Something wrong with my xbox?


Feb 28, 2003
A couple times every night while im playing gta Vice city my game will just freeze. It happens usually when i'm driving fast, jumping, or switching music. Most of the time it doesnt recover and i have to turn it off then back on. Its getting really annoying because i have to save the game everytime i do something incase it freezes.

Also once in awhile when im driving around a little box will pop up on my screen saying "loading" and it wont show anything else just that screen until it gets done loading.

The game is brand new, NO scratches, and the xbox is also new, i got it last week.

anyone know whats wrong, or have the same problems happen?
I also got a "dirty disc error trying to load the game once, but i turned off the console and turned it back on and it loaded up fine. thats only happened once...and i know the disc wasnt dirty
Mine does that very frequently on many games. I bought Prince of Persia brand new, put it in, and it locked up on the first FMV. Rebooted, and it locked up again about 5 seconds farther in. Cleaned off the disc, and it loaded fine. Although I notice some jaggies and screen artifacts in certain places. Just keep rebooting and cleaning the disc, and hopefully it'll work :)
Alright, i think im going to pick up the cd laser cleaner disc made for ps2 and xbox next time i go to walmart, and see if that helps :cool:
my copy of vice city locked up on me a few times.

Namely on the race with Hillary (and usually when I'm WINNING! #$%#)

I just attribute it to shoddy coding.

Only other games i've had problems with were that OddWorld game that came out way back when. I was never able to play it. Kept crashing my XBox.
It may not even be that your system lens are dirty, alot and I mean alot of people are saying that systems with the Thomson drives are faulty to the point where there is petition for M$ to do a recall. Symptoms are dirty desk erros even with brand new games, and movies even stop working after awile then some just die. Check to the right of this site to see which drive you have. Sorry if I scared anyone but I have the Thomson drive and no problems so far (but then again I almost never play it).:cool:
I've had a few newly bought games lock up on me with "dirty disc" errors. I just exchanged them at the store for a new copy and they worked perfectly fine after that. Sometimes you could get a bad pressing, or, if you buy it at EB, they might have given you a "display" copy.
I also have the thompson drive, that was the first thing i checked when i got the xbox out of the box...kinda pisst me off
I have a PS2, never locked up on me. Isn't it wierd now we have console lockups? Used to be you'd go to the console to get away from the locks up and all that. Maybe it's just Xbox :p
It is just the XBox :) Every now and then my PS2 won't recognize the disc upon bootup. I clean it off and it works. It's never crashed on me like the X has though.

Just had more probs with the X and PoP today. Killed some crows, and suddenly the dead bodies started appearing all over the screen, flickering in and out. Somehow finished the battles, and when the putting-away-sword movie played it cleared up. Sheesh
Originally posted by PerfectCr
I have a PS2, never locked up on me. Isn't it wierd now we have console lockups? Used to be you'd go to the console to get away from the locks up and all that. Maybe it's just Xbox :p

I don't know about that I have had many NES,Super NES,Sega Genesis and Playstations lock up on me it's nothing new.
Originally posted by UnStable
I don't know about that I have had many NES,Super NES,Sega Genesis and Playstations lock up on me it's nothing new.

Wow you must have the worst luck of anyone I've ever known. I owned all of those consoles and I can definitively state that no game has ever locked up on any of the consoles you listed.
Originally posted by PerfectCr
Wow you must have the worst luck of anyone I've ever known. I owned all of those consoles and I can definitively state that no game has ever locked up on any of the consoles you listed.

Either that or you have the best luck of anyone I have ever known.:D
Mine used to freeze, not anymore. I ran the cpu fan spliced into the HDD and now the fan blows much harder. Louder, but no louder than my PC. Plus not one lockup since and thats been 6 months ago.