Sometimes pointless but fun tactics in a game?


Jul 17, 2003
I was just wondering what some of you people do in various that maybe don't really help out all that much (or maybe they do) but you do them mainly for the fun of it.

Lastnight I was playing BF2 and having a worse than usual night after being switch to the opposite side. So I decided to have a little fun. The kit I play the most in BF2 is the Spec Ops kit. I like to try to take out the communications of the opposite side. It's not something you get points for that I can tell but it does help out. Well, lastnight I decided that since I still had a couple of C4 packs left after taking out the communications I would go and put one on one of the opposing force's jets and then hide and wait for someone to try and take off in it. I didn't have to wait too long and as the jet was heading down the runway I clicked the button detonating the C4 on the jet. A qick and easy kill but for the most part a rather pointless tactic because I'm not capturing any flags or anything like that.

So what do you guys/gals do in whatever game that you do mainly for the fun of it?
Sometimes when I'm bored, I get about three packs of C4 and line them up across a road. I run like hell off to the side of the road and lay down. I wait and wait and finally someone comes in their hummer.

It is kind of rewarding when you have 3 or 4 people in the vehicle.
my pointless tactic? take the LONG way to the base, the back way in.....i dunno, try and revive ppl in the middle of a firefight is always fuin and pointless lol
P3N1X0R said:
...i dunno, try and revive ppl in the middle of a firefight is always fuin and pointless lol
Yeah, I love doing that! I always explain afterwards that they only actually died once (points wise) so it's no big deal.

The most pointless thing I just can't help myself from doing is literally running over tanks on my own side. Say if a tank trundles up to me and they wait for me to move or whatever, I'll immediately leap on top and bunny hop over it. It takes a while 'cos of the exhaustion bar running out, but it's amusing. Plus, you know they have to wait for you 'cos if they move even slightly you'll INSTANTLY be teamkilled and have your body flung off at some crazy unrealistc angle.

I also tend to try and do that to opposing tanks when I know they're gunna fuck me up anyway.
I like to hit the comm messages "need pickup" or "need medic" sometimes. Pretty pointless, since you'll get no response 99% of the time! :p

Or if your a member of a squad...for kicks try this. "Need supply drop!" Fat chance that will ever happen! Fun pointless things to do!
More things I've done...

In order to cheat someone out of a kill on me, sometimes if I act fast enough I can take out a C4 pack and drop it and then detonate it. Yeah, sure it's suicide but they don't credit for the kill either. Also this only works if they're really close to you of course.

I've also tried that kind of thing when an enemy in a jeep or other easily blown up vehicle is heading for me and I'm out in the open with nowhere to hide. I'll wait till their heading straight for me then drop a C4 pack and try to back up as quickly as possible. Then detonate it just as they go over the C4 pack. This tactic has only worked for me about 1/4 of the time but hey, it's better than just letting them run you over.
I have done the tactic of dropping a C4 pack as I run away from a buggie or a Humvee. More often than not, the mutilated shell of a vehicle comes crashing down on me, killing me instantly.
c4 on planes and helos is fun but my newest is claymores right by attack helos. camping the helo is my favorite time waister . Sitting in the blackhawks with the mini gun pointed at the helo is good for a laugh and sure to piss off the other team. I call these tactics psycological warfare. It does help in that it pisses of the other team so they cant get in a groove.
In Point of Existence for Battlefield Vietnam, I often play as the demolitions class and on the United States team. The Russians have a transport helicopter that has a big passenger area with big, open doors. (Don't remember the name. It's not the Hind.). I sneak into their chopper and hide in the shadowy back, and after it's taken off and full of people I wait a few seconds, drop some C4, jump out the doors, and while I'm freefalling detonate the C4. Hit the parachute, and go off to do it again. :D This is a really great tactic because even if they see you, they're powerless to do anything because they're sitting in the chairs without their weapons out. :D
In UT, take the sniper rifle and try to storm the enemy without stopping and zooming. If I'm very concentrated I can make quick one-shot kills (Headshot!), but I usually end up dying messily rather fast.
I enjoy putting 2 slaps of C4 on the back of my Blackhawk, picking up everyone in my team going up in the air then bailing out and hitting the C4 Button as my Team all dies.
This thread rocks. It's hilarious.

Alas, I ahve no stories to tell cause I haven't played any online games since DoD Beta.
John Gault said:
... I call these tactics psycological warfare. It does help in that it pisses of the other team so they cant get in a groove.
HAHAHAHA Yeah! I know exactly what you mean. I like to deploy 'psychological warfare' as well. My favourite being the simple but effective 'overkill'.

Psychological Warfare Tactic #2: The 'Overkill'

1. Kill Victim.
2. Stand over corpse knowing full well they are looking upwards at you.
3. Get out pistol and fire away at their face.
4. If they haven't started to fade away; reload 'n' unload! You have plenty of spare pistol magazines and this is why you have them!
I enjoy driving jeeps high speed, head on into enemy APCs / tanks. It's funny the way they try evading, expecting your vehicle to be loaded up with C4 or something.

By the way, for those of you who don't speak noob, let me translate:

creizai said:
I enjoy putting 2 slaps of C4 on the back of my Blackhawk, picking up everyone in my team going up in the air then bailing out and hitting the C4 Button as my Team all dies.
"I enjoy the attention I get from acting like a dick on anonymous internet games. I also seek attention on internet forums by talking about how awesome I am for doing this. Oh,hi, I didn't see you there. Would you happen to have any attention you could spare? I like attention ever-so-much."
spine said:
Psychological Warfare Tactic #2: The 'Overkill'

1. Kill Victim.
2. Stand over corpse knowing full well they are looking upwards at you.
3. Get out pistol and fire away at their face.
4. If they haven't started to fade away; reload 'n' unload! You have plenty of spare pistol magazines and this is why you have them!

