Spilled soda on my new saitek, how do I disassemble it?


Jun 22, 2006
Just got a new Eclipse. Spilled mt dew on it and now the U and Backspace keys stick horribly. I pried those 2 keys off and prodded around with a qtip dipped in rubbing alcohol, but that doesn't help much and they soon go back to sticking just as bad. How do I take the keyboard apart? I tried getting all the screws I could see on the bottom off, but the couldn't pry the keyboard apart. I see what looks like hexheads on the top at the corners, but do I really need an allen wrench to take apart my keyboard?
I can really just put the whole thing in some tap water for a while? (How long? Hot? Cold?)
Once it's 'clean', rinse it with distilled water to get the tap water crap off.

Then, yes, it needs to dry a LONG time.
[H]adouken;1033591498 said:
Lol "soda", sure.

The dishwasher + super long dry method is the best one.

I'm just curious i had a logitech elite about 4 years ago. I took all the keys out and soaked them in a soapy tap. Then i took alchol and q-tip and cleaned all around the keyboard. when i reassebled it. The damn thing wouldn't work.

So I went out and purchased a new one thinking i had killed the other. So I keep everybox for everything i have ever bought electronic. (abit overkill becaseu i keep my alarm box's as well). So i take it sling it in the box and throw it under my bed. It was only about 2 months old. plug in my new one.

I later sell my computer. I rebuild another one about 2 years later as ive moved and gotten married at this point. lug all my empty boxes as the wife is gripeing at me and explain to her why i keep them. (when you sell something the box advertises for you of how taken careof the item is). So i buy a cheap piece of crap keyboard that dies within 3 months. at this point it's been about 2.5 years since ive had an elite. ive had crappy keyboards since then. So i got and plug in my old elite but it doesn't work.I look and look for an elite. I can't find one that isn't made cheaply. diffrent revision are whatnot don't know. I at this point 4 months into looking am pissed but borderline used to it by now. So. about 6 moths ago i go and as i'm diggin thru all of my boxes for a new n/o pushpin power button to put into a computer i'm repairing.

I pick up my elite box glance at it and toss it over. to the futon. it doesn't quite make and bounces off and a logitech elite pops out. I'm at this point abit stunned. I take it and plug into my computer. BAM THE DAMN THING WORKS. WTF ive tried it mutiple times over 3 years. up untill that point i thought it must have been shorted out when i plugged it in 4 years ago. Nope not at all the damn cord had an open in it. I took it apart and replaced it with one form an old mouse. So thought i'd share that with you guys. abit interesting about the keyboard in the washer lol.

So your telling me that keyboards themselves electronicly are mostly sealed inside
It doesn't matter if any electronics device is sealed or not as long as the water/liquid is gone when you return power to the device. You could throw your motherboard in the dishwasher as long as it's dry when you reinstall it.

Or in this case where the liquid is non conducting.

Edit: Insert standard lawyer'ish sounding disclaimer about putting your motherboard in the dish washer AT YOUR OWN RISK
It doesn't matter if any electronics device is sealed or not as long as the water/liquid is gone when you return power to the device. You could throw your motherboard in the dishwasher as long as it's dry when you reinstall it.

I disagree. pure water is non-conductive, and if it is spilled on your electronics when they are off, will not harm them. However, tap water (or any water that isn't distilled) has minerals in it that when left on your equipment will likely ruin it over time, either by causing shorts, or eating away at components/solder joints. Even distilled water can hurt by mixing with dirt/crud leftover on the electronics.

As I said in my other post, the only hope if something got spilled on it would be to clean it with distilled water (or another non-conductive/non-harmful liquid) until all the soda is gone. And then let it dry. Good luck.
I disagree. pure water is non-conductive, and if it is spilled on your electronics when they are off, will not harm them. However, tap water (or any water that isn't distilled) has minerals in it that when left on your equipment will likely ruin it over time, either by causing shorts, or eating away at components/solder joints. Even distilled water can hurt by mixing with dirt/crud leftover on the electronics.

As I said in my other post, the only hope if something got spilled on it would be to clean it with distilled water (or another non-conductive/non-harmful liquid) until all the soda is gone. And then let it dry. Good luck.

Yes you are completely right about the minerals/crap that could be left behind if you were to use tap water but I think its being a little overly cautious. As long as your not using Mississippi mud you should be just fine. And I am saying this from experience and the experience of others that I have talked to. That being said distilled water would be the safest.