something to poke at,

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Limp Gawd
Aug 1, 2004

Toms hardware did an investigative piece on them awhile back, but I decided to take it further, I am going to do my own investigation and see if I can actually get a review unit.
BTW, looking at this website could make your brain seep out of your head.

Wow, they have a new website. The old one got shut down. Seems they still have the NAVY logo on the front page, lol. WTF is a "Dual SATA-X HyperDrive"?
well, it seems like he took a bunch of marketing jargon and threw it all together. It's like the Dell and Compaq marketing teams got together and had children with the devil. I hate marketing jargon, but it is always a good laugh.
Yeah uh. They list the Athlon 64 3700+ as a 939-pin processor. SATA-X? What the hell kind of hoo-ha is that. He says his systems are 4x faster than anything? He doesn't even offer the FX-53. :p

This guy is a faggot. :D
Not to flame, but you say to keep personal preferences out...... then remove your quote.

I think [H] ers need to smack this Michael guy around. He's an idiot, and a scam artist.
Personally I love how he gets his systems rated - by his customers. :rolleyes: Chances are, if they are in fact real people & statements, they're saying stuff like "Mike's PC blew XXXX away!" after they upgraded from their P3/geforce2 PC to a current cpu/gpu. I'd be great if someone could compair apples to apples, such as HardOCP asking for a sample rig to test (and even offer to return it in <1 week). You'll also notice he doesn't get his "x-times faster!" claims from compairing, as well letting supposed customers make claims against other mfg's.

I also liked this part on the AMD system page: each AMD system includes "Michael's AMD SSE2 Optimizations for Highest Performance"

I also like the 8-year warranty included: "8 Year Warranty/24 Hr Online Live Visual Support". Read that carefully - 24 hour online live visual support. Thats not 24 hour support, visual support, live support, AND online support (4 methods) in the typical sense - that basicly saying a webpage you can access/read in real time 24 hours per day.

As for SATA-X dual drives, I think I know what he's blathering about. "MX8 users benefit from a data transfer rate performance roadmap that begins with 150 MB/s and extends to 600 MB/s". I found a page talking about SATA - "It seems SATA will still be a 'work in progress' type technology until it matures, where we can expect rating of 300MB/s and even 600MB/s in the coming years". Put the main ideas from those quotes together "data transfer rate performance roadmap" and "even 600mbs in coming years."

That'd be like Dell talking about CPU's in their adds - "Pentium 4, 4GHZ systems" and give you a 2.4ghz P4. Basicly selling you a technology that can be expanded to X speed when it's made availible, but not actually shipping at that speed...

The claim is that they alone make the PC's "the fastest desktop PC's on earth" (look up the press release on :rolleyes: ), and that the CPU is only 10% of the PC's speed factor. Apparently its the 256mb of ram and FX 5700 he offers that's making the game so fast, not the cpu. There's also tons of "outperforms XXXX - not just said, PROVEN!" all over the site. Where, pray tell, is that proof?

I'm just getting sick of his vaugeries that make him sound so amazing. Its all like fine print, except in normal font!
lol, I love these quotes:

"But rest assured that all of Michael's MX8's are the fastest systems today......and they still will be tomorrow, next week and many years down the road!"

"Michael's Computers is the #1 computer company online with more experience than major manufacturers. Since we are the authority on optimizing systems, you can and will be guaranteed of building up to a MUCH faster and smoother running system."
He does say he's running 3dmark 2003 at 800x600, most likely with all other settings as low as possible.
He is an idiot, If you search, they have a video where he talks about how all his systems are liquid cooled, even his laptops. Wierd, no resevoirs or anything like that are in them.

I want to sell his email address to spammers.
I smell a lock coming soon..
This guy is such a fraud.

  • I love how he offers a x800 / 6800 -- Wheres the x800 XT PE / 6800 Ultra's?
  • Ah. The X800 is 80% faster than the 6800 Ultra. Makes sense.
  • "BURN PROOF CD-RW" - Isn't just about all CD-RW's "burn proof" now? :)
  • Fastest 8X DVD-RW - Isn't a 12X dual layer dvd writer out?
  • He's using a Prescott core...
  • "Featuring HyperThreading Technology to run multiple programs all at the same time." - Yes, HT is required to run more than one program at a time. :rolleyes:

- thumbs up -
(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm.

This applies to persons participating in the thread, as well as persons who are NOT. If you can't flame someone to their face, what makes you think we'll let you do it behind their back?

On a further note, I don't see what this has to do with overclocking or cooling...
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