So, i registerd a domain. DNS?



I saw a domain up for grabs cheap so i registerd it at

I have a dynamic ip, but this only changes once every 1* months on average so thats not really a problem.

What i was wondering about is dns, should i host my own dns on a 2k3 server or use the godaddy servers?

I was thinking the best thing to do would be to host my own, becuase i may need to have multiple domains and sites on the ip i have.

The main thing i want to do is say if i use i go the the standard webserver.

If i was to enter i would be took to the site hosted on a second server on the network.

Any ideas?
I know it is possible to host multiple sites off one ip using some kind of custom dns.
This actually doesn't require any thing special with DNS, you just need to setup virtual hosts. What are you using to run the websites? Apache, IIS?

By the way, I would really advise against attempting to host the site on your own connection, even if your IP only changes about once a month, DNS propagation alone tends to take 2 days (unless you are using a much lower then average TTL). Also you will want to review your ISPs policy, most have specifically mention running "servers" on your connection is forbidden.
This actually doesn't require any thing special with DNS, you just need to setup virtual hosts. What are you using to run the websites? Apache, IIS?

By the way, I would really advise against attempting to host the site on your own connection, even if your IP only changes about once a month, DNS propagation alone tends to take 2 days (unless you are using a much lower then average TTL). Also you will want to review your ISPs policy, most have specifically mention running "servers" on your connection is forbidden.

Actually my ip changes about once every 10 - 11 months so thats not really a problem. Im using a ttl of 1hr at the moment.

I have hosted multiple sites in the past and have never had a problem with my isp, i have just never had a static domain before.

I use iis mainly but some apache.
Also you will want to review your ISPs policy, most have specifically mention running "servers" on your connection is forbidden.
This is a good point. I know for example, with my ISP, if i were to void this, they either cancel or fine you. (this applies to residental accounts)
This is a good point. I know for example, with my ISP, if i were to void this, they either cancel or fine you. (this applies to residental accounts)

Virgin media dont seem to care, i just had a look at their policy. There are loads of people that have personal sites on virgin ip's, after doing an ipscan of the range there are quite a few people with port 80 open.
Virgin media dont seem to care, i just had a look at their policy. There are loads of people that have personal sites on virgin ip's, after doing an ipscan of the range there are quite a few people with port 80 open.
my range has about 4 accounts with post 80 open...
I use Zoneedit for free DNS.

IMO- there is no point to host multiple sites on a home class internet connection, except maybe fios (fiber).
I use Zoneedit for free DNS.

IMO- there is no point to host multiple sites on a home class internet connection, except maybe fios (fiber).

They are basicly just for me to develop my html and asp skills, rather then actual websites that have any purpose.

How have you found zoneedit to be?