Software that gives stats for local network?


Limp Gawd
Dec 24, 2006
Hi guys

I have a router in the middle of my house where the phone line is that is the primary router that provides internet access to everything else. I have 2 other router that are flashed with DD-WRT and are both setup as wireless bridges, one is hooked up to my PC an one is hooked up to my 360 in the living room.

I stream content from my PC to the 360 over the local wireless network.

Is there any app that can show me stats about my home network. I wanna be able to see the throughput from my PC to 360 when I start streaming a 720p file. (i.e. how many Mbps it's using to stream over the wireless network) and also stuff like signal strength and whatnot would be nice too.

Search through the "Networking & Security" forum on this.

If you still cannot find what you need, then PM a mod to move this thread to that forum, and add another post with specifics on what you're looking for and why other applications are not quite what you are looking for.
What kind of router do you have? If dd-wrt or tomatoe firmwares are compatible they should be able to do this.