Some MF! fraud xbox

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Limp Gawd
May 23, 2008
So, some ahole stole my CC numbers and bought a bunch of microsoft gold points through live! Xbox customer support blows! No answers just remove your CC and have a great day! I was curious to know what was downloaded and where it was downloaded (physically)..ah gave me some BS! Not a fan of xbox glad to be a non-member of the xcox community. I did get his tag however, I wanted xbox to ban this jerkoff they wouldn't. I believe I could have gotten a greater reaction if I was raping with a bot. :mad:

So if you see CosierTrain97 ask him where he be? Yo!
So basically what you are saying is that CosierTrain97 griefed you in some game or trolled you in some thread and now you are making stuff up about him/her on the Internet?
So basically what you are saying is that CosierTrain97 griefed you in some game or trolled you in some thread and now you are making stuff up about him/her on the Internet?

No smart guy, this guy stole my CC info and bought micogold points.
I would be calling up your credit card company and report it as uncauterized transaction. I would also have the card disabled. Your credit card company will do the work for you and that user will probably get their account suspended.
I did powertower, they had me do some paperwork. This is a card I use very little maybe two times in the months.
I would be calling up your credit card company and report it as uncauterized transaction. I would also have the card disabled. Your credit card company will do the work for you and that user will probably get their account suspended.

Damn. Those uncauterized transactions can bleed you dry!
So basically what you are saying is that CosierTrain97 griefed you in some game or trolled you in some thread and now you are making stuff up about him/her on the Internet?

what's with the influx of people on here thinking that other people's posts are full of shit?

It's the internet, you can't ever really know for sure. So shut the fuck up about it already--be a skeptic all you want but keep it to yourself.
No smart guy, this guy stole my CC info and bought micogold points.
Ok, so what you are now saying is that some random guy on the Internet managed to steal your credit card information by some unknown means, which in the United States is a felony, and instead of filing a report with the cops you decided to mention his name on an Internet forum.

So shut the fuck up about it already--be a skeptic all you want but keep it to yourself.
Thanks for telling me what to do, I promise that I will consider your suggestion.
Ok, so what you are now saying is that some random guy on the Internet managed to steal your credit card information by some unknown means, which in the United States is a felony, and instead of filing a report with the cops you decided to mention his name on an Internet forum.

Thanks for telling me what to do, I promise that I will consider your suggestion.

Hey at least you eluded to what made you skeptical about it in this post, you're so close to something worth posting! Keep it up <3
Ok, so what you are now saying is that some random guy on the Internet managed to steal your credit card information by some unknown means, which in the United States is a felony, and instead of filing a report with the cops you decided to mention his name on an Internet forum.

Happens all the time. In fact happens so much that filing a police report is near useless except if your CC company wants to require it as part of your claim, as the police don't have the resources to do anything about it and most local PD are pretty much clueless about financial crime anyway.
Happens all the time. In fact happens so much that filing a police report is near useless except if your CC company wants to require it as part of your claim, as the police don't have the resources to do anything about it and most local PD are pretty much clueless about financial crime anyway.
Ok, so maybe I am just lucky that it never happened to me or anyone I know IRL.

Here is what I don't get. RandomGuy01 steals my CC and buys MS Gold points.
I call XBL support to complain about an unauthorized charge. So far so good.

How is it that XBL support will tell me which gamertag bought the points? Let's say the XBL support guy feels sympathetic even though I called him useless and tell me the tag of the purchaser.

How do I go from knowing the tag to being able to log into that person's XBL account and changing their tag?
what's with the influx of people on here thinking that other people's posts are full of shit?

It's the internet, you can't ever really know for sure. So shut the fuck up about it already--be a skeptic all you want but keep it to yourself.

It's the internet, how do you know Thuleman doesn't have some kind of inside information? be a skeptic all you want but shut the freak up about it already.
No smart guy, this guy stole my CC info and bought micogold points.

Hmm, in that case, Microsoft totally should have given you all this guy's personal information and then claimed absolutely no fault/liability when they violated their privacy agreement and put their customer's personal safety at risk. Especially when you go over to said address, beat the crap out of the guy and leave him a parapallegic. Microsoft would in no way have any responsibility/liability having handed you the address and wouldn't get co-sued for assault or for criminal negilegence. Nope. Not at all ;)

I can't see why Microsoft doesn't give personal information out to angry raging victims of credit card fraud more often ;) :D.

All kidding aside, it sucks to be a victim of credit card fraud but I don't really blame Xbox live customer support and understand why they won't give you info. You might not at the moment but its likely b/c your personally involved in the issue and looking at the issue from the stance of a victim. Take it from someone whose a third party to the situation; what they are 'not' doing/giving you is fairly reasonable.

Quiet honestly, I'm surprised they even gave you his gamer tag. With that, you could get your friend with an xbox live account to try to befriend him and via social engineering determine more about him and lead to the same 'you going over and beating the crap out of him' scenario.
I have to say that I continue to be intrigued by this case.

Could it be that the fraudster who bought all those points is actually a child, sibling, estranged significant other, or roommate? This would certainly explain easy access to the card and billing info, as well as the ability of the OP to access the XBL account of the fraudster.

The plot thickens....
I've had this happen to me. A $120 charge showed up on my CC and I called them up to see what that was about since I hadn't been buying points and I cancelled my Live subscription. Microsoft told me where this person was, well the state anyhow. They told me it was fraud, obviously. I then wanted to know what they intended to do about it.

Their answer was nothing. They wouldn't refund the charges even though they knew they were fraudulent. They also weren't going to do anything about this person that is ripping off their PAYING customers. I simply disputed the charges with my bank and had them issue me a new card with a different number.
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