Sony PlayStation Reaches into Qore Gamers' Wallets

lathode - I agree with every point you made, but what is on topic here is that the 360's online service is much better than what the PS3 has. Hell, they are miles beyond what anybody aside from Steam offers at this point. That's really the argument here since this topic is about the PS3's attempts to offer their own version of a premium service.
yeah maybe if it was 2.99/mo and they offset all my data usage with my ISP... not paying money download HD content advertising and pay my ISP as well... are they sirious? data costs me about $1/gig on my current plan (intrawebs are expensive here in australia)..

Jesus, I lose faith in you as a hardocp news guy everytime you post. It's like you can't read or don't read or read what you want to read, and that goes for some other flamers on here as well.

I'm not a Sony fan boy, I love the 360 as much if not more than the PS3, but honestly it's rediculous how everyone continues to flame about something that they're adding as a service that you can leave or take.

Sony's not taking away games demos/video previews/movie trailers or dlc content people. Their adding a magazine with content focused material that is going to offer access to content that you would normally not get, have to pay for or sign up for online and hopefully get picked out of millions to beta a game etc.

The only thing right about your post Steve, is that Microsoft had a huge start with XBL and Sony doesn't have as much content available on PSN as Microsoft does on XBL, duh head starts do help.

Sony is catching up and improving their service everyday, it is free to play online and I only see things improving once home is released. I'd also rather see them push back the release of home, then release a broken product that people bitch about, is full of bugs and their patching every few days/weeks.

Besides, very little info is known, so why complain about something that is yet to be released and noone has experienced??? :mad:


What you say about the new online service is true.
However Steve and many others here, including me, were very confused by this.
Just read the the PS3 forums and you will see.
So no reason to rant, just because you are all knowing and somehow all understanding should be benefit a for you.
Be more giving and share you enlightened views without getting mad and flaming everyone.

As for an online magazine thats hosted only through the PSN service I will take wait and see approach.
I consider "magazines" a waste of money. (unless its Hustler... j/k)
I mostly just hope this really isn't just a wedge used to start moving what was potentially free content to a paid for service.

And I am not posting this to defend Steve or Kyle.
I have defiantly had my disagreements with them over the years.
I am ALWAYS right ;)
But you know they are the best when it comes to [H]ardware, which is why we post here in these forums.
This is stupid. Only fanboys would see fit to pay for an electronic book of advertisements. Only during Nintendo Power days was it ok to be a fanboy. Everyone loved the big N. Now, most of us are smarter now. Thats like the people who still buy Playstation magazine, those genes didn't get smarter. I still can read any review of any game I want on the internet. I bet it'll be more un-biased than Qcore content.

Is it me, or do I not notice the ads on my XBOX360 Live system? I turn it on, see what friends are on, play some games, and download some demos. I havent noticed any yet. Wait. there is a box on the main live screen. It was advertsing Ninja Gaiden 2. I do want to buy that game too.

Also, and lastly, just like anything you purchase, you can find it cheaper. I paid $33 for a 13 month Live subscription from I got my free month of Gold when I bought it and that month was enough time to find a deal like the aforementioned on the year service deal. I coulda paid $28 if I known I coulda gotten free shipping. XBLIVE membership costs can get low enough to be almost a moot point.

I just hope Sony ends up charging people for PSN w/ matchmaking just so I can say I told you so. Seriously, HOME = half-assed Second Life w/ better graphics.
Did anyone complaining here actually read the fucking article ?? I mean Steve posted it, but obviously didn't read the entire thing, which I think he does with a lot of news that he post's.

No offense Steve, but I'm pretty sure that's why you double post, make spelling errors, comments that are wrong in the title description or text you post all the time on the main page. :p

Back on topic, this is additional content you'll be subscribing too, not the stuff that's already free, but content that is focus based on certain games/demo's/video/upgrades/beta's etc. I'm sure they'll have a description up of each months issue so you can decide if you would like to buy it or not.

Plus 13 issues/months for $25 bucks is rather cheap compared to mags that are always behind on info and half the time outdated by the time you read it. Also, most of the game dvd/cd's that contain demo's etc usually suck ballz anyway imo.

