Some questions about Dell 8600 Config..


Limp Gawd
Nov 5, 2002
Hey guys, looking into getting a laptop and I have a few questions.

First this is the config I am looking at... Dell Inspiron 8600
1.7 PM
512 ram
60gb 7200rpm HDD
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128mb
15.4" WXGA Screen

Ok questions:
1) I know it is a decent sized notebook but @ 6.5-7 lbs, do you think it is ok for a college student to carry around? I think its fine because it is no 10 pound desktop replacement.

2) I plan to do some video editing on it... is it worthwhile to upgrade the ram to 1gig? Keep in mind I would do this from newegg of course as it is a ripoff @ dell.

3) I know the WUXGA Screen is supposed to be real nice but I am the type of person who runs their 19" CRT @ 1024x768 so I think anything more than the WXGA screen (1280 x 800) would be overkill?

Any help is appreciated - first laptop here :)

Well is it going to be replacing your desktop system???
I have an old IBM Thinkpad and that thing weighs about 7lbs and I carry it around. Hope that answers your question.
No, it is not a desktop replacement, but since I need power, I think the PM is the best blend of performance, weight and battery life.
I'm posting from an i8600 right now :)

It's completely replaced my old desktop (Athlon 1.2), and I must say I have not shed a tear getting rid of the old PC.

Your config is nice.. Mine has 1.4M and a much slower HD and it's still pretty fast. So, with the faster CPU/HD you are getting you will be a very happy man.

It's light. Get a GOOD backback. Like a Targus with padded straps. I carry this laptop all over with me and barely notice it. Trust me a backpack makes a big difference when you can stick it on your back and forget it, as opposed to always using a hand to carry a laptop bag.

Start with 512. If you find you NEED more, get it only then?

Yeah, anything more than the WXGA IS overkill. Unless you plan to do a LOT of widescreen DVD movies on it. Everything else which includes all applications, games, etc. don't fill the entire screen. For example on my WXGA right now posting this message only 1/2 the screen is filled with the forums, the entire right half of it's not even being used.
BTW: You should consider getting 2 batteriess and 2 power cables. 1 power cable for home, 1 for the road. W/2 batteries I find I can run the notebook full power 6-7 hours before plugging it in again.
Looking to get one of these babies and was wondering about the screen.

WXGA high enough resolution for you tinysmall? I am a gamer and also will be using for work/school....thinking about the SXGA myself. Any thoughts?
I have the 8500 which is the same in dimensions and weight. I carry it to university in my backpack and don't have any problems at all. It isn't that heavy espeically if you carry it in a backpack. I even walked on trails for a geog fieldtrip with it inside. No problems at all.

I can't remember what the lowest amount of ram it comes with. But whatever it is, get the lowest amount as it is a lot cheaper buying it from somewhere else like newegg or crucial.

As for the screen, I would suggest getting the wsxga unless you do stuff like programming, etc.. where a high resolution is needed. I have a friend that has the wuxga screen but he enlarges all the fonts and icons :rolleyes: Very pointless in spending that money, imo.

I have the wsxga screen and I think it is the perfect size. I even wear glasses, but not when using the computer. Can see everything on the screen perfectly on default settings.
Thanks guys, I think I will go with the WXGA Screen... I checked out a friend's Powerbook with a 15.2inch @ 1280 x 864 i think it was, similar to the Dell, and it was very nice, wouldn't need anything more than that, size was perfect.

I might wait a few days to see the dell specials.. right now there is a free ram upgrade which doesnt help.. hopefully they will take that away and put back in free shipping to lower the cost $50 :)
Btw, there are rumors that Dell is releasing new systems for the Inspirons. So prices will probably drop even more for the 8600. Try waiting as long as you can, you'll probably find an even better deal when the new systems are released.
I have a widescreen laptop, and I must say, WXGA is a bit too small for my tastes. I'd definately like WSXGA at least.
WXGA is weak sauce.

once you go UXGA you never go back!

WUXGA all teh way!
Ya, I'm sitting here on my widescreen? 8600, and I dont even know what screen I have. I know its 15.?", and I THINK its a WXGA. I'm wondering too what the hell these acronyms are for. Explanation?
The three different widescreen displays are:

WXGA (1280 x 800)
WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050)
WUXGA (1920 x 1200)

All the same, just different resolutions.
Yeah all the screens are 15.4", it is just the resolution that is different (Besides the fact I think dell is having problems with the SXGA Screen made by Hitachi, apparantly its crap compared to the Samsung they used to have)