Sonata II question


Sep 13, 2006
I cannot find where the mounting area is for the frontal 120mm fan on the Sonata II. If there is one around there, it would seem awfully hard to get to. Anyone got any advice on this? I'd like to get a little more airflow in the system.
I have the Sonata II that I bought recently. I also noticed that there didn't seem to be a place for a front fan. THe biggest problem I had with the thing was taking out that big black thing they stick in there. That was a pain in the butt.

I checked into it further and it mentions something about on antec's site. Imma give it a shot here soon
if it's anything like the Sonata I - it's on the hard drive cage (the side towards teh back.
sorry to hotlink but you see the newegg watermark?

the 120mm fan goes where the "g"s would be...

Ahhhhhhh I see. Thanks a ton man. I figured it would be closer to the filter/front of the case.