So I think there's something wrong with my Powerstream


Goes Down Easy
Apr 19, 2005
I have an OCZ powerstream running my rig and its doing the wierdest thing.

Whenever I turn the switch on the PSU the fan lights and every fan in the system starts to spin slowly. It is almost as if its just blinking spurts of power.

Hit the power button and nothing happens, it just keeps blinking slowly.

Its a 520W Powerstream powering a x1900XTX, x1900 mastercard, xfi, fx55 and 2GB of GSkill PC4000.

It all started after I went away for a weekend, I came back and saw the lights just blinking, tried turning it off and the same thing happened again. Ever since then it's been doing the same thing.

or maybe the board fried?

I've never heard of anything like this so i'm not sure what to diagnose.
directly off the PSU.

Only the zalman is powered off the board.
what could you really expect to happen when powering your system off a 520 watt max output unit ?????

you pushed that baby too hard
Not even close :rolleyes:

Try unplugging everything except what it needs to run. So, one video card, no sound card, one hard drive, etc. If it still doesn't work, might be time to call OCZ..