Some Vista Questions (easy)


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 20, 2002
Okay so I think I'm going to make the upgrade here to Home Premium 64bit for my new rig in a couple days. Got some questions though:
Do 32bit games run okay?
Does XP software for the most part run fine?
Do I need different spyware/ antivirus that is now 64bit and for only vista?
If there isn't Vista drivers for say my mouse would I be able to run XP drivers?

Does home basic run shittier than home premium? If not then does it have DX10?
1. Yes, all of my games work. A few have to be set to run as administrator and/or XP compatibility mode
2. What apps are you worried about exactly?
3. You will need a new anti-virus program, but Vista includes Widows Defender anti-spyware.
4. You will need Vista 64-Bit drivers for all hardware. XP drivers will not work.

Overall, my experience with Vista 64-Bit has been good. Games and general software run just fine. Some programs, like virus scanners, disk defragmenters, and disk burning software don't work or require an update. Looking at the machine in your sig, I don't think you'll have any trouble with drivers.

Vista home basic doesn't include the glass interface or the Media Center program, but otherwise I think it's the same. I would stick with home premium.
No offense, but right now there are like 4 threads on the main page alone about people considering the "XP 32 to Vista 64" jump. If you just take a few minutes to scan over what's on the main page of this subforum (Operating Systems) you'll see the threads and you can read through them to see what's already been said about the comparison of XP 32 and Vista 64 and everything in between probably 200+ times in the past few weeks/months.

I just spent 20 minutes crafting a long reply to someone in another thread, so I apologize for being a bit brisk here but the info is out there, you just have to look for it so we don't keep having every single new person or posting keep asking the same exact or similar question(s) over and over and over again.
I agree, I did read the others but theres a lot of back and forth talk too which some stuff works some doesn't or this works with this and this but not with this kinda makes me go :eek: after awhile so I rather just ask something to get out of the way since I'm pressing order in like 2 seconds. Thanks guys. What are some good free 64bit antivirus's?
Not sure I can think of any "free" ones. My recommendation is and probably would match that of many many other people: NOD32, period. It's worth every cent...
I think AVG's Free Anti-Virus is compatible if you don't want to buy a new one right away, but NOD32 is the best.
Hrm I'm hoping for Avast I remember using AVG a few times, But I much prefer a program that gets rid of a virus instead of just telling me I have a virus and I should run AVG but it wont do anything cept tell me to run AVG again in some retarded circle.