Speculation: No used games on PS3

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This is nothing more than speculation from a patent sony filed.

Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty lousy idea, but I doubt sony is dumb enough to try this with a console they are pitting against the xbox. They want people to buy the ps3, they wouldn't do anything to detract from it.

That said, corporations do some pretty stupid things. So while I doubt sony will do this, I can't say I'll be shocked if they do.
It's not even technically possible unless the Blu-ray drive could write code to the disk (which it won't because the driver will be read-only), or the game would need to be registered online and the CD-Key kept in a databse. Not everyone will have online so it will not happen. Otherwise it would be impossible to do this.

Plus the patent was from '99 and applied to CD-Roms's ,not Blu-ray. This is just MS FUD ahead of the 360 launch.
Considering the PS3 is probably gonna cost min 300 bucks....more than likely the people who buy have or will have access to broadband. I totally believe they'd try it.
Well if this were true, I guess you would no longer be able to rent games from places like Blockbuster or Gamefly for the PS3.
Rootkits on audio cd's aside :eek: I doubt they would be stupid enough to do this. They're pitting the PS3 against the X360 - and microsoft beat them to launch their next gen console. They want their console to sell, and this would ensure that most of the people holding out for a PS3 will just go ahead and buy the new xbox.
thats fuggin retarded. If it were true, i wouldnt buy the ps3 or another sony product ever again.
well maybe there televisions
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