Something has failed badly, need help tracking it down

Fresh Daemon

Aug 21, 2005
A week ago, I started getting persistent BSODs on booting Windows. I had to reinstall, it couldn't be repaired. A few days ago, it happened again. Now, it's basically happening every cold boot - if I install Windows, it'll work mostly fine that day (as in it'll cough up weird software glitches every so often), but if I turn it off and come back the next day, it'll be unbootable again.

The last time, I was informed of windows resource file corruption, ran CHKDSK, found tons of errors, "fixed" them and got a persistent BSOD on reboot again.

The consistent BSOD error is BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO.

I ran Memtest86 for 5 hours and it passed all the tests. I dialed the CPU and RAM down to stock speed just in case, that hasn't helped. I'm not running any pirated software, I haven't had any indications of a virus and all virus scans have come up clean.

At this point I'm thinking the system drive, which is an SSD, might be on the fritz. Anybody know of any tools to test it? A google search basically shows only speed tests for people to see how awesome their new SSD is.

Hardware specs:

Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500
Crucial Ballistix 2x2GB DDR2
60GB OCZ Vertex Turbo (system drive)
1TB WD Black (games drive)
2TB WD Green (storage)
Creative X-Fi XtremeMusic
Corsair TX950W PSU
XFX GeForce 480 GTX

Thanks in advance!
I took a look at those. I was looking for a diagnostic tool. I've run an HDD testing tool, which passed, but I don't know if that would even detect all the problems an SSD might have.

I've reinstalled to an HDD in the meantime - I guess I'll see if I can replicate the problem. Might take a while that way. I hate intermittent errors.