Software for managing windows (not the os)


Limp Gawd
Dec 16, 2008
Hey all, I need a program that I can install on Win 7 that will allow me to switch/bring to front a specific window ?
Like, Ctrl+alt+# would bring up a window etc.

What about just using "flip 3d" that comes with windows?
More effort than clicking the taskbar, I know which windows I want to pop up, so just pushing a button/macro button would be easier than having to scroll to flip of several look alike windows.
any decent macro software should be able to handle this for ya.

I have something like this setup through my tablet, but using it's proprietary software. I can't recommend anything, but it shouldn't be too hard to find :)

good luck, let us know what you find.
Ok, I'll check out some macro software, hopefully someone has some suggestions.. I'm looking for something taht at the press of a specified button(s) will click at an x/y position on screen.

Any hotkey or launcher program that will allow you to assign options like "bring to front" and "single instance" should easily accomplish this.