So, I guess I am console shopping. Help?


Limp Gawd
Nov 6, 2003
I know there are tons of these questions, but mine is a bit more specific. I am just sick of trying to play games like CoD, and always worrying about lock up, crashes, and upgrading crap. Plus, I have a woman and her daughter who love to play games, and a console makes the most sense.

Price wise, what is the best system? I'd prefer an Xbox, but they are more expensive than the Game Cube. Im pretty much lost on what to get. I know my girl really wants Harvest Moon.

Any ideas on what the best deals are?
Playstation 2 has the most games, and is the most stable. and yes , i said stable, because XBox is a PC Console.
Drives are cheap in them, but the graphics are pretty good. I am getting one for $90, only reason , I like ninja gaiden.

Gamecube, graphics are excellent, not lifelike, but for the type of animation, its good. smooth graphics, bu pricey. game selection not as huge.

I have a playstation, and Gran Tourismo 4? thats reason enough to get a PS2 or 3, since it will be backwards compatible with ps2 games. CAN we say, record sales? not to mention, PS3 can use basic high speed internet. even a router, i speak from exp. simple to use, reayd to go in a minute or so.
Originally posted by DeepFreeze
I have a playstation, and Gran Tourismo 4? thats reason enough to get a PS2 or 3, since it will be backwards compatible with ps2 games.

gran tourismo 3 and 4 are making me consider getting a ps2. i just can't believe those games :)
Originally posted by DeepFreeze
Playstation 2 has the most games, and is the most stable. and yes , i said stable, because XBox is a PC Console.
Drives are cheap in them, but the graphics are pretty good. I am getting one for $90, only reason , I like ninja gaiden.

Gamecube, graphics are excellent, not lifelike, but for the type of animation, its good. smooth graphics, bu pricey. game selection not as huge.

I have a playstation, and Gran Tourismo 4? thats reason enough to get a PS2 or 3, since it will be backwards compatible with ps2 games. CAN we say, record sales? not to mention, PS3 can use basic high speed internet. even a router, i speak from exp. simple to use, reayd to go in a minute or so.

Haha, I have never had any problems with an XBox and stability. As for it being a PC Console that is pretty stupid. The reason for most PC instability is not the hardware, it is making a game try to work on hundreds of different possible configurations. XBox does not have this problem.

In terms of graphics the consoles would probably go XBox, Gamecube then PS2. But obviously graphics are not everything.

Gamecube can do lifelike graphics if they want to, just because they have not yet does not mean the system is not capable of them. Go look at the movies for Resident Evil 4 and you will see what I mean. As for expensive, it is currently the cheapest console where I live (Canada).

Honestly I would get whatever console has the games that you want to play.
Originally posted by peltman78
Haha, I have never had any problems with an XBox and stability. As for it being a PC Console that is pretty stupid. The reason for most PC instability is not the hardware, it is making a game try to work on hundreds of different possible configurations. XBox does