So what does the BC from WoW bring me a Level51 Hunter ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
I am a Level51 Hunter on Whsiperwind :) I plan on picking up the new expansion Burning Crusade, but what does it bring me, that I can use for my character >?

Meaning, at Level51 can I go to this Outland, which is the new third continent ? And to get to this new continent, there will be a few new harbors, and boat launches in like Menthril, Darkshore, Booty Bay, Theramore, to get us there ?

So basically we are getting a whole other continent to quest and explore with a ton of new Zones, dungeons, and instance's ? But I also thought there were going to be newbie zones for the two new races ? So how much of Outland will be for the us Level50+ verterans to explore, compared to the newb lands for the new people ?

Also on a side note, why will Blizzard be charging so dang much for this expansion ? I mean with my monthly payment and the original game cost I have given them close to $400.00 so far. They are making $90,000,000.00 MILLION per month off us, and close to $1.2 BILLION per year off us, read that line one more time, again $90Million each month :eek: I know they are a business, but there is a point to where your just taking advantage of too good of a thing they have going. Trust me it does NOT cost $90Million a month to run this whole WoW game and servers, how bout give back to your fans that made ya so much profit's, and charge less either for the expansion, or the monthly fee, or just be like every other greedy company like Exxon
Wait, you mean you dont enjoy Blizzard making all the progress you have made since release, mean nothing ?
Zorachus said:
Trust me it does NOT cost $90Million a month to run this whole WoW game and servers, how bout give back to your fans that made ya so much profit's, and charge less either for the expansion, or the monthly fee, or just be like every other greedy company like Exxon

wait... blizzard is a business... are they allowed to make money? hell yeah! they can charge whatever they want for THEIR stuff... if you are unhappy with WoW... just quit man and stop bothering us with your rant
A few things to help you:
~To maintain there servers, artist, employees, and other games, it cost a lot.
~Also they owe money to other companies for helping with WoW.

Now on the expansion part:
~As a level 51 the expansion will not do much for you. It is mostly for level 60+ players. The Outlands is another continetnat but there are no boats, flight paths directly to it. The only way to it is by traveling through the dark portal, which you must be level 58 to even do (also own the BC).
~The new starting zones will only be accesible for those who have bought tBC.

Overall the expansion is more geared towards players who are level 60 currently (or soon to be), and wish to keep leveling and gathering more gear.

If no one has said it, welcome to the never ending grind of an MMO. :D
Outland is just an extension of the 1-60 world and it's basically 1-60 again, only 60-70. There are "newb zones" such as Hellfire Peninsula (for 60's) and "high level zones" such as Netherstorm. In the expansion, a mob's level difference of one or two levels is significantly more profound than a level difference of one or two levels in the current game. Mobs get a lot tougher a lot quicker, but they never become that hard because of the design philosophy of WoW that any idiot can get to the max level. The instances are definitely a bit tougher and faster paced.

What will the expansion immediately bring to your character? Nothing. Get to 60. You haven't even come anywhere close to experiencing the entire current game (and you never will because the expansion's release is imminent).
Get your ass to 60 before TBC, you've got plenty of time. Outlands is basically the setting for your 60-70 grind which isn't that bad really. My guild got in beta ages ago and I got to 67 before stopping (wanted to save something for retail and I got bored)

You enter the Dark portal via Blasted Lands and while it's probably possible to enter it at your level it's pretty much pointless, you won't be able to kill anything :)

Both new races have new zones, so if you want to try those that'll be new to you, and they're actually very beautiful areas to explore.
Thank's for the replies :) I guess I need to get to Level58 in two weeks if possible, any suggestions to Level so quick, what zones ?

I have a busy career first, then have WoW time, mainly just a few hours each every other weeknight, and more one weekend day
Do some quests in Felwood, Un'Goro, Searing Gorge, and Western Plaguelands.
I have been playing the game since phase 1 beta and i have loved it ever since, What the expansion will bring for you is this as soon as you are able to zone into outlands you will be rewarded with quests that offer rich equipment that is on par if not better than tier 1 and somewhat of a sidegrade from tier 2. The equipment in itself just from somewhat easy solable quests will make you play for a LONG time. The 5 man instance that are changable based on the gear you and your party has are also a blast. As well as future 5-10 even 25 man content that you will be able to play is going to be wonderful. This expansion will even the playing field out for casuals like yourself and hardcore players like me for awhile so you will get to enjoy the feeling of being decently geared. Not to mention you are one of the most broken classes in pvp so you can exploit the balance changes for awhile =P
Zorachus said:
I am a Level51 Hunter on Whsiperwind :) I plan on picking up the new expansion Burning Crusade, but what does it bring me, that I can use for my character >?

