something as thin and light as a 12" powerbook, without being a mac?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 30, 2001
I am looking for a new laptop (sometime around this fall) for college.

I really need it to be thin and light. The thinner and lighter the better. However, I dont want one of those fujitsu laptops that ahve like no touchpad or anything.. it still needs to be a laptop.

Anyway, I REALLY like the way the Apple 12" powerbook is layed out. How its thin, light, and everything just looks great. The only thing is, I dont want a mac.. and even if I did.. I wouldnt want my laptop to be that ugly ass white.

So does anyone know of any laptops that are out, or will be out sometime this fall that will be thin and light like the powerbook, but black or something and runs on PC hardware?
the ibm thinkpad x series are i think one of the best 12" laptops. they weigh in at 2.7lbs and are less than an inch thin. they are also very durable. they also look very nice, not all fancy and shiny but simple and to the point. unfortunately they dont have the touch screen like you wanted but i think you should still check them out.
I forgot to mention.. anything other than IBM laptops. I HATE the way they look. To me they are fugly.

And I dont need a touchscreen. I didnt even know the powerbooks had a touchscreen.
check out the z1 series laptop from sony.

The thinkpads are much better tho IMO, have you actually used one in person or are you just judging by internet pictures?
i didnt know powerbook have touchscreen.... my company got some..

good thing about powerbook is that for 15 and 17" it have a back-lid keyboard.. which i think its an awesome design..

a notebook aint for games anyway(for most of the people).. why not getting a mac? just spend 2 days and you can already know how to play with OSX..

if it HAVE to be a PC.. IBM is the only brand i trust
Originally posted by cyr0n_k0r
I am looking for a new laptop (sometime around this fall) for college.

I really need it to be thin and light. The thinner and lighter the better. However, I dont want one of those fujitsu laptops that ahve like no touchpad or anything.. it still needs to be a laptop.

Anyway, I REALLY like the way the Apple 12" powerbook is layed out. How its thin, light, and everything just looks great. The only thing is, I dont want a mac.. and even if I did.. I wouldnt want my laptop to be that ugly ass white.

So does anyone know of any laptops that are out, or will be out sometime this fall that will be thin and light like the powerbook, but black or something and runs on PC hardware?
The PowerBook's aren't white.

And there's nothing wrong with OS X.3
You dont' have to like the powerbooks, but at least know what you're talking about. I don't like the powerbooks because for the money there's more powerful machines out there.

They aren't white and don't have touch screens either. Don't know where you got that idea.

Check the IBM X series, they look pretty damn good in their slimness.

Also look at Dell and Sony, there's a few options there. Finally check out Averatec, they have a 12" model I believe.


Originally posted by emorphien
You dont' have to like the powerbooks, but at least know what you're talking about. I don't like the powerbooks because for the money there's more powerful machines out there.

They aren't white and don't have touch screens either. Don't know where you got that idea.

Check the IBM X series, they look pretty damn good in their slimness.

Also look at Dell and Sony, there's a few options there. Finally check out Averatec, they have a 12" model I believe.


He never said anything about a touchscreen, NooNe started that. The original poster said he didn't want it like the fujitsu's that don't have touchpads, as in pointing device, akin to a mouse.

Back to the original question, why on earth are looks so important? Just cause your computer looks cool doesn't necessarily mean it'll do anything worth a shit. Computers are meant to perform not look cool. (even if they were the apple machines are the best looking notebooks around by far)
Originally posted by MontyAC
Nice white powerbook. :D

Thats NOT powerbook, its iBook
iBook is more into entry level, the new G4 12" @800MHz is more then enough for daily applications.

the price difference is HUGE between iBook and Powerbook, the cheapest powerbook will cost you about $1600 and iBook for $1100
Originally posted by kleath

He never said anything about a touchscreen, NooNe started that. The original poster said he didn't want it like the fujitsu's that don't have touchpads, as in pointing device, akin to a mouse.

Back to the original question, why on earth are looks so important? Just cause your computer looks cool doesn't necessarily mean it'll do anything worth a shit. Computers are meant to perform not look cool. (even if they were the apple machines are the best looking notebooks around by far)

Eh, whatever. General sillyness paired with me being groggy.
My Powerbook is white hehe.


As for your laptop, I say go for a Sony branded 12" or that Dell that was mentioned above. O and Averatec has a 12" notebook.
Originally posted by kleath

He never said anything about a touchscreen, NooNe started that. The original poster said he didn't want it like the fujitsu's that don't have touchpads, as in pointing device, akin to a mouse.

Back to the original question, why on earth are looks so important? Just cause your computer looks cool doesn't necessarily mean it'll do anything worth a shit. Computers are meant to perform not look cool. (even if they were the apple machines are the best looking notebooks around by far)

i was saying that the ibm didnt have a touchpad but the little button in the middle of the keys. i thought the original poster was saying he wanted a touchpad but i was suggesting the ibm anyway. i wasnt talking about the powerbooks.
fatbob - I saw your post and saw the bottom of your sig, and I was like "Wow, you have the same setup as me", then I looked above it and I found out why, hahahaha.
Originally posted by Chelica
fatbob - I saw your post and saw the bottom of your sig, and I was like "Wow, you have the same setup as me", then I looked above it and I found out why, hahahaha.
oh yes, it's my idea of an original sig, i need to change it for this week....
I recently ordered the PCG-V505EX -it actually has a Radeon 9200 with 32 MB of video ram. Not a gaming powerhouse, but still pretty darn impressive for a 12" laptop!

Stay away from any laptop that only has integrated video -it will just be slow...
Originally posted by dalantech
I recently ordered the PCG-V505EX -it actually has a Radeon 9200 with 32 MB of video ram. Not a gaming powerhouse, but still pretty darn impressive for a 12" laptop!

Stay away from any laptop that only has integrated video -it will just be slow...
I've been looking at that laptop. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on it? Pros and Cons. Also, I realize it's not a gaming powerhouse but is it at least decent for gaming? What fps are you getting and at what resolution on modern games?
