so... i just quit my job


Jun 26, 2004
Yeah, i just quit my job, and i don't think imma be working for a month or two. What good rpgs are out? The last one i played was ffxi.... i know...

World of Warcraft.*See disclaimer

*May cause you to go into withdrawal when you don't have access to it.
Dark Age of Camelot FTW. WoW is fun for the first couple of weeks and then turns into a grind of nothingness with no real point to it (yay I can kill monsters 10% faster now! oops I'm capped and don't have anything worth killing now!).
I don't know what constitutes an RPG but ...

Quake4, BF2 and expansion, F.E.A.R, FarCry...

Those are some badass games o ut right now
RPG = RolePlaying Game. The games you listed are FPS's (First-Person Shooters) :).
GoldenTiger said:
RPG = RolePlaying Game. The games you listed are FPS's (First-Person Shooters) :).

The both have a P in the middle...does that count for something?
ro4ddogg said:
Yeah, i just quit my job, and i don't think imma be working for a month or two. What good rpgs are out? The last one i played was ffxi.... i know...


haha i love how after you quit your job you dont owrry about money or anything, its what games can i play haha
n3wbpwn3r said:
haha i love how after you quit your job you dont owrry about money or anything, its what games can i play haha

I agree, "MY family may starve but I get to play some RPGs!!!!!!!!!!111111111111eleven"

j/k since I know nothing about you

Baldurs Gate 2 FTW, over X-mas break me and my buddies are gona LAN and try to beat the game
..and if you engage in heavy pot smoking might not seek employment for 4 , or even 5 months from now

CodeEx said:
LOL, your joking right?

The only RPGs being released lately are for the consoles, so if you've already played Morrowind and Baldur's Gate to death then you've got no choice. :D
I guess, I am waiting for Oblivion to come out for PC, right now I play WOW and Guild Wars. When I think RPG I think MMO, nothing else like them on consoles.
When I saw the "FREEEDOM" bit, first thing I thought of was City Of Heros xD
ROFL... nice. I'd think that way for the first few days then be like "OH SNAP"

Anywase, most of the suggestions that were allready made are good choices. I would also advise grabbing Never Winter Nights and jumping online to some persistant worlds.. you will be engolfed!
EgyptBoy20 said:
May cause you to go into withdrawal when you don't have access to it.

Lol, he said he played FFXI. That is far more addicting than World Of Warcraft. And not being able to do anything with a hours time does not help either. Though FFXI is extremely fun at high level >.>

WoW is a good game, can play for a specific amount of time. No hours of waiting for a party, only to have to leave a hour into the party.
go pick up KOTOR and KOTOR II: The Sith Lords! That should keep you busy for a while, especially if you do all the side quests. :D
i've saved up a little bit of money, i figure i can take a few months vacation before i actually have to work again, so yeah. I'll get another job soon enough, but i'd like some time off for now.
I've tried wow, i didn't really dig it. What about Lineage 2, and how is Quake 4 multiplayer?

I wonder how long i can grow my beard ??
/me giggles

Quitting your job is far from "FREEEEEDOMMM'. You're broke bro, you can't afford to do jack once your savings run out. However, like one other said, I dont' know anything about you. If you're still in high school and quit your burger job, then who f'in cares. I ended up joining the military 3 yrs ago when I quit my last 'job', so I have absolutely no sympathy for you and your situation. Go pick up that game called, ermm..."military application". I hear it's da BOMB, no pun intended.

Sorry, it's just the personality and appreciation for life I've developed over the years that lends me to being a less than desirable person to talk to hoo, quitting your job. Unless your still in HS, I'm amazed that "What game's can I play for a few months?" is more important that "Oh shit, I quit/lost my job, what do I do now?"
Seeing as i am a member of the military(granted i am only in the national guard, going on 4 years in now), and i can afford to take a few months off without worring about my finances, i don't see what's wrong with it? It's not my fault you don't like your current situation in life, as i am most definetly pleased with mine. I never asked for anyones pity or sympathy, i just simply asked what game i could play to pass the time.
hey ..its the "GenMay" in us .. lol

we gotta stir up crap even when its not asked for ..or even there

anyhoo ..NeverWinterNights and its expansions might suit you

PM me if you would like to discuss this further, but I'm as far as I could possibly be from "not liking my current situation in life". I've never had as much pride and appreciation for what I do than I do now in my said "current situation in life." You should be very appreciative that being a reservist you havent been called into active duty to spend 1-2 years in the sandbox dodging bullets. I guess you got it made though, your one weekend a month can pay for your WoW subscription...

Myself on the other hand, will be 'over there' next april till god knows when, away from my wife, and two 7 y/o and 3 month old daughters. That's the ONE and ONLY thing that I absolutely hate about serving the United States of America.
^play americas army hahaha no jk im sorry i dono u could try out lineage 2 first if u know wut i mean *wink wink* if u dont know wut i mean pm me :)

quake 4 multiplayers really not too great unless ur into that old school deathmatch type, pretty much the same as those games with great graphics
City of Heroes/City of Villains if you want almost instant action without the bullshit running around.
never played it but i've heard disgaea (sp?) for ps2 was a lot of fun and over 100 hours easily (not exactly an mmo tho)
CodeEx said:
LOL, your joking right?

Actually, it is true. There are more great RPGs out for PS2 than any other system out there.
Some PS2 Gems -

.hack series
Beyond Good and Evil (sort of an RPG/adventure game)

Some Older PS1 RPGs that are still very very much worth playing:

Lunar: Silver Star Story
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Vagrant Story
FFVII and FFIX (FFXIII is OK if you are a fan of the series, but the story isn't as good as the other two if you aren't)
Parasite Eve I and II (again sort of Role Playing/Adventure games)

Not sure what options are out there for PC. The only RPG I have tried on PC was Morrowind, and I absolutely hated it (quit playing and put away the CDs before I left the first town actually....) but I prefer the linear story driven style RPGs anyway.
I'll put in a vote for Guild Wars. I absolutely was hooked for about 2 months and then the game becomes worthless. And this is about how much time you have, and there is little worry that the addiction will last once you do find gainful employment in the future. Plus, it is an MMO with no monthly fee's so no drain on your savings to play it. Worth checking out.
Tedium said:
Resumemaker Pro
inotocracy said:
"Play the roll of an employed USA citizen!" -- 4/5 ;)


This place never fails to crack my shit up.

Just get some cheat codes for the smash-hit RPG "Reality" and hook it up with unemployment and food stamps.
ro4ddogg said:
Yeah, i just quit my job, and i don't think imma be working for a month or two. What good rpgs are out? The last one i played was ffxi.... i know...


Good on you. Got 2 1/2 months off last year after a move. So nice, actually got to play some games I never had time for before. I'm still pissed that Freelancer wasted so much of its potential.

Temple of Elemental Evil hasn't been listed. It's buggy as hell (albeit with some good patches from Circle of Eight) and basically a dungeon crawl--but it's a fun game anyways. Been spending some more time with that and Planescape:Torment.