Something to think about

Stop acting like there has never been a >$500 gaming video card before. Seriously, it's like you guys don't remember anything before the GTX 400 series.

Nvidia 6800 Ultra Extreme $549
Nvidia 6800 Ultra 512MB $899; BFG's overclocked version $999

Nvidia 7800 GTX 256MB $599
Nvidia 7800 GTX 512MB $650
ATI X1900 XTX $650
Asustek Extreme N7800GT Dual $900

Nvidia 8800 GTX $650
Nvidia 8800 Ultra $830
GTX 280 $649

Like I said, in the case of titan (and I'm sure some of these releases as well) Nvidia created a new price point because they increased the relative performance gains from one generation to the next. The last few generations we've seen performance gains of around 20% going from one flagship card to the next. The price point for this ~20% performance gain has remained at $499. If they want to create a new price point by releasing a card with much greater relative performance gains (titan) then I'm fine with that. The problem is when they carry the elevated price points into the next generation of cards without the additional performance gains (not releasing a titan replacement based on maxwell when the GK110 becomes the mainstream). You end up paying $700-$800 for the same thing you got for $500-$600 a year ago.