So is anyone here still using a CRT?

I use a 930sb next to my VP191b. Really helps with some tasks, such as programming. Have the flowchart and program requirements on the CRT and the VB/QBasic/etc on the LCD.

As much as I love the Mitsu 930sb, the Viewsonic VP191b is clearly better.
Dual 21 inch CRTs

Eizo Flexscan F930 Invar Shadowmask
Viewsonic G220fb Apeture Grille

hooked to two IOGear extreme 4 port KVMs
I've played games on a LCD a handful of times, and the gaming experience (for me) on a CRT is definitly better.

Desk space isn't that important for me, my CRT is big and clunky, and weighs alot. But I hardly ever move it once every four months or so though, for a random LAN party.

I'll probably purchase a LCD within the next year though, they seem awfully sleek.
Well im trying to by the Dell 24'' (the 2405FPW) some time next year but maybe by then they will have a newer and bigger oone out like a 30".

Right now I'm using a Sony Trinition Multiscan15sf2 15'' CRT monitor which is my a**whole uncle's.