So what are you guys playing right now?

I've been playing Dragon Age since November (on weekends/holidays) and I just finished my 4th playthrough doing Human Noble. And I've been modding it too. And now I'm sick of too much Dragon Age.

So I'm continuing The Witcher EE that was halfway done, about to finish DiRT 2.
Nah, just swim towards the horizon on any level, eventually one shows up and kills you instantly.

Well hold on a second - then that's just a way of creating an artificial border around your game world.
I've been playing Dragon Age since November (on weekends/holidays) and I just finished my 4th playthrough doing Human Noble. And I've been modding it too. And now I'm sick of too much Dragon Age.

So I'm continuing The Witcher EE that was halfway done, about to finish DiRT 2.

Your fourth! I haven't even finished my first!
I sit in my room and actively wait for StarCraft 2 to come out.

But really I've started playing X3:TC again since the STO beta made me so angry.
Silent hunter 3 install the wolf pack mod made the game 10x better
Street Fighter 4 pc
Gears of wars pc (I'm almost half ways and I bought it when it came out :p )
GTA Chinawars for psp
Left for dead 1/2 pc
NBA 2K10 pc
MLB 2K9 pc
LOL! I bought Street Fighter 4 for $10 during the Steam sale and haven't even looked at it yet. I just plumb forgot about it.
WoW, replaying mass effect 1 before 2 comes out, just finish brutal legend (that game was sweet), borderlands, and still need to finish dragon age.
uh, Modern Warfare 2 (waiting for BFBC2), uh L4D2
I finished replaying the older Splinter Cell games (Chaos Theory, Double Agent) in anticipation of the new one.

Now I'm just playing Shattered Horizon every once in a while.
Ive finally got around to playing the various games i bought in the steam sale.

I am currently playing Jedi knight 2 which is nice to replay. Also tried defence grid and Trine. Both of which suprised me and were fun to play.
My last new game played-through was Borderlands (SOOOOOO ADDICTING). Right now I'm chilling-out, replaying online Freelancer just for old-times sake :)

My next big new game will be Dragon Age. I'm just working my way up to playing it.

I have to say though, I don't have the gameplay time that I used to. A house and a girlfriend really take a lot of my time.
Been playing source, the only thing my computer can handle.
Next week my new rig comes in, going to put it together and pickup where I left off in BORDERLANDS! (Got to level 22 playing at 15frames per second.. Couldn't get any further because I kept dying to low frame rates).
I picked up RA3 and a few other games in the Holiday sale I can't wait to try either.
My last new game played-through was Borderlands (SOOOOOO ADDICTING). Right now I'm chilling-out, replaying online Freelancer just for old-times sake :)

My next big new game will be Dragon Age. I'm just working my way up to playing it.

I have to say though, I don't have the gameplay time that I used to. A house and a girlfriend really take a lot of my time.

Ooh, freelancer is great. Shame there was never another one.
Just finished Uncharted 2 and Tomb Raider Underworld, both fun in their own right. I'm working my way through Fallout 3 for the first time, really interesting and fun game.
Ooh, freelancer is great. Shame there was never another one.

it's a really great game, I wonder will MS make a new version of it. It'll be even better if it's RPG, and BioWare should do it...

Your fourth! I haven't even finished my first!

lol, yeah, I'm a big fan of BioWare's RPG, except for Jade Empire, not really into it.
started playing TF2 again, I play like 2-3 times a week before sleeping.

I got bored of it, I played spy a lot in the beginning and no updates came in for the spy so I stopped playing. came back to a whole bunch of updates and now its like a completely new game, lots of new maps. the old maps play a little different because of new updates.
it's a really great game, I wonder will MS make a new version of it. It'll be even better if it's RPG, and BioWare should do it...

lol, yeah, I'm a big fan of BioWare's RPG, except for Jade Empire, not really into it.

I actually enjoyed Jade Empire. I'm not a fan of Chinese settings and it also seemed like it was heavily console oriented(a big duh I guess), but for some reason I found it to be really fun, despite its simplicity. Kinda like those old Samurai games where you just ran around slashing people up, just with a better story.
Now that I am playing ME 1 over again, this time as a renegade, I am having so much fun. Some of the renegade dialog choices are simply hilarious.
PES 2010

Just picked up Crysis Warhead (I should have bought it during steam sale, but I guess I'm not smart like that), and I must say I'm having a good time so far (didn't enjoy Crysis).

Waiting for AVP...didn't really enjoy ME, so not too excited about ME2 unlike many peeps here :(
it's a really great game, I wonder will MS make a new version of it. It'll be even better if it's RPG, and BioWare should do it...

I do like RPGs, and it'd be a good fit for the universe - but what I liked the most is the sheer joy of flying around in all the pretty and odd scenery. Everything on top of that is sort of a bonus. :D
(I played through it while listening to Röyksopp's Melody AM on headphones, more or less on repeat. One of the better game/music pairings I've ever tried.)
Got ME 1 on a $5 steam sale. Had NO IDEA this was a KotoR on steroids! Wow, what a ride, just finished running a few different endings. Haven't had that much fun in awhile... deffo worth a replay in the future.

Still, prob be two years before I pick up ME2. Gonna wait until its polished/patched/DLC/add-on, and otherwise GotY version. I hate piecemeal games. Same reason I don't have DA:O yet... gonna wait until they are done nickel and diming everyone before I grab it.
Finishing up Dead Space, then Mass Effect. Left 4 Dead 2 and Street Fighter 4. BF:BC2 will be the next game I buy.
I spent the weekend playing King Arthur: The Roleplaying Game - finally, after having had it for about a month, I got hooked on it.

This is a deep, deep game that's a tremendous amount of fun to play. I'm now wondering why on earth it took me so long to get into it? What's surprising is how it has completely fallen under most people's radars. I think it might've been released a little too early, and was damaged by some reviewers warning of bugs. It's patched now though and the game is refreshingly complex... and deep.
Replaying Mass Effect 1 so I can go right into ME2 with everything fresh in my head. Started a Male Vanguard who is going to go Renegade as much as possible. What a badass.
Replaying Mass Effect 1 as well. Going to get level 60. Will end the game at 100% renegade and 100% paragon using a bug exploit. I can wait for ME2 to come in the mail late.
I spent the weekend playing King Arthur: The Roleplaying Game - finally, after having had it for about a month, I got hooked on it.

This is a deep, deep game that's a tremendous amount of fun to play. I'm now wondering why on earth it took me so long to get into it? What's surprising is how it has completely fallen under most people's radars. I think it might've been released a little too early, and was damaged by some reviewers warning of bugs. It's patched now though and the game is refreshingly complex... and deep.

Slipped under my radar. Looks interesting. How does it play compared to Total War? Is the worldmap AI better or is there a lot of Computer side cheating?
just bought BFBC2, so that one soon

I am playing Tribal Wars and Wings of Prey