Spam / Exchange Question


Nov 19, 2003
I am running GFI Mail Essentials and forwarding suspected spam messages into some categorized mailboxes (Exchange 2000). Well as the filter becomes smarter, more and more are blocked leaving me with about 20,000 messages spread between 2 boxes. I was wondering if anyone knew an easy way to delete maibox contents at the server level while leaving the box/AD account completely intact?
Try using Outlook Web Access that is built into Exchange? Otherwise you could tell GFI to auto delete the incoming Spam and not be bothered with it after you clean your mailbox.
I set up the two mailboxes to sort out "what is being blocked by which filter step" I need to keep the messages in there for a couple of days to make sure that no important emails are being blocked. Using web outlook is like fixing your windshield with a hammer. I was looking for a script or small application that I could run on my exchange server that would dump these massively large email boxes to save me the headache of deleting 800-1000 of them every 2 -3 minutes through Outlook.
Thanks SnowPunk. I scheduled it to run every night. I am sure that it will peg the server when it clears out these messages, but it saves me time to worry about other things going on. A great response and something that I overlooked.