I used to do that with my knife whenever I knifed someone. Now I do it with anyone I kill. :D
I like to play ut and use the impact hammer all round. I love running into people and watching them explode.
spine said:
1. Kill Victim.
2. Stand over corpse knowing full well they are looking upwards at you.
3. Get out pistol and fire away at their face.
4. If they haven't started to fade away; reload 'n' unload! You have plenty of spare pistol magazines and this is why you have them!

i just did that today with strike at karkland. 2 guys were at the american base and someone in the lav 25 killed them, i went over there and unloaded a pistol into one of the guys. if i were the guy i would be like :shakes fist: lol

what i like to do it throw grenades. support class!!! u have infinate grenades and ammo so why not use em'? strike at karkland, american side, just through those dam grenades over the building by the arty spawn. racks up a shit load of kills, and also the corner of the building, i just keep throwing them and the blast kills the person waiting at the edge of the corner. :)

oh, and owning noobs AND pros in a tank. strike at karkland( i play on a 24/7 strike at karkland server with 64 people since i hit lance) and we were held down so bad that we couldn't even get out of our arty spawn. i had an abrams, i just sat next to the fence shooting at the entrance, even when i couldn't see anyone, and the blast kills the people laying down there, and also THE LAV 25 CAN PIERCE THE FENCE!!! a note to noobs, or anyone that didn't know that. i just blast away at the fence and i kill 5+ people just sitting/standing there.

SMOKE!!! i love the smoke, i just kept tausing them over the fence one time with someone constantly giving me ammo. as many of u know why they only gave one smoke is because it is HELL on ur graphics card! it will stutter so f'n bad, but hey, i dont care cuz i just was throwing smoke!

giving ammo packs to rocket noobs trying to take out a tank, easy stats (whoring, only occasionally :))

i dont know if all these r pointless, but they are fun as hell. maybe i add more later
Camp airfields with second sniper rifle and shoot people inside jets / helicopter. Something about that engine start, engine kill noise. (Sniping in general is pretty pointless objective wise)
i like loading enemy choppers with c4 and blowing them up after they are a ways up in the air.

one really awesome thing i figured out by accident, if you lay prone while a tank or apc drives over you, if you are exactly in the middle, it will go over you and you will live. they have enough ground clearance in the middle for you to fit under without getting squished, as long as you avoid the tires :D i have been saved from death a few times because of this. so if you are in a vehicle trying to run over a prone soldier, make sure you hit with the tires, or instead of trying to run and jump away from a tank, just lay down, you have better chances that way i think.
we were having a house lan party, playing Quake 3 at the time. I wasent doing too bad, especially against my housemate who is a quake 3 god. Well the guy running the server decided to add a nightmare bot into the game. I was pretty bored at this point so i decied that i was going to win by loosing! I decied that if i could get to -50 from about 25 faster than the bot could get from 0 to 50, i would "win". The key here was it had to be self inflicted deaths in the only small lava pit in this map. no /kill junk.

...the bot beat me by 2 kills.
A friend of mine sticks a bunch of mines on a vehicle in UT 2004, then flies it into the enemy base and detonates it, blowing up usually half of the opposing team. :p

There is a 'Melee only' CoD server sometimes. You can only use the Colt/Luger, and you have 0 ammo, so it's melee only. :p

Um, there are some odd tactics I use in CoD sometimes that help out somewhat... Then again, I usually get bored enough that I fine a "Mines!" sign and jump on it...

Also in UT2004, it's fun to attach mines to teammates, and when they're in the midst of the enemy, use them as a sacrifice. :p
NitrouseXpress60 said:
SMOKE!!! i love the smoke, i just kept tausing them over the fence one time with someone constantly giving me ammo. as many of u know why they only gave one smoke is because it is HELL on ur graphics card! it will stutter so f'n bad, but hey, i dont care cuz i just was throwing smoke!
Yeah, smoke grenades are probably the ultimate 'pointless but fun' BF2 activity. Ok, I grant you, sometimes they can actually serve a genuine purpose, but most of the time it's just noobs chucking them at tanks thinking they're normal frag grenades. With the Demo and for the first few weeks when BF2 came out, it seemed everyone was confusing the smoke grenades with real ones (why the fuck does the main asssault class have no grenades anyway?!).

It's so funny and just looks SO camp when you see someone lob a grenade at a tank, go prone, wait, and then just see a poofy gay ploom of useless smoke. And then just to add insult to injury, they get shot flat in the face with a tank shell.
I read some where that in early demos of BF2, Spec-ops could attach sticky to people. Has anyone confirmed this? I may have to try it with a buddy
There are times where it's just fun to go Rambo and just charge in guns blazing. Sure's it's death, but there have been times in a game where a Mexican standoff occurs and no one does anything but wait. Argh. Might as well go out in style.

/waiting for the laser tripmines in Duke Nukem 3D to come back so I can have more pointless fun placing them in fun places.
In Ut2004 it's sometimes fun to see how far you can go without getting killed in a small match... otherwise melee weapons are cool when everyone else is using Flak cannons
BF2: Engineer, waiting for a tank to roll up and start firing at friends, and as he is killing friends place an AT mine right behind him so when go goes to backup to avoid grenades or missiles he gets blown up.

Spec Ops, getting APC's and tanks to try and run you over, going prone and sticking C4 to their bottom. Works with AT mines as engineer too, just get out from there before they move.