Splitting traffic


[H]F Junkie
Sep 23, 2002
Im on my schools network and it blocks IRC. Very annoying. Now, Im not trying to circumvent it on the school network, so dont bother. I have a net connection I can use through my phone. Evdo and bluetooth rocks.

Is there any way to split the traffic by port or service? So I can use the phone connection for all trillian traffic, and the normal wireless for everything else? (XP MCE or Vista Home adv [ultimate if needed])
If you know the IP addresses of the servers Trillian is connecting to, you could add a route that would send the traffic destined for that IP to the gateway of your phone.
Oh, damn! I thought this was going to be about riding motorcycles between 2 lanes of traffic.
This is still bypassing their network restrictions. The only option available to you that doesn't run afoul is to use your own hardware, including a PC. Simply swapping their network for your own solves nothing in terms of protecting their system and corresponding infrastructure.

Looks like this is for his personal system. In that case go right ahead.
laptop during (IS101, teacher understands, but not her area of expertise) class, but close enough.
Looks like the temp routing command would work, but I dont understand which variable is which.
But long as its possible I can figure out the specifics. Thanks for the direction and if anybody has other ideas, please throw them up.
Going off what they said above if you can get access to a proxy server you could simply route all the proxy traffic (which would be a single IP) with the above command. You may be able to find a cheap shellhost that would let you run one.
I want the normal traffic to flow through their servers. I *am* getting charged for it. But with just IRC going through the phone, it wont be a big deal.