Meaning, at Level51 can I go to this Outland, which is the new third continent ? And to get to this new continent, there will be a few new harbors, and boat launches in like Menthril, Darkshore, Booty Bay, Theramore, to get us there ?

So basically we are getting a whole other continent to quest and explore with a ton of new Zones, dungeons, and instance's ? But I also thought there were going to be newbie zones for the two new races ? So how much of Outland will be for the us Level50+ verterans to explore, compared to the newb lands for the new people ?

Also on a side note, why will Blizzard be charging so dang much for this expansion ? I mean with my monthly payment and the original game cost I have given them close to $400.00 so far. They are making $90,000,000.00 MILLION per month off us, and close to $1.2 BILLION per year off us, read that line one more time, again $90Million each month :eek: I know they are a business, but there is a point to where your just taking advantage of too good of a thing they have going. Trust me it does NOT cost $90Million a month to run this whole WoW game and servers, how bout give back to your fans that made ya so much profit's, and charge less either for the expansion, or the monthly fee, or just be like every other greedy company like Exxon

hmmm dont quite know what to reply to that post,first of all you seem to answer all your questions,second of all,blizzard arent the first to make an expansion pack to a MMORPG,and they arent the first to charge for it ither,and what does that have to do with greed? lets see,most wow players play betwen 1-5 hours per day,thats 30-150 hours of gaming for 15 bucks a month.

i dont think thats alot,and tbh your post makes you seem like greedy,crying over 25 bucks for an expansion,and crying cause of 15 bucks per month,i tried playing "no pay MMORPG" which was guild wars,WoW and GW are in 2 totaly difrent leagues.

if anything WoW might have increased the MMORPG standard with some of the games to come in 2007/2008,so stop the damn whining.

PS:no 1 is forcing you to pay 15 bucks a month,you can just cancel if you think your overpaying and go buy guild wars,im sure playing that +saving 15 bucks a month will make your gaming expirience alot better,not to talk about your economic situation.
Is it worth picking up WoW and BC at the same time and starting from lvl 1? I started playing the trial but I'm not getting into it too much. However I really want to try playing a Blood Elf! If I get another trial after BC comes out will I be able to create a blood elf character and see if that's more to my liking?
pigwalk said:
Is it worth picking up WoW and BC at the same time and starting from lvl 1? I started playing the trial but I'm not getting into it too much. However I really want to try playing a Blood Elf! If I get another trial after BC comes out will I be able to create a blood elf character and see if that's more to my liking?
Most likely not, it will require the expansion. The trial is NOT a good way to test the game, at all. The classes do not really develop until you hit 40+, by which time you've obtained most of your skills and a fair number of talents. New skills will be added for 61-70 which will change the classes even more.

Race will have very little to do with liking the game. However, the Blood Elf starting area is likely to be better than the current starting areas. I haven't tried leveling a BE but some of my friends have and they said that you can level very quickly in the BE starting area.
He's calling Outland a new continent and asking if you can take boats there. He is not to be taken seriously.
krameriffic said:
He's calling Outland a new continent and asking if you can take boats there. He is not to be taken seriously.

Sorry I am not an Uber WoW geek :rolleyes:

When ya look on the map in WoW it shows three land masses, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland. So to me it looks like Outlands is a new third continent sorry if I was wrong about that, and both other continent's can be travled to by boat, so why not think that Outland could be too ?
Zorachus said:
Sorry I am not an Uber WoW geek :rolleyes:

When ya look on the map in WoW it shows three land masses, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland. So to me it looks like Outlands is a new third continent sorry if I was wrong about that, and both other continent's can be travled to by boat, so why not think that Outland could be too ?

The outland is the remains of the former orc home planet, draenor(sp?), which exploded .. for some reason I cant remember.
Draax said:
The outland is the remains of the former orc home planet, draenor(sp?), which exploded .. for some reason I cant remember.

Well thank's that at least makes some sense as to why there are no boats sailing from Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor :) Now to make my WoW day, how about a Hearthstone for each continent, that would make travel alot easier, and less frustrating for the non Mages
The Outland isn't shown on the map, the northern continent is NOT the outland, it's like Northrend or something like that...It's where what's his face from Warcraft 3 reigns from. I believe Wikipedia has some good details if you really need to know.
Crapinapale said:
The Outland isn't shown on the map, the northern continent is NOT the outland, it's like Northrend or something like that...It's where what's his face from Warcraft 3 reigns from. I believe Wikipedia has some good details if you really need to know.

