Sony confirms development of Playstation 4

I have no idea if I will bother with a next gen console. After I bought a capable gaming PC I lost the most of the desire to buy one.
ah, great. so, for one year or so we will have decent graphics and then technology is stuck with ancient graphics hardware for another five years :( who knows, maybe it can even handle anti-aliasing?
the best idea is to make a slimline sized PC. that way it can run a standard x86 processor so everybody knows how to program for it. And they can just put out a new graphics card for it every year or so and charge $75-$125 for it. that way they'll never have an underpowered platform. It'll be as simple to install as the HDDs for the PS3.

They tried that with laptops - twice. It didn't work either time. There are too many problems, everything from interconnect speed to thermal management.
ah, great. so, for one year or so we will have decent graphics and then technology is stuck with ancient graphics hardware for another five years :( who knows, maybe it can even handle anti-aliasing?

Doesn't matter really. What you're looking at is the death of the console. The 3DS shows that you can't bring in a new console with a higher price. It will be irrelevant, since nobody can afford it. Despite what people say, gaming on a console is very expensive, and much more so then on PC.

The smart phone will kill the portable gaming market, and the PC will kill the console market. Everyone has a PC, and everyone has a phone, and that will be the death of consoles. Since consoles won't matter, then they aren't the lowest common denominator.

BTW, this was made possible tanks to the economy.
Something tells me on all 3 consoles BC is going to be a major part... Consoles this generation have moved away from being just for kids and gamers, and with the move / kinect / wii more non-kid familoes are buying the consoles, hell even grandparents are. If they want to sell the new system they will need BC to not only the older games, but to the older peripherals. It is a lot easier to sell a new system that won't make everything obsolete, then it is to sell someone on spending 6-700$ more on controllers, games, system, recharge stations etc etc.

Not so sure about this only becasue both companies make a ton of money on peripherals. I think that Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft really want to sell you again $20.00 web-camera with a small tiny array in it for $100.00 that costs $12.30 at most to make. Repeat the same thing but replace web-camera with 'hard drive-addon', hd-dvd player, controller, dance-pad, guitar hero/rock band sets, etc etc etc.

I'd like to believe that out of the goodness of their heart, all 3 big companies will want to make the hardware backwards compatible with peripherals but somehow I think the bottom line and answering to investors might win out.
Doesn't matter really. What you're looking at is the death of the console. The 3DS shows that you can't bring in a new console with a higher price. It will be irrelevant, since nobody can afford it. Despite what people say, gaming on a console is very expensive, and much more so then on PC.

The smart phone will kill the portable gaming market, and the PC will kill the console market. Everyone has a PC, and everyone has a phone, and that will be the death of consoles. Since consoles won't matter, then they aren't the lowest common denominator.

BTW, this was made possible tanks to the economy.

Nonsense. Gaming on smartphones will not kill gaming portables. They have and will eat some small portion...the kind of people that bought a GBA just to play Tetris on.

Gaming on PCs is too complicated for most people. My wife's uncle asked me about GTA4 on PC. Him: "We installed it but the graphics are all messed up, the ground doesn't look right...". Me: "What kind of video card does your PC have?" Him: "A what? ...Um, whatever it came with?" To summarize the discussion: it's probably intel graphics since they bought it for $400 at Walmart. :rolleyes:

When consoles forget to be just stick-disc-in-and-play is when they'll get in trouble. When they get too complicated for people.
No specs? Boo!

And hopefully Sony learned their lesson to spend more on security than on lawyers. :rolleyes:
Do you think they'll use a RISC CPU again? Is there anything on that side that can compete with Intel/AMD's latest?
Do you think they'll use a RISC CPU again? Is there anything on that side that can compete with Intel/AMD's latest?

No, because nobody will buy a console that has a CPU that alone costs $1000+ retail and will be a static configuration while Intel and AMD both release new CPUs after within the next few months.

When it comes to raw specs, Consoles go obsolete faster than PCs that are maintained. The advantage they have is that the people who make the games always know what spec they're coding for and can do tricks to maximize performance or eyecandy.
PS4 == PS3 + ram == $500 so we can make the customers pay for our incompetance
It would be rad if Apple could buy Sony. The fanboys should start early and map out armaments.
Breaking news: Jack Tretton announces PS4 will be virus free, impenetrable from all outside attacks. It will not be connected to the internet.
A Q6600, GTX 460 and 4GB of shared RAM would power a console for ten years. Include a 500GB 2.5" 5400 (5900?) RPM hard drive and include an additional built-in slot with an empty 2.5" hard drive tray with an additional SATA 3gbps port, leaving the user the option to improve load time performance when they can afford to.

I bet they could get a comparable package (maybe by resorting to AMD exclusivity for CPU / GPU) together for $400.

I wonder if it is in console maker's best interests to keep away from x86-64. On one hand, breaking x86-64 compatibility makes your console more vulnerable to piracy and other security threats. Also, the console is far more likely to be used for reasons outside of its intended purpose (which is consuming new copies video games and DLC, along with selling accessoires.) On the other hand... nevermind. I answered my own question. :p What else really matters to console makers?
Include a 500GB 2.5" 5400 (5900?) RPM hard drive...

Console hard drives are much too slow. These days, we have to pre-load, or install games that are in the gigabyte range, size-wise. Consoles would benefit a great deal from SSDs.
Sony + Apple = Snapple!

Oh wait, such a company already exists. :p

...That despite watering everything down and marking the price up beyond what it's worth, still manages to be a better value than the other two.