So i started building my RAID5 array


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 11, 2006
New question...

what RAID cards will allow me to expand a RAID-5 Array and create a hot spare that are under $200
My question that I cannot get answered is this;....

? can i expand an existing RAID-5 array w/o destroying it....

I have read that you cannot expand a boot array, but can it be done with a non-boot
To put it simply, no. There are exceptions. Some RAID cards support tasks like that, but if you're running a hacked-up version of XP to RAID yer stuffs, I'm assuming you're not using one of them.

? also I have 4 drive right now in the array and I want to make 1 a hotspare, can windows RAID do this? if so how?
diskraid setflag drive hotspare={true | false} (From unhappy_mage's link below)

Sorry if I seem angry while writing this post, but, well, I am. If I recall correctly, tweaking Windows in the way required to support RAID-5 is illegal. And illegal things don't belong on the [H].
Why would this be illegal? Im sure most users on the [H] forums have modified their OS in atleast some way.
Why would this be illegal? Im sure most users on the [H] forums have modified their OS in atleast some way.
Because the support is not in Windows XP; that feature is reserved for server-class operating systems in the Microsoft schema. Modifying your OS in this particular way is prohibited by the EULA.

In what way would you expect most users have modified their OS?
? can i expand an existing RAID-5 array w/o destroying it....
No ("Keep in mind that you can't expand a stripe set once it's created.")
? also I have 4 drive right now in the array and I want to make 1 a hotspare, can windows RAID do this? if so how?
Under windows 2k3, yes, it appears. Under XP, who knows. You're using a feature that's turned off by default for a reason.
okay well thanks for the replies.... I will change my post so it does not include anything illegal...
The number of ports is a big thing that is going to change the cost of the card, how many do you need?

You may want to checkout ebay for a used LSI card, most are only SATAI but for a home server that is fine and it would fall within your budget.