Sony: "PS3 too cheap"


Jan 7, 2006

Sorry, the people at sony have lost it. Thier arrogance is overwhelming. THey think they can slap the name playstation on a gaming console and charge whatever they want for it.

Sure, the fanatics will stand in line in front of best buy for 48 hours and pay $900 for that bundle, but most of the mainstream sure as hell won't.

This is all fine though, the less they sell, the sooner they will be forced to drop the price and then we all can have one.

Its funny, if Sony actually had a R and D department that was working overtime maybe I could see a higher price, but all they do now is rip off M$'s and Nintendo's ideas.
"OMGZzorz, leik, why cant teh PS3 be fr33?"

News flash: New technology is expensive.
cyks said:
"OMGZzorz, leik, why cant teh PS3 be fr33?"

News flash: New technology is expensive.

It didn't have to be so expensive shoving a blu-ray player down everyone's throat. How often do you use your ps2 for DVDs?

Netrat33 said:
It didn't have to be so expensive shoving a blu-ray player down everyone's throat. How often do you use your ps2 for DVDs?


If im in my bedroom, very often. Only use another DVD player when im in the livingroom.
cyks said:
"OMGZzorz, leik, why cant teh PS3 be fr33?"

News flash: New technology is expensive.

Yeah, because millions of consumers are waiting in line for new BR players to play all of those BR movies that are out, right?

PS3 didn't need the drive. Sony used the PS3 to push its own agenda at the price of the consumer. I'm not going to take it up the you know what so sony can saturate the market with thier root kit junk.

I'm pretty sure most other consumers won't either.
Let me hear you say that ken is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s.

I'm still buying one though ;) . MGS4 owns me.

Have they cleared up whether or not the cheaper PS3 will play Blu-Ray movies since it doesnt have the HDMI?
Netrat33 said:
It didn't have to be so expensive shoving a blu-ray player down everyone's throat. How often do you use your ps2 for DVDs?


I used my PS2 as my bedroom DVD player as well until I got a HDTV for the living room and bought a better DVD player for that, then that moved into the bedroom. I have a lot of friends who use the PS2 as a secondary DVD player as well.

Firewall - Sony hasn't ripped off Nintendo or Microsoft anymore than they do each other or Sony. Sony was the first company to release a system that played DVDs, was microsoft putting a DVD drive into the X-Box ripping off Sony? I guess both Sony and Microsoft ripped off analog sticks from Nintendo, and Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all ripped off Sega for having an ability to play your console online.

Face it, when new technology comes out, if it's a good idea, other's will integrate it. Microsoft has no patent nor claim to own the idea of a centralized online gaming service, nor does Nintendo have the ability to claim they are the first to use motion sensing input devices. Both may have been the first to integrate them into consoles, but now Nintendo is going to have an online service just like XBL, so will Sony, and all three will probably end up with motion sensing hardware. It's just the way things work, good ideas spread around.
NulloModo said:
I used my PS2 as my bedroom DVD player as well until I got a HDTV for the living room and bought a better DVD player for that, then that moved into the bedroom. I have a lot of friends who use the PS2 as a secondary DVD player as well.

Firewall - Sony hasn't ripped off Nintendo or Microsoft anymore than they do each other or Sony. Sony was the first company to release a system that played DVDs, was microsoft putting a DVD drive into the X-Box ripping off Sony? I guess both Sony and Microsoft ripped off analog sticks from Nintendo, and Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all ripped off Sega for having an ability to play your console online.

Face it, when new technology comes out, if it's a good idea, other's will integrate it. Microsoft has no patent nor claim to own the idea of a centralized online gaming service, nor does Nintendo have the ability to claim they are the first to use motion sensing input devices. Both may have been the first to integrate them into consoles, but now Nintendo is going to have an online service just like XBL, so will Sony, and all three will probably end up with motion sensing hardware. It's just the way things work, good ideas spread around.

True, but you shouldn't be running around claiming innovation while engaging in these sort of tactics.

Ok, so sony had to have an online system because M$ has one. I can see that, besides there is nothing really innovating about playing online.

But the sony controller trying to mimmick the Wii controller? C'mon! Nothing but a complete and total rip off, and most likely going to be a shitty one at that.
Netrat33 said:
It didn't have to be so expensive shoving a blu-ray player down everyone's throat. How often do you use your ps2 for DVDs?


