So what's the best way to clean your LCD?


Nov 11, 2001
Hey guys,

This is the first time I've had a glossy LCD (LG Flatron L227WTG). Unfortunately I also happen to have a cat who loves to attack my screen if I accidentally leave it on in the game. She got to it again tonight, left a light scratch (I don't think it's major, I won't ever notice it while playing... still bothers me!), and I am constantly attempting to use this LCD cleaner w/ an anti-lint blue cloth (that leaves lint anyways). It's a pain to control and hold onto, and I'm curious to see if there are any better solutions out there for thoroughly cleaning the screen.

I use a mixture of 70% isopropyl alcohol and water diluted to a 50-50 concentration. Rub gently with a microfiber cloth.

Various websites also sell special "LCD cleaning solutions" but I've never tried those.
I use a mixture of 70% isopropyl alcohol and water diluted to a 50-50 concentration. Rub gently with a microfiber cloth.

Various websites also sell special "LCD cleaning solutions" but I've never tried those.


Make sure it's isopropyl alcohol and not some other kind (ethyl alcohol...)
I'd recommend not using an organic solvent bigger than isopropanol. Many of the anti-glare coatings will come off when mixed with solvents that have nonpolar regions.

Water is what is typically recommended. Some monitors organic solvents will work fine on, but the Dell 3007wfp-hc for instance has an anti-glare coating that is sparingly soluble in organic solvents. Bad idea. In fact I don't even use the 50/50 isopropanol that so many people recommend... Water on a cloth diaper seems to always work best.

You also don't need to use distilled water - that is just silly. You're not going to scratch your screen with solvated ions at ridiculously low concentrations - in fact you're causing more damage breathing on your screen right now if you're worried about atoms. And they're not going to cause corrosion or act as electrolytes!
Thanks guys, any other recommendations? I may have to get another microfiber cloth, as the one I'm using now does leave a sort of lint trail if I don't have enough of the screen cleaner on it. It's cute when the cat does it... but not when she scratches my screen. I don't think I see the scratch anymore, it mayu have been something that disappeared when I cleaned it... I'm usually pretty good about turning my monitor off when I leave the room, but the excuse is "It was only for a minute!".

The mixing of the isopropyl and the water seems to be a big deal just for the monitor, but I'm carefully reviewing everything!
I use windex on the bezel and non screen surface area, and I use lens cleaning cloths (the ones that come in packages that look like condoms) for the screen. The cloths (see clear) contain alcohol, so no drying either, is all evaporates.
I bought a product called "iKlear" and that works pretty good (google it). But my current favorite is this stuff I found called OmniCleanz, pretty cheap, no streaking, and you can wipe anything you want with it. Monster also makes a similiar product that works well.
Microfiber + lens cleaner from Walmart.

Works great on glass desks, glasses, monitors, cases, keyboards... etc.