Spyware/virus problem... affecting my overclock?


Sep 18, 2004
I recently moved from the family PC to my own "gaming" system when my great-uncle left me precisely enough money in his will to buy a spectacularly-overpriced Voodoo PC. I seem to be having difficulty getting it to operate correctly, as it has both Norton AntiVirus and SpyBot Search & Destroy both installed, kept current, and running constantly in the system tray. I visit dozens, if not hundreds, of warez and pr0n sites all day, and I can't seem to pick up any spyware or viruses, and I believe it is affecting my system performance. When I sit down to check my email in the morning, my machine does not wretch and grind to a screeching halt, then begin to smoke violently. Have any of you experienced this problem? Any advice on what I can do to fix it?

Sister Mary Margaret
Holy Union Catholic Church
Albequerque, NM

Post Script: My watercooling system is cavitating badly. A young parishoner named Bobby said it was probably the "ABG" unit or Annoying Bubble Generator Unit within the pump, but all he said about fixing it was to locate the ABG next to the work/don't work switch in the system and re-oil it. Any help locating my ABG would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry if you didn't laugh, I just needed to write something light. Thanks for the read.

[I have nothing against nuns or any religions and in no way imply that either are ignorant at all, I just needed something funny and a soccer mom didn't seem to do it for me. I happen to be Catholic, so I figured it would be best to use that as it would seem obvious that I was not writing serious content.]