QFT. My answer? Never. I can see using it in another room or something as others have said, but realize you're essentially paying what, like $200 extra for an unproven format drive.

Anyone remember Betamax? I'll give you a heads-up - that was also Sony.

Essentially your arm is being twisted to buy this drive you'll quite possibly never use merely so the Blu-Ray camp can crow about the #s of 'installed units' in a year or two.
Naldo said:
Let me hear you say that ken is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s.

I'm still buying one though ;) . MGS4 owns me.

Have they cleared up whether or not the cheaper PS3 will play Blu-Ray movies since it doesnt have the HDMI?

Where's dancing banana man when you need him...<_<
Aphex242 said:
QFT. My answer? Never. I can see using it in another room or something as others have said, but realize you're essentially paying what, like $200 extra for an unproven format drive.

Anyone remember Betamax? I'll give you a heads-up - that was also Sony.

Essentially your arm is being twisted to buy this drive you'll quite possibly never use merely so the Blu-Ray camp can crow about the #s of 'installed units' in a year or two.

What did you all expect the huge ps3 games to be on?, i mean come on a lot are gonna be 20 gig plus, you are bark on as if youd be happy with a traditional cheapo dvd drive thats loud as fuck when loading games swapping 3-4 discs around on final fantasy xiii or mgs4 etc or games with a lot of high quality HD FMV, i certainly wouldnt. It would be stupid nowadays to create a new type of optical disc just for games, probably making the dam thing even more expensive.with games already taking up 8 gig and blueray is just about here, why waste more resources making a different optical drive?
I agree that the price is too cheap, its total true next gen hardware.

Unlike MS that stick age old (in the digital world) technology like a loud dvd drive, analogue outputs etc and a fuckin tiny hard drive on the top end one which is small in the first place and then you can only access 13 gig of it!!!! Premium owners including me have been had big style, i still feel ripped of cos the premium pack didnt even come with wifi, wtf? had to spend another £60 on the 360 to make it wireless, basically making it the same price as the ps3, i cant even fit all my dam music on the dam thing, probably why the 360 has been shoved onto the small lcdtv.

So to summarise:

My 360 cost £289
Plus Wifi Adapter @ £60
Rechargeable pack @ £20 per controller if you have 2
= £350
Youd have to spend extra if your a die hard 360 fan and have to have the hddvd player, or you need the bigger hard drive which will come later this year.

Ps3 Premium (or whatever it will be called)
£350 there abouts in the UK
dont need to spend anything else on it like wifi adaptor and probably not rechargable packs etc or high def movie player!

Whos been ripped off now? 360 owners or future ps3 owners?
I've posted it before and I'll post again. Can't afford it? Think it's too much? Don't buy it....

Plenty of ppl will, I'm sure Sony won't miss the few bleaters that won't.
Rash said:
What did you all expect the huge ps3 games to be on?, i mean come on a lot are gonna be 20 gig plus, you are bark on as if youd be happy with a traditional cheapo dvd drive thats loud as fuck when loading games swapping 3-4 discs around on final fantasy xiii or mgs4 etc or games with a lot of high quality HD FMV, i certainly wouldnt. It would be stupid nowadays to create a new type of optical disc just for games, probably making the dam thing even more expensive.with games already taking up 8 gig and blueray is just about here, why waste more resources making a different optical drive?
I agree that the price is too cheap, its total true next gen hardware.

Games are going to be 20 gigs plus?

Where the hell do you get your crack?

Tigerblade said:
I've posted it before and I'll post again. Can't afford it? Think it's too much? Don't buy it....

Plenty of ppl will, I'm sure Sony won't miss the few bleaters that won't.

Going to be a lot more than a few this time around bud. Most middle class people won't shell out that much for it.

Maybe when the price drops come....
Tigerblade said:
I've posted it before and I'll post again. Can't afford it? Think it's too much? Don't buy it....

Plenty of ppl will, I'm sure Sony won't miss the few bleaters that won't.

At a lost of production for each system, a few bleaters being ...heck...lets really low ball it and go 1000 who didn't buy it due to price, that's a lot of cash not being spent on a machine already losing money.

Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft = want everyone

will I buy it...maybe.
Depends on what 'WOW' factor the games have. You look at MGS4 for example, you are lying from your ass if you say you aren't impressed with the latest trailers. IF that is actual ingame footage, which I don't see why not, then ppl WILL buy the machine to play it. Put that kinda impact in a variety of genre's and you'll get little Johnny saying 'Buy me a PS3 for Christmas' and parents the world over will be fighting instore for one.

It will be a hit. It has the name Playstation on it. It has exclusives of majority of the blockbuster games that will and do sell.
Tigerblade said:
Depends on what 'WOW' factor the games have. You look at MGS4 for example, you are lying from your ass if you say you aren't impressed with the latest trailers. IF that is actual ingame footage, which I don't see why not, then ppl WILL buy the machine to play it. Put that kinda impact in a variety of genre's and you'll get little Johnny saying 'Buy me a PS3 for Christmas' and parents the world over will be fighting instore for one.

It will be a hit. It has the name Playstation on it. It has exclusives of majority of the blockbuster games that will and do sell.

MGS4 is good, but the halo series outsells it.

I wasn't impressed with teh MGS4 trailer.

Little johnny might say "buy me PS3", but that doesn't mean parents will pay $599 for system, $50 (guess) for extra controller, and $60-??? for initial games.

So with tax that is what, at least $800? Parents will be laughing with other parents at the dinner table when they are out to eat about how much that shit costs and how they got a Wii for a QUARTER of the price, or a 360 and a Wii for less than $800.

Exclusives of the mjority of the blockbuster? Not the majority....a lot, but I have a feeling that won't last.....
Firewall said:
Games are going to be 20 gigs plus?

Where the hell do you get your crack?


I'll help you understand.

Let's look at Tomb Raider Legends. Lots of next gen niceness in that game. Folder size? Nearly 8Gb.... Now TRL is very very short, so if we translate an a-typical Metal Gear sized game with this kinda texture/lighting etc I think it's gonna be at least double what TRL is.....probably more.
Firewall said:
Games are going to be 20 gigs plus?

Where the hell do you get your crack?


Christ im sick of explaining this shit lol!

Take mgs3 on ps2:
low res textures, stereo sound on in game bits, dolby digital 48khz on cutscene bits, no fmv. Takes up 4.3 gig

Now take ps3
Hi res textures, dolby digital sound throughout, say theres, hi def fmv.

theres games for pc already over 7 gig

DVD is old tech and not good enough for true next gen

now when you talk final fantasy xiii that will porbably ave 1 hour of high def fmv.
Firewall said:
MGS4 is good, but the halo series outsells it.

I wasn't impressed with teh MGS4 trailer.

Little johnny might say "buy me PS3", but that doesn't mean parents will pay $599 for system, $50 (guess) for extra controller, and $60-??? for initial games.

So with tax that is what, at least $800? Parents will be laughing with other parents at the dinner table when they are out to eat about how much that shit costs and how they got a Wii for a QUARTER of the price, or a 360 and a Wii for less than $800.

Exclusives of the mjority of the blockbuster? Not the majority....a lot, but I have a feeling that won't last.....

Disagree with the comparison. Saw Halo 3 trailer yesterday on Live, very very nice indeed, but MGS4 beater? No chance. This money arguement exploded in another thread, and i'm telling you now, ppl WILL pay for the latest and greatest. One only has to look at ebay on the 360 launch.....and if you still can't/won't....then don't. Simple as.
Tigerblade said:
I'll help you understand.

Let's look at Tomb Raider Legends. Lots of next gen niceness in that game. Folder size? Nearly 8Gb.... Now TRL is very very short, so if we translate an a-typical Metal Gear game with this kinda texture/lighting etc I think it's gonna be at least double what TRL is.....probably more.

Now I'll help you understand, obvilion, and all other 360 games are less than 4.7 gigs. Doom 3, HL2, Q4, the list goes on.....less than 4.7 gigs.

You are crazy to think they will hit 20 any time in the near future. Crazy.
Tigerblade said:
Disagree with the comparison. Saw Halo 3 trailer yesterday on Live, very very nice indeed, but MGS4 beater? No chance. This money arguement exploded in another thread, and i'm telling you now, ppl WILL pay for the latest and greatest. One only has to look at ebay on the 360 launch.....and if you still can't/won't....then don't. Simple as.

