Solution to using keyboard & mouse from couch


Jun 29, 2005
I want to start playing PC games on my TV while sitting on the couch. Since I don't have the desire/room for a coffee table, I'm looking for a good solution to support my keyboard/mouse on or above my lap. Any suggestions?

I vaguely remember a TV advertisement for an adjustable "tv dinner" kind of stand with legs that slide under your couch and is very adjustable. I don't remember the name of it but from what I do remember, it didn't look like it had enough room for a keyboard and mouse.

Hahaha you're joking right? Can you even buy it yet? I'm pretty sure I would never give any money to Infinium Labs anyway.
I just put the wireless keyboard on my lap sometimes a pillow underneath, and the mouse on the armrest, it works wonders.
Are you sure that's not just Pre-Order? I have yet to find a real hands-on review of the Phantom Lapboard (prototypes excluded).

Also, I plan on using a bluetooth keyboard/mouse anyway. Isn't bluetooth supposed to have better reception through walls than RF, or am I crazy?
Well, why don't you just order one and tell me if it ever arrives :D Until someone confirms that they paid money to Infinium Labs and actually received something in return, I won't believe it.

Does anybody have any other suggestions? I've looked around for a plastic lap table with a bean-bag bottom, but every one I find is intended for laptops or just not wide enough for a keyboard and a mouse.
Also, I plan on using a bluetooth keyboard/mouse anyway. Isn't bluetooth supposed to have better reception through walls than RF, or am I crazy?

Bluetooth uses RF. I personally prefer regular RF vs bluetooth versions. (Logitech DiNovo keyboard)
Bed Bath and Beyond has that "seen on tv" tray thing for 29.99.

It's called Smart Tray or something like that.
i haven't seen a review of the phantom "lapboard", but if it works well and the price drops into the $80's, sign me up.
If you go Bluetooth, get a good class-1 transmitter. The ones included with most keyboard/mouse sets seem to be class-2 at best. In theory the class-2 range of 10m is plenty, but I have had problems with lag on the mouse as near as 5-10 FEET from the transmitter (with Logitech -- I stopped using Microsoft sets due to an unrelated issue, don't like the feel of the mousewheel -- I'm picky). Your mileage may vary, depending on the environment and the product you buy. If you do have problems, keep my advice in mind. Class-1 is rated at 100m, which means you can reach the couch FOR SURE.

(Note -- somewhat joking, 100m is for two class-1 devices talking, and your perhipherals won't be class-1. But you get the idea)
i haven't seen a review of the phantom "lapboard", but if it works well and the price drops into the $80's, sign me up.

There's no way I'd ever buy it from them. If it gets a good review and I can get it somewhere else it has potential. But there's no way I'd ever trust them with my money or credit card number.
I bought a TV dinner tray thing with a wooden top and folding legs for using my laptop on the couch and in bed. Cost me about $20 at Target. Just look for laptop or TV dinner trays at your local re- or e-tailer.