So, what settings are you hoping for Doom3?


May 29, 2000
I am hoping for highest ingame settings(that don't require the 512 video card) @ 1024x768 with 2xAA 8xAF.

What is your goal?
creedAMD said:
I am hoping for highest ingame settings(that don't require the 512 video card) @ 1024x768 with 2xAA 8xAF.

What is your goal?

I'm with you creed. I'm hoping for at least 1024x768 w/ 2x/8x. I just got my 6800GT so I'm one step closer to achieving that goal. Now I just need to drop in my watercooling and work on OCing my mobile 2500+. I wonder what Carmack meant exactly when he said OCed processors might perform differently... :confused:
Dijonase said:
I'm with you creed. I'm hoping for at least 1024x768 w/ 2x/8x. I just got my 6800GT so I'm one step closer to achieving that goal. Now I just need to drop in my watercooling and work on OCing my mobile 2500+. I wonder what Carmack meant exactly when he said OCed processors might perform differently... :confused:

yeah, I thought about that and went ahead and ordered me up a MSI Neo Platinum with a Athlon64 3200. Just to make sure (and I wanted to be able to say I have a 64bit processor, lol.) Should be here tomorrow. I'm real interested on the difference it will make going from the 2500@3200 to a straight 3200 a64, hopefully the 3200 will be a good overclocker.
Dijonase said:
I'm with you creed. I'm hoping for at least 1024x768 w/ 2x/8x. I just got my 6800GT so I'm one step closer to achieving that goal. Now I just need to drop in my watercooling and work on OCing my mobile 2500+. I wonder what Carmack meant exactly when he said OCed processors might perform differently... :confused:

JC was refering to over clocked video cards, not CPU's... Really.. how can you not know what Carmack meant? It's all spelled out in plain English in the article.

Talking to John briefly about his overclocking comments made some things clear to us that many enthusiasts will need to be aware of. When he speaks of "new usage patterns" he is literally talking about transistors on some of new GPUs that are going to be used for the first time when you play DOOM 3 on your video card. So be aware that pushing your GPU MHz may get you different results in DOOM 3 than with other games.
I'm figuring I'll be lucky to get 800x600 at this point. I had an X800pro on backorder for a month and cancelled it, and now I can't find a 6800GT. It looks like I'm going to have to stick it out with the GF3 ti200(240/530) for a while longer, unless I can find a 6800GT that will ship next day or local for a decent price(I hate waiting, I want it now or not at all!)
High settings at 1280x1024 4x/8x AA/AF

should be doable

I will pick a lower res with higher AA/AF than the obverse.
I'll be happy with 1024x768 with 2xAA

If I manage to swing 1280x1024 with 2xAA I'll be much more than happy :D
Micas said:
JC was refering to over clocked video cards, not CPU's... Really.. how can you not know what Carmack meant? It's all spelled out in plain English in the article.

Talking to John briefly about his overclocking comments made some things clear to us that many enthusiasts will need to be aware of. When he speaks of "new usage patterns" he is literally talking about transistors on some of new GPUs that are going to be used for the first time when you play DOOM 3 on your video card. So be aware that pushing your GPU MHz may get you different results in DOOM 3 than with other games.

Congrats, you're the first to act like a dick in this thread! Have a cookie!

I scanned over the article at work the other day and didn't look back over it before I posted here, so sue me. I couldn't remember exactly what it said, but I do appreciate you being a bastard about correcting me! :p
Dijonase said:
Congrats, you're the first to act like a dick in this thread! Have a cookie!

I scanned over the article at work the other day and didn't look back over it before I posted here, so sue me. I couldn't remember exactly what it said, but I do appreciate you being a bastard about correcting me! :p

You're welcome.. I'll take a chocolate chip.. having a bad day at work, and I have a headache.. The cookie might help..
Hiyruu said:
Will it support 16x12?

The question I believe you want to ask is "WIll my computer support 16x12?"

I'd care for High, 1024x768, 4x/8x, if you would.
I'll be happy if I can play at 1024*768 (no aa/af) with medium quality. My GF4 Ti4400 should be able to do it.
Micas said:
You're welcome.. I'll take a chocolate chip.. having a bad day at work, and I have a headache.. The cookie might help..

All I have is peanut butter cookies, but they're damn good.
1280x1024 4xaa/8xaf is my target resolution. But I'm going to need a 6800GT or XTPE to get it...
High Quality
1280x1024 (my lcd's native)

and Smoothness.

P4 3.06
1GB ram
BFG 6800 GT
1600x1200x2x8 at High, but will settle for 1280x1024x4x8 if necessary.

If I can't get 1600x1200x2x8 at High right away I expect to if they add in 3Dc support. That should allow "High" level IQ with a enough of an increase in actual in game performance for everyone with an x800 to go up one "notch" in settings.
i guess 1024x768 with medium detail. i have a 17in monitor so itll be acceptable.
1024x768 , 2xaa, 4xaf with med to high detail hopefully

3.0 @ 3.6
1 gig
9700pro (might be the achilles heel)
1600x1200, full detail full aa/af / High Quality *when I get the x800xt...I hope everyone will be able to play at 1600x1200 who has it + a suitable cpu/ram...
damn, i was hoping for 1280x1024 with the system in my sig, but after reading this thread im starting to think ill have to take it down to 1024x768 :(

I guess ill just have to wait for the actual game to come out to get a better idea of the game's requirements.
IC7-MAX3, SP-94, 2-WD740GD, PAC-T01-E1SLVR, MPF920, MS-8408A2, X800 XT Platinum, p4 3.2c, 1 gig of balstix

hoping for 16x12 what aa and af should i try for? and what quality. i built this for this game release, hope im not to bad off!

Thank you in advance.
with my Radeon 9700pro and 1GB of ram and Dual Athlon MP 2400+s, I hope to play it at 1024x768 medium quality no AA and maybe some AF
im gonna try 1280x1024 4xAA 8xAF and 1600x1200 (2to4)xAA (2to8)xAF. whichever i like more i guess i'll use.
mewannafastpc said:
why are people with ATI cards hoping higher settings than the people with the Nvidia cards?

/scooby ruh-oh :eek:

"and we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!"
x800xt should definitely be able to play doom 3 at full detail 1600x1200.
my sys high is my 9800pro
im not hoping more than medium low@800x600 or 1024x768 if dont finish my rig on time, still missing 2 vital parts, the cpu and a gig of ram
right now i have a willy [email protected]
384 of crappy ram
and my 9800pro

god parts are expensive
I think a lot of the people here are underestimating their performance. Of course we won't know until we try it out, but my impression was that if you've got a 6800 series or x800 series video card and decent processor and 1 gig of good ram, you should be fine at resolutions above 1024x768. I just ordered my 6800gt today, so I guess that's what I'm shooting for.
I'm hoping 1280x1024 with medium settings. :eek:
I'll prolly have to live with 1024x768 though. :p
1600x1200, 4x AA, 8x AF with my new box if it ever comes. I'm waiting on the fucking BFG 6800U OC from Monarch. To say I'm pissed off by the paper launch is an understatement.