Of course there will alwasy be the fanatics, but that is a far cry from the mainstream. The mainstream is what counts, not the 1% of the population (less than 1%).
Rash said:
Christ im sick of explaining this shit lol!

theres games for pc already over 7 gig

Really, what ones? Because I've bought just about every new PC game (major title anyway) since christmas and they've all been one dvd.
Firewall said:
Now I'll help you understand, obvilion, and all other 360 games are less than 4.7 gigs. Doom 3, HL2, Q4, the list goes on.....less than 4.7 gigs.

You are crazy to think they will hit 20 any time in the near future. Crazy.

So your telling me that if trl wasn't in the same magnitude/sizewisse as a MGS game for example it wouldn't be near 20Gb? U huh.....

We'll see by the end of the year my friend and I'll be waiting for your humble apology.

Firewall said:
Really, what ones? Because I've bought just about every new PC game (major title anyway) since christmas and they've all been one dvd.

Try trl for starters as you seem to have not seen that one. 1 DVD installation yeah, but when installed it's ridiculous.

Games are getting bigger and bigger and taking up too much storage space. Pisses me off but that's the way it seems to be heading.
Tigerblade said:
I've posted it before and I'll post again. Can't afford it? Think it's too much? Don't buy it....

Plenty of ppl will, I'm sure Sony won't miss the few bleaters that won't.

Firewall said:
Really, what ones? Because I've bought just about every new PC game (major title anyway) since christmas and they've all been one dvd.

How big are Oblivion, Doom3, Fear, etc, once installed to disk though? When installing a PC game from a DVD a lot of the time it takes is decompressing the files, installed it is a lot more space than it is on disc. With a console, even given HD caching (which isn't possible with the 360), you can'd do huge installs from compressed archives like you can do with PC, I mean, you can compress some textures and all, but not nearly to the same extent, doing it on the fly would take up too many resources, so the same game for console will take more space than for PC.
Ok those of you that are so smart, tell us how this is going to go for the 360 then? M$ said the add on HDDVD drive won't be for games.

Now, obviously some of you are smarter than the people M$ has working for them (you know, the people that get paid the big bucks to plan, check out the markets, make big behind the scenes deals, etc), so you tell me what M$ is going to do?

Have us load 5 DVD's to play one game.

Please fill me in on this, I'm dying to know. Send me your resumes as well so I can forward them to M$. Im' sure they will want to replace the people they have now with you guys (people who don't know jack shit and prove it by coming to a message boards to spout off)
NulloModo said:
How big are Oblivion, Doom3, Fear, etc, once installed to disk though? When installing a PC game from a DVD a lot of the time it takes is decompressing the files, installed it is a lot more space than it is on disc. With a console, even given HD caching (which isn't possible with the 360), you can'd do huge installs from compressed archives like you can do with PC, I mean, you can compress some textures and all, but not nearly to the same extent, doing it on the fly would take up too many resources, so the same game for console will take more space than for PC.

Every game I've played for the 360 runs just fine. Q4 for example. Condemed. Call of duty........

I think you guys need to come back to realtiy instead of posting about your thoughts in speculation land.
Firewall said:
Every game I've played for the 360 runs just fine. Q4 for example. Condemed. Call of duty........

I think you guys need to come back to realtiy instead of posting about your thoughts in speculation land.

The 360 version most likely also has lower resolution textures on disc than the PC version, but FPS games are generally not the biggest anyway.

When we are really going to see issues is games with lots of HD FMV sequences. FFXIII, MGS4, kinds of games that have traditionally taken up lots of space.

In fact, I assume what the 360 will do will either go multidisk (there is some RPG in development for the 360 that has already announced it will be a 2 or 3 disc release), or just cut features of switching discs is not an option due to the type of the game (perhaps why BF2 for the 360 is missing so much compared to the PC version? or perhaps another reason?)
Firewall said:
Ok those of you that are so smart, tell us how this is going to go for the 360 then? M$ said the add on HDDVD drive won't be for games.

Now, obviously some of you are smarter than the people M$ has working for them (you know, the people that get paid the big bucks to plan, check out the markets, make big behind the scenes deals, etc), so you tell me what M$ is going to do?

Have us load 5 DVD's to play one game.

