Some renderings 2015


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2008
Figured I'd share some of the various renderings I've done over the past year or so. Some are a WIP, others I just sort of got bored and moved on to other projects. Unfortunately can't share anything work related but I hope to keep updating this thread as I finish things outside of work.

All modeling done in 3dsmax and rendered with mental ray.





Nice. Some atmospheric effects will help the top one. The Hortons cup could use some stuff like specular where those wet marks are, some improving of the lip where the white is pretty blown out, the seam of the cup could come out, etc. Looks like a repeating issue with the texture on the side of the table, on the left side. The wood textures barely holding up with it that close to the camera too. The bottom version looks like you addressed some issues with the one above it, though it looks like the spec's still a little high when you look at the rest of it (wear and tear). Definitely lighting and color issues - overall very bright. Successfully linear workflow-ing it up would do wonders. The wall and window has issues. But stuff isn't too bad, keep updating us.
Cool stuff, a bit sparse with the textural work, but clean designs. With a few minor changes, it could pass for objects from the new Fallout 4 game.:)
I like these.

The moon one could pass as a real photo if you didn't tell it wasn't. Needs just a hair of softness. Certainly wouldn't notice it at first look.

Nice work. Sorry for not responding sooner.