
Do you... look around at the forums at all? Or do you just randomly post on whim?
I suggest you look at the M-Audio BX5a's. They are $150, same price, and are better, on paper at least.
get yourself some monitors or some decent bookshelf speakers attached to a receiver. computer speakers can't even compare.
There's a thread that has, IN THE TITLE, "M-Audio AV40"... a little further down from yours. Go look at the choices that you should be looking at.
Yes I did read that thread. I had never heard of those speakers except the AV40's.
So I went to audio insider to check them out. I like the price of the D1080's but only 10 watts concerns me. The [email protected] , 35 watts maybe the way to go.
But just how bad are the AV40's compared to a logitec setup?
Oh and thank you.
AV40 will destroy a Logitech setup. And the other speakers mentioned there are even better. Yeah, in my opinion, the M200 is the best value with the +33% cut in price.