So I restarted Oblivion....


Oct 10, 2004
As the title suggests. I restarted playing Oblivion. Since installing Vista I've found that a lot of the games I was playing before they were partially uninstalled. So, yeterday I had to reinstall some of Oblivion. Turns out all of my old mods are still present but my save games were gone.

I'm wondering, has anyone come up with a mod so that I may be able to fight while riding my horse? Or do I still need to dismount everytime I want to kill something?
Oh boy, I think the Deadly Reflexes was the only mod to try horse combat. It was never released though. I havent been in the Oblivion mix for a while though. Check out Deadly Reflexes.
Yeah, I did that. The last update on that was several months after it was originally posted on and it was just another video.

So, I guess the ultimate answer to the question is; :No, no there is no Horse Combat. You still need to dismount and fight."

Man, Bethesda really didn't think that one through.