Spybot 1.2


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
I had spybot 1.2 and checked for new updates daily and never received anything - now I just searched and there is a 1.3. Why will 1.2 not auto upgrade? I had to uninstall 1.2 and reinstall 1.3...it makes no sense.
It is easier for the programmer to make you re-install and, since he does all of his work for free, I would not complain. spybot 1.3 is a worthy upgrade and a small download.
Yeah, it did kind of suck, but I guess there was to much of a core change to spybot that it had to be done that way. ultimately we don't have much to complain about. it's a free program, that does a wonderful service for all of us...
The Bryophyte said:
It is easier for the programmer to make you re-install and, since he does all of his work for free, I would not complain. spybot 1.3 is a worthy upgrade and a small download.

Not complaining, just confused - see the difference ;)

I was just wondering, how will I know if 1.4 is released...if search for updates does not tell me so. I guess I can just surf over to their URL.