Here's the info for those too lazy to click the link and read up on it.

Qore for PS3

Sony Computer Entertainment America today announced Qore, a monthly video magazine starring Veronica Belmont (pictured left) that can be purchased and downloaded from the PS3's PlayStation Store.

The first issue, due June 5 and priced at $2.99, contains a SOCOM: Confrontation (PS3) beta invitation, "never-before released content" of upcoming games, and "a few other surprises."

Subscriptions for thirteen Qore releases will be available at $24.99, with subscribers netting "special access to game demos, betas, add-ons and other downloadable and game-related content." For a limited time, subscribers will also receive Incognito's top-down criminal chasing title Calling All Cars! for free.

Each episode of Qore is said to let players use multiple windows, picture-in-picture, and other features to control the content. Sony noted that this setup "provides advertisers with a new class of interactive advertising through rich media executions, video trailers, active ad pages and contextual branding."

Published by SCEA and produced by PlayStation: The Official Magazine publisher Future US, Qore will hit the PlayStation Store first Thursday of every month. According to Sony, it represents the first of the company's plans to provide community-focused original content.

I don't think anyone but you and me.

I really don't understand all the bashing on the Sony end. I mean MS charges me 50 bucks a year for ptp online play and everytime I go to the live blade I see Dr. Pepper ads and shit, but Sony says hey we got this online mag coming out, you can pay for by episode or by yearly subscription if you WANT to.

It's like everybody's coming out of the woodwork to take a shot at Sony for this all while MS's dick's been up our ass for the last 2 years and we haven't noticed yet.:rolleyes:

Just like I was telling the rabid Sony fanboys 2 years ago......Sony will find a way to make gamers pay for for free online pay. They can't afford to do it out of the goodness of their hearts (and not have it suck) any more than Microsoft can. I prefer MS's model of being straight up about it.,,,but still hate their "points" system instead of real dollar value.
Qore sounds too much like Whore :p

Anyways, if I wanted to see previews and trailers and reviews, I'd use my PC and the internet, thank you. As for contents, I'd pay for each one I download. I don't play all that much games to justify paying monthly for a content service.
That's one of the things I have really enjoyed about the PS3 the download able demos. Half the games out there are so terrible 20 minutes is all I care to spend with them anyways. So now they will probably only post free demos of the horrible games while keeping the good ones for the subscriber.

I grew out of consoles as soon as I got a decent gaming computer anyways and really only use my PS3 as a streaming tool/htpc so no sweat off my back but don't expect any money from me for demos and videos.
Its an online news magazine with indepth and behind the scenes articles and advance access to betas. I you want it, buy it, if you don't, then don't It doesn't takeaway fromt he free stuff on PSN. Its like the PSUnderground or Official XBOX magazines delivered digitally with a hot chick reading you the news. The FUD is getting to stupid levels on this announcement... RTFA. Are they doing it partially to subsidize free play on PSN? Sure, probably. Does that bother me? No, because I have a life.

I really wish that I didn't get the feeling that if this had come from Redmond, some of the people bitching about it would be bowing to the ground praising the RRoD for its benevolence. The current gen of consoles is pretty awesome, each platform has pluses and minuses, why must we play and replay this BS my console e-peen is bigger/better/more shaftastic than yours?
One additional note - it really sounds like this is content being produced for QORE (aside from demos, which is just an early access thing), so regular PSN users aren't losing out.
people like to pay money for previews just as much as they like ingame adds. We people just can't get enough of it.
Checked out Qore over the weekend and the first issue is honestly just ok. Pictures, vids are in hd and look great, some decent coverage of some games. You get a free game of course and beta access to Socom, but unfortunately the Socom beta was available yet.

I'd give the first issue a 6/10 or an [H] bronze award, lol. It wasn't great but I can see the potential for some good content and offerings if they do it right, but the content better be exclusive to subscribers or those buying the issues and cool at that.

Only time will tell and for 13months worth of issues for $24.99 I don't feel ripped even if it's mediocre, but if it doesn't improve I'll know not to subscribe again in a year. I'm betting the quality will only get better as time goes on, or at least that's what I want too happen.