But is Outland considered a third continent, I mean is it as big as Kalim or E.K. ?
Yes, it is considered a 3rd continent, although it will be much smaller than Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Still pretty big though.

To the OP: There will be pretty much nothing for a level 51 like you to do except to keep leveling up. Stop complaining about it and get to 60 already, because that's when the game really starts. Besides, you said you've paid around $400 in monthly fees, you should have been 60 a LONG time ago. I've paid less than $150 and I have 1 60 and another one to come within a week or two. And I haven't even been playing my alt all the time.

You have 2 weeks, PLENTY of time to get 9 levels. If you play for a couple hours a day and can't get 9 levels in 2 weeks then you need to find another game to play. Quest in the Hinterlands if you haven't already, then move to Un'goro, Felwood, and WPL. At around 55/56 you can move to Silithis, Winterspring, and EPL. These 7 zones have a ton of quests for you to finish; in fact, I never even quested once in WPL/EPL before I was 60, and I've only done one or two in Silithus. There is no reason you should not be able to hit 60 by BC.
SLiGuy said:
Yes, it is considered a 3rd continent, although it will be much smaller than Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Still pretty big though.

To the OP: There will be pretty much nothing for a level 51 like you to do except to keep leveling up. Stop complaining about it and get to 60 already, because that's when the game really starts. Besides, you said you've paid around $400 in monthly fees, you should have been 60 a LONG time ago. I've paid less than $150 and I have 1 60 and another one to come within a week or two. And I haven't even been playing my alt all the time.

You have 2 weeks, PLENTY of time to get 9 levels. If you play for a couple hours a day and can't get 9 levels in 2 weeks then you need to find another game to play. Quest in the Hinterlands if you haven't already, then move to Un'goro, Felwood, and WPL. At around 55/56 you can move to Silithis, Winterspring, and EPL. These 7 zones have a ton of quests for you to finish; in fact, I never even quested once in WPL/EPL before I was 60, and I've only done one or two in Silithus. There is no reason you should not be able to hit 60 by BC.

Thank's for the advice :) I will try my best to get Level58 by BC :D

So right now I am finishing Searing Gorge, have done all Hinterland's, Felwood, and WPL already. I prefer to quest rather grind which euqals boring. My character at Level51 is only 13days played if ya check your character with the /Played test.
I agree with the OP. With how much they make monthly I don't think they should charge so much for the expansion. You can talk improvements to the game all you want but a lot of the shit they put in the game, other games have had since day 1 of their release. Also their customer service isn't as great as it could be.
JustinSane said:
I agree with the OP. With how much they make monthly I don't think they should charge so much for the expansion. You can talk improvements to the game all you want but a lot of the shit they put in the game, other games have had since day 1 of their release. Also their customer service isn't as great as it could be.

The content that they released would just comparable to the EQ2 upgrades that cost you 20 bucks + the fee and they release those like water. No one is asking you to pay it if you dont like the game dont play it. But with the expansion alot of things are added even if you dont see them outright they will be there.
Zorachus said:
Thank's for the advice :) I will try my best to get Level58 by BC :D

So right now I am finishing Searing Gorge, have done all Hinterland's, Felwood, and WPL already. I prefer to quest rather grind which euqals boring. My character at Level51 is only 13days played if ya check your character with the /Played test.
You can expect to do a fair amount of grinding if you've done that many quests already. You're going to run out of quests to do and will have to resort to grinding.
Well I have been in Searing Gorge latley, and surprisingly the monsters there are giving me 600-1000XP each !!!!!!!
SoulflyFan said:
The content that they released would just comparable to the EQ2 upgrades that cost you 20 bucks + the fee and they release those like water. No one is asking you to pay it if you dont like the game dont play it. But with the expansion alot of things are added even if you dont see them outright they will be there.

What about City of Heroes and Villains? They have had a LFG form since day 1 and they release expansions every few months for FREE! They don't have a third of the player base WoW does.
Zorachus said:
Well I have been in Searing Gorge latley, and surprisingly the monsters there are giving me 600-1000XP each !!!!!!!
You're probably rested.
Zorachus said:
Thank's for the advice :) I will try my best to get Level58 by BC :D

So right now I am finishing Searing Gorge, have done all Hinterland's, Felwood, and WPL already. I prefer to quest rather grind which euqals boring. My character at Level51 is only 13days played if ya check your character with the /Played test.

