance on the same machine (looks like XP or newer) or is MySQL on a different machine? Or are you using SQL Server? If so, the same concepts asked earlier apply.
I havent the slightest idea how to check via commandline and its SQL Server, and its on the same machine
did YOU install SQL or did WPI?
How familar are you with SQL?
Not at all
You can have multiple instances of SQL running on the same machine. So you have to specify which instance to use. When when it asks where the sql instance is you cant just enter "localhost" you have to enter localhost\sqlinstance. (or .\instance)
i just used the add new DB option
If its on a different machine you have to do the same thing but you also have to make sure in the "SQL Server Configuation Manager" that TCP/IP and Named Pipes are enabled as SQL protocols.
On the page where you're entering all the info for the site... DB admin, DB name all that junk, there is a place where it asks for the SQL Server, if you left everything default when WPI installed it enter ".\SQLExpress"
is there a way to lookup its name? as apprently .\SQLExpress is not it
is there a way to lookup its name? as apprently .\SQLExpress is not it
Each SQL Server instance runs as its own service. Open Services Manager (start --> run dialog --> services.msc), scroll to the list of "SQL Server" entries, and you'll see the instance name in it. Alternatively, if you've connected with Management Studio, then it likely has the instance name cached in the dropdown list of servers.
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The management studio isnt installed by default with WPI. You will have to install it manually. Its a must have for sql anyway.