Sprint Dumps One Thousand Customers

Everyone bitches about something... Everyone bitches about something in the PAST. I bet you will find just as many people whining about any other carrier as well.

OTHER CARRIERS DO THE SAME THING! Sprint just waited longer than most and did it all at once instead of one at a time. For the most part, Sprint has an excellent network (just as good as verizon) but have some customer service issues. Unfortunately when your past haunts you and you have to take in scum-bags with poor credit, some of them are going to call in and whine that the sky isn't blue so they want FREE minutes or FREE texts for nothing... 1,200 out of 53,000,000 customers is nothing... To do this is smart business but they should have done it one at a time and not this 1,200 at once purge...

Sprint also has a lame-duck CEO that makes waaaay too much money. With WI-MAX coming and the best data network already, once they dump him, their stock will take off while all you whiners who didn't like their customer service 6 years ago can stay with whatever company you want.
The only course of action sometimes is being a dick. Not saying there aren't just people who call to complain for no reason, but I've been in situations with customer service reps where I had to bitch and moan to get what was promised to me. I'd say 99% of the time I'm polite but there are times when you get some real idiots on the line. That and the ridiculous wait and automated phone system runaround can drive people batty.
I wish I could have been one of the customers that got dumped. ... I coulda got in on whatever lawsuit they will be facing.
I wish I could have been one of the customers that got dumped. ... I coulda got in on whatever lawsuit they will be facing.

Sorry, son, but there ain't no grounds for a suit here. Remember that little right to refuse service line? Yeah. Don't matter of course, we're angry, dammit! We deserve free shit now that we were called out for being jerks!
Apparently you forget what society we live in.

Lawsuits won or lost have very little, if not nothing, to do with right or wrong or legal documents.

We live in the "perception" of truth and justice.
Apparently you forget what society we live in.

Lawsuits won or lost have very little, if not nothing, to do with right or wrong or legal documents.

We live in the "perception" of truth and justice.

I have forgotten nothing of the sort, hence the sarcastic undertone. Just cause we hear about the high profile idiot-award cases doesn't mean you can get away with whatever you want, wherever you want. Besides, I would think someone like you can see that Sprint has the OBVIOUS legal upper hand, what with them having all the money and high-priced lawyerin' firms. How does someone with any cynicism of our legal system, even healthy cynicism, think that the big business will get rolled over by the common man? If these customers get even one red cent out of Sprint, I'll eat my keyboard. ;)
Well I hope you do have a big mouth... because I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine that works in sprint's fort worth call center.

... apparently a couple customers that were axed have called that call center and recieved free months of service. Reason: The customers axed had NEVER called support, and certaintly didn't hasstle anyone.

Expect a PR storm over this issue... as we've not seen the last of it.

I'd like a youtube video of you stuffing your keyboard in your mouth please. You may eat the keys separately if you wish.
Well I hope you do have a big mouth... because I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine that works in sprint's fort worth call center.

... apparently a couple customers that were axed have called that call center and recieved free months of service. Reason: The customers axed had NEVER called support, and certaintly didn't hasstle anyone.

Expect a PR storm over this issue... as we've not seen the last of it.

I'd like a youtube video of you stuffing your keyboard in your mouth please. You may eat the keys separately if you wish.

PR storm = lawsuits?

I don't see any grounds for a lawsuit here. Those people that never called customers service? They did exactly what they were supposed to do in an error and it was fixed. The letter states that their account would be active until the end of July, giving them time to find a new carrier.

Personally, if I was one of those customers I wouldn't even bother calling given I wouldn't want to wait an hour to actually talk to someone. ;)
This go's to show you some people would try to bleed someone even if it's their own fault. OH GAWD I GOT A CHICK FILA STRAW STICK IN MY EYE!! I'M GONNA SUE!