So who here is playing The Saboteur?

I figured to write up some feedback on The Saboteur. I am playing it on PS3, so some of it will be more console specific but my original intention was to get it for PC (I am glad I didn't). I rented it through GameFly (good call!).

TL;DR version - worth renting (console) or buying used / deeply discounted (PC).

I started playing it and the first thing that immediately annoyed me was the frequent loading screen when one is not in Freeplay. I can't say whether this would happen in the PC version as well but I would assume that it does.

The graphics are meh with 1280x720, the controls are somewhat clunky (as always on consoles really). I think in these two departments the PC version would far outshine the console with higher resolution and less clunky controls.

The storyline feels short, although it probably compares to most present day releases. If one adds the Freeplay to it (stuff you can do but don't have to, i.e. trophies and just running around killing Nazis and blowing their stuff up) the game play is significantly extended, but as always the novelty to attach dynamite to a tower does wear off after a few hours.

The devs did try hard to create a game where inherent repetition isn't boring. Design (and control) elements from GTA4, Thief, Assassin's Creed, Saint's Row 2, N.O.L.F., Commandos, and probably a few other games were combined to create The Saboteur. Imitation is the highest form of flattery and so one can't really blame them for doing that.

Overall the game is worth playing, but not worth paying for, certainly not full retail. The AI is mediocre and can easily be manipulated to farm Contraband (currency) or to get away with actions which are far too implausible to really be fun (i.e. "stealthly" killing a Nazi while another one is just a few feet away but just happens to look the other way).

This is actually my main complaint about the game, the AI is just too dumb. The other game elements really suffer from the player not facing any real opposition. Yes, the difficulty can be cranked up, but that doesn't make the AI smarter, it just scales up numbers, enemy hitpoints, and accuracy.

Removing the Freeplay targets (non-mission related enemies) makes it easier to complete missions, but don't spend too much time on that or you will just lose interest in completing the game. I would estimate that you can get about 20-ish enjoyable hours out of this.
The graphics are meh with 1280x720, the controls are somewhat clunky (as always on consoles really). I think in these two departments the PC version would far outshine the console with higher resolution and less clunky controls.

Most definitely yes. The game looks and runs great on my PC with everything maxed out at 1920x1200 and you can't beat the KBM.

The storyline feels short, although it probably compares to most present day releases. If one adds the Freeplay to it (stuff you can do but don't have to, i.e. trophies and just running around killing Nazis and blowing their stuff up) the game play is significantly extended, but as always the novelty to attach dynamite to a tower does wear off after a few hours.


The devs did try hard to create a game where inherent repetition isn't boring. Design (and control) elements from GTA4, Thief, Assassin's Creed, Saint's Row 2, N.O.L.F., Commandos, and probably a few other games were combined to create The Saboteur. Imitation is the highest form of flattery and so one can't really blame them for doing that.

And they made it all work in their own way. I really had fun playing this game.

Overall the game is worth playing, but not worth paying for, certainly not full retail. The AI is mediocre and can easily be manipulated to farm Contraband (currency) or to get away with actions which are far too implausible to really be fun (i.e. "stealthly" killing a Nazi while another one is just a few feet away but just happens to look the other way).

Sometimes, yes. Sometimes (assuming you're using no cheats) hell is going to rain down on you pretty hard and fast and you'd better haul ass to a hiding spot or a fight back area.

This is actually my main complaint about the game, the AI is just too dumb. The other game elements really suffer from the player not facing any real opposition. Yes, the difficulty can be cranked up, but that doesn't make the AI smarter, it just scales up numbers, enemy hitpoints, and accuracy.

Removing the Freeplay targets (non-mission related enemies) makes it easier to complete missions, but don't spend too much time on that or you will just lose interest in completing the game. I would estimate that you can get about 20-ish enjoyable hours out of this.


It's really fun and I recommend it to folks when they see it at a price they like. :)
I have been playing this for the last few days. I do like this game overall. it feels a lot like other games but I dont mind that. i do think the AI is kind of stupid. Also I hate when you drive around a giant truck and then you run into a lightpost and stop dead. Some of the stuff you hit, you should be able to easily plow through but it stops you. This is very annoying when you are running from the nazis. I would say this game is worth $40