So, what are you going to expect out of Oblivion?


Limp Gawd
Feb 26, 2005
I want to hear everyones thoughts on big PC game launches, and what they expect out of the biggest game for the year so far (I guess, its the only game I keep hearing about).

I am getting it.. My expectation IS TODAY, After work :(
EDIT - correction , tomorrow probably, today I will be just harassing the local vendors.

Things I expect from this game, among any-other release for that matter:

It is availiable to BUY!! (ooo man I hope it isn't sold out).
Its STABLE, (I wonder what those new nvidia drivers are going to do to the game?)
I do NOT fall through floors (Morrowind flashbacks).
The game BETTER HAVE A GOOD QUEST BOOk. (Easy to manage what you are doing, and where your going).
I do NOT need to patch the game today to run it.
and finally - its fun, and has 1024x768 widescreen (stretch 16:9).
I expect it to be no where since it only ships today and releases technically on Tuesday.
Eh, I'm going to call up a few shops in an hour (8:30am EST) to ask if they'll be selling it today, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
I'm fairly sure it won't be sold out everywhere(at least I'm hopin')
I think(hope) Beth learned their lesson with MW, and actually used those extra 4 months to quash all the (at least major) bugs they could find.
Not sure about the quest book, here's hoping, and we'll see.
It will run at that res, at least Pete says most if not all resolutions are supported(even funky ones) although that's not a strange one, I'm sure you'll have no problems there.

Yeah, basically, I just hope they made as polished a product as they could. Also, I would be surprised if the game let me down in the fun dept. (Crosses fingers)

At least tomorrow all our questions will be answered....
Damn I just found out about the release date for futureshop (atleast online is 22nd!) nooo!!

I will have to change my 'expectations' slightly by one or two days. (I hope that the box release date is different from the pre-order shipping date).

I still HOPE now, that I can get it today :)
I started playing Morrowind again last week and I figure if they just fix the couple of things that I didnt like for Oblivion they will have a solid game. I expect Oblivion to kill many many many hours, make me wanna upgrade, and make my girlfriend wanna break up with me (but thats a small price to pay for TRUE happiness).
What the heck? Ok just called local futureshop and they are getting the 360 version in TODAY, no signs of the PC version :(
i bet the 360 could be sold out but not the PC one.

i hope its all that its suppose to be, i need something to hold me over till the new total war and rise of legends
I am expecting to get tendonitis in my arms again and another 7-10days off work :D

But not till next week when my copy comes after its released on the 24th here in the UK. Good job i'm patient.
I never fell through floors in Morrowind--ever. Though I probably didn't start playing until at least one patch was out (I don't remember.) I expect problems with the game but I hope there are no game killers like that.

First thing I'm looking forward to is paying my wife off early so she doesn't hate me when I disapper. You know what I mean. :eek: :D

I expect Oblivion to eat up a lot of my time, just like Morrowind did. I have high expectations of this game.
I wasnt a big fan of Morrowind but I'll be playing Oblivion since some of the things I hated about Morrowind are fixed in Oblivion. After looking at the strat guide earlier this week I was definatly amazed by the extensiveness of the alchemy system and that part of it definatly looks to be a lot of fun.
I expect i'll loose my ability to have a life for a period of several weeks. My girlfriend and new job will probably keep me from going into "DAOC Syndrome" though.