Please fill me in on this, I'm dying to know. Send me your resumes as well so I can forward them to M$. Im' sure they will want to replace the people they have now with you guys (people who don't know jack shit and prove it by coming to a message boards to spout off)
They are obviously not smart enough for Japan and for some Japanese Developers, probably why the next final fantasy isnt going to head to the 360, a lot of jap developers love their High Quality FMV, 2hrs of final fantasy hidef fmv at 720p or even 1080p would take up a few dvd discs!!
bazylik said:
this boy is clearly a halo !!!!!! and has no idea what's what.

no he's not. He's actually right and has a point.

Everyone keeps mentioning tomb raider legends on PC. PC supporting two sets of textures for cards that can and can't handle the game settings.

Oblivion is a next gen game and is MASSIVE. I keep reading how MGS4 is going to be big and need more space. How do you know? This game can be really short. Doubt it, but it could be.

HD DVD is more than enough. Blu-ray is overkill for consumers (betamax) and more for sony's own best interest.
Netrat33 said:
no he's not. He's actually right and has a point.

Everyone keeps mentioning tomb raider legends on PC. PC supporting two sets of textures for cards that can and can't handle the game settings.

Oblivion is a next gen game and is MASSIVE. I keep reading how MGS4 is going to be big and need more space. How do you know? This game can be really short. Doubt it, but it could be.

HD DVD is more than enough. Blu-ray is overkill for consumers (betamax) and more for sony's own best interest.
There wont be any games on hd-dvd
Rash said:
They are obviously not smart enough for Japan and for some Japanese Developers, probably why the next final fantasy isnt going to head to the 360, a lot of jap developers love their High Quality FMV, 2hrs of final fantasy hidef fmv at 720p or even 1080p would take up a few dvd discs!!

Not smart enough? And the Sony people are? Take a look at E3. Take a look at recent headlines.

And why does everyone suck Japans dick like that market is god? Korea and China are coming up, and coming up big and they won't be as bias as the japs (don't give me that, "it isn't bias crap either, it is).

The PS3 probably won't even beat the 360 here in America. So who cares what the PS3 has. Beside the hard core gaming fanatics, I don't know anyone who likes FF.

Thats right, out of the dozens of gamers I know, in real life outside of the boards, none of them care about FF.

Someone called me a phan boy? Yeah, there are phan boys in this thread, but they certainly aren't me. I've owned all three of the last gen consoles, and I'll own all of this gen consoles.

That doesn't mean I don't call them like I see them. I'm sorry if some of you in the closet phan boys can't handle that.
NulloModo said:
The 360 version most likely also has lower resolution textures on disc than the PC version, but FPS games are generally not the biggest anyway.

Exact same game. no differences.
Rash said:
There wont be any games on hd-dvd

Sorry. I'm merely stating not needing blu-ray to spike up the price. It could have been cheaper
Netrat33 said:
no he's not. He's actually right and has a point.

Everyone keeps mentioning tomb raider legends on PC. PC supporting two sets of textures for cards that can and can't handle the game settings.

Oblivion is a next gen game and is MASSIVE. I keep reading how MGS4 is going to be big and need more space. How do you know? This game can be really short. Doubt it, but it could be.

HD DVD is more than enough. Blu-ray is overkill for consumers (betamax) and more for sony's own best interest.

How is HD-DVD enough and Blu-Ray overkill? Overall the two techs are pretty similar, the only differences are blu-ray discs can hold more data, and more layers over time, blu-ray discs have stronger protective coatings/are less fragile, and blu-ray uses less compression than HD-DVD. At the same time, HD-DVD is easier to transition over to for manufacturing plants, and it a little bit cheaper. That being said, the expected price premium of a Blu-Ray disc over a standard DVD for manufacturing purposes, it only 20%. Given that in a $20 movie or a $50 game only $1.00 of that cost at most is the media manufacturing cost, Blu-Ray movies/games will not have to sell at a price premium to make a profit.

DVD was rushed out of the gate too fast, the seeds of HD were already being sowed, but the format was locked in at 480i. If DVD had been developed with larger capacity and HD capability in the standard, we wouldn't have the need for HD-DVD or Blu-Ray now. It makes sense to me to go for the technology that has more expansion room (blu-ray) rather than the one that meets the bare-minimum of what you need now (DVD) or the one that offers some upgrades, but may face the same issues DVD is right now in several years (HD-DVD).
Netrat33 said:
Sorry. I'm merely stating not needing blu-ray to spike up the price. It could have been cheaper

Exactly. It just a thug run racket atempt to gain market share at the cost of the consumer.