EPL, winterspring, and the dozens of instance quests from scholo, strat, BRM, etc etc etc. If you don't like grouping , then you've still got a ton more quests left in WPL (no way you can solo them all at 51).

a good strategy is never to rely on pure questing. When you go out to do a quest, always grind at least a little. I always make a deal with myself that if I grind at least 2 more bars after finishing the quest objectives, then I can go back and get another quest.
I love when people over-simplify their math.

"ZOMG They are making $90,000,000.00 MILLION per month off us, and close to $1.2 BILLION per year off us, read that line one more time, again $90Million each month :eek: :eek: !!!"

Right. Like they don't have maintenance costs for their hardware. Hardware costs to upgrade/maintain servers. Electric bills? Internet service bills?

Didn't they just upgrade the hardware on ALL Their old servers over the past 6 months? Was that a free hardware upgrade for them? No. Did the customers (us) wind up getting faster, better servers for *FREE*? Yes. Does that count as "giving something back"? I think so.

You do realize theres like, 5-6 servers per realm and several hundred realms...right?

Do you have any idea what you're talking about, or did you do some simply multiplication and assume Blizzard gets everything for free?

(Also, its either $90,000,000.00 --OR-- $90 Million. Not $90,000,000 MILLION. $90,000,000 MILLION = 90,000,000,000,000)
Direwolf20 said:
I love when people over-simplify their math.

"ZOMG They are making $90,000,000.00 MILLION per month off us, and close to $1.2 BILLION per year off us, read that line one more time, again $90Million each month :eek: :eek: !!!"

Right. Like they don't have maintenance costs for their hardware. Hardware costs to upgrade/maintain servers. Electric bills? Internet service bills?

Didn't they just upgrade the hardware on ALL Their old servers over the past 6 months? Was that a free hardware upgrade for them? No. Did the customers (us) wind up getting faster, better servers for *FREE*? Yes. Does that count as "giving something back"? I think so.

You do realize theres like, 5-6 servers per realm and several hundred realms...right?

Do you have any idea what you're talking about, or did you do some simply multiplication and assume Blizzard gets everything for free?

(Also, its either $90,000,000.00 --OR-- $90 Million. Not $90,000,000 MILLION. $90,000,000 MILLION = 90,000,000,000,000)

Replying to an over-simplified response, to over simplified math. :p

The servers were upgraded simply because the old servers would not be able to handle the burning crusade expansion. Not to mention many servers that had existed since release were kept on old antiquated hardware resulting in horrendous lag, while new empty servers were constantly added.

Providing the bare minimum to customers, in terms of service, hardly deserves a medal .... at least in my book. Just look at how spectacular the servers failed at server wide events like the AQ gate openings.
Replying to an over-simplified response, to over simplified math. :p

The servers were upgraded simply because the old servers would not be able to handle the burning crusade expansion. Not to mention many servers that had existed since release were kept on old antiquated hardware resulting in horrendous lag, while new empty servers were constantly added.

Providing the bare minimum to customers, in terms of service, hardly deserves a medal .... at least in my book. Just look at how spectacular the servers failed at server wide events like the AQ gate openings.

This is the [H]ardforums, people here should understand that there are limitations to hardware. I for one can't begin to understand the amount of information being processed during the AQ gate openings, but I can certainately understand where lag would come from.

IMHO, WoW has been pretty stable and well executed, compared to previous MMOs (like EQ, SWG, EQ2, and the many others out there). Their customer service is MUCH better than Sony's. Back in the EQ days, if the servers went down "unexpectedly" for 2-3 days, there would be no reimbursement of free-time like Blizzard gives EVERY time theres unexpected downtime.

Are they perfect? No. But you try running their business for a day, and you might come out of it with a different perspective. One of the biggest problems with MMO's is that EVERYONE expect things to be done the way they think it should be done, and that it should be done flawlessly.
I love when people over-simplify their math.

"ZOMG They are making $90,000,000.00 MILLION per month off us, and close to $1.2 BILLION per year off us, read that line one more time, again $90Million each month :eek: :eek: !!!"

Right. Like they don't have maintenance costs for their hardware. Hardware costs to upgrade/maintain servers. Electric bills? Internet service bills?

Didn't they just upgrade the hardware on ALL Their old servers over the past 6 months? Was that a free hardware upgrade for them? No. Did the customers (us) wind up getting faster, better servers for *FREE*? Yes. Does that count as "giving something back"? I think so.

