Software router suggestion?


Jun 20, 2012
Have a building with about 8 users that shares a connection with another office (wirelessly) with another 5 people.

Im looking to do the following.

Monitor traffic - and keep a log
Block websites, block access to outside network on certain machines at certain times
Antivirus firewall (clamav on pfsense?)
Cache webpages, caching windows updates would be cool.
vpn in the future for people to get in and see info on the NAS.
Traffic shaping

is pfsense the best route? Some have suggested other stuff, whats your opinion?
Think pfsense is the way I am gonig to go, just need to figure how the computer specs, thinking of just using a core 2 duo with 2 intel nics and call it a day.
Caching WU using anything other than WSUS in other words using Squid etc works poorly at best... :-/
The hassle of a WSUS might not even be worth it for 13 pcs. By the time you download all of the updates and approve them you'll use up a ton of bandwidth for the server. If you just have the latest service pack for your OS downloaded in redistributable format it will make updating a lot faster without hanging on to 20GB+ of updates.

C2D should have plenty of power and can have more than enough ram to run the box on.
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Ive decided against the windows updates, they pretty much auto update.

Main important things are tracking users (very very important) and traffic shaping, and vpn in the near future.