You do realize theres like, 5-6 servers per realm and several hundred realms...right?

Do you have any idea what you're talking about, or did you do some simply multiplication and assume Blizzard gets everything for free?

(Also, its either $90,000,000.00 --OR-- $90 Million. Not $90,000,000 MILLION. $90,000,000 MILLION = 90,000,000,000,000)

Well, if there are several hundred realms, at 6 servers a piece (300 realms x 6 servers per realm) and if you say that each server cost $5000 (a little high to me, but who knows), you're right at $9 million. That means they replaced all their equipment with 3 days of revenue.

There's little doubt that MMOs are cash cows for the game companies. Maintenance of the game and servers is nothing like writing a new game. That's why I think we'll continue to see lots of MMO's with fees.
Companies love nothing more than to charge you a monthly fee. Small to you, but it adds up over time.

You have to decide if the gameplay you get is worth $15/month. If not quit. Don't worry about what the company is making.
Those servers have to be workhorses...sheer amounts of data & processing necessitate that. Multi-CPU, Multi-Core, large amounts of RAM, and some very healthy disk I/O & network I/O.

Not to mention, they probably must maintain hot-spares, pay several guys just to handle that, pay for power/rack space/bw/etc...insanity^2.

Just wait for [H] to do an inside look at Blizzard's server farm or something. It's probably a damn blizzard *in* there to keep them all cool, heh.
What about City of Heroes and Villains? They have had a LFG form since day 1 and they release expansions every few months for FREE! They don't have a third of the player base WoW does.

Well thats good for them now WoW has it; WoW isnt the ultimate mmo and dosent have every bell and whistle but the CONTENT is an expansion in itself that they release FOR FREE.
Well thats good for them now WoW has it; WoW isnt the ultimate mmo and dosent have every bell and whistle but the CONTENT is an expansion in itself that they release FOR FREE.

I disagree. It should not be free. They already give you free content with nearly every patch as it is. This is a major amount of content coming all in one fell swoop.

One thing consistent about message boards, the most greedy and laziest people infest them. Always discounting the other guys cost, always wanting stuff for free, hell they probably vote for any politician promising to take stuff from rich people too.
Those servers have to be workhorses...sheer amounts of data & processing necessitate that. Multi-CPU, Multi-Core, large amounts of RAM, and some very healthy disk I/O & network I/O.

Not to mention, they probably must maintain hot-spares, pay several guys just to handle that, pay for power/rack space/bw/etc...insanity^2.

Just wait for [H] to do an inside look at Blizzard's server farm or something. It's probably a damn blizzard *in* there to keep them all cool, heh.

Don't forget backups. :) Ouch, thats gotta hurt!
Is it worth picking up WoW and BC at the same time and starting from lvl 1? I started playing the trial but I'm not getting into it too much. However I really want to try playing a Blood Elf! If I get another trial after BC comes out will I be able to create a blood elf character and see if that's more to my liking?

It could be. Since if you don't pick up BC you don't have the option to make a Blood Elf or Draenei character.
and if you say that each server cost $5000 (a little high to me, but who knows), you're right at $9 million. That means they replaced all their equipment with 3 days of revenue.

Blizzard will not comment on what kind of hardware they use, so this is all speculation on my part, but I highly doubt they're using $5000 servers. I think several clusters of blades per realm would be closer to being accurate. If someone with some real knowledge on the subjet chimes in, I welcome any corrections.
I disagree. It should not be free. They already give you free content with nearly every patch as it is. This is a major amount of content coming all in one fell swoop.

One thing consistent about message boards, the most greedy and laziest people infest them. Always discounting the other guys cost, always wanting stuff for free, hell they probably vote for any politician promising to take stuff from rich people too.

did you read what i quoted and what you typed? I said the content they added was free which is pretty much an expansion in itself. Im not arguing over content i have no problem buying the expansion for what it offers, ive played threw it all when it was released i was happy with most of the things they put out. You should have to pay for the expansion and the content patchs that they release is more than nice of them to get put out there.
Hey I'm on Whisperwind as well. Level 60 dwarf hunter here.
Hey I'm on Whisperwind as well. Level 60 dwarf hunter here.

I am in Titans Warriors Guild, about 240members, but usually like 15-20active game night's. Nice group of players, and very helpful, keep teasing me about being Level51 with the expansion due soon, need to gte to Level55 minimum to be able to enter Outland through Blasted Land's, have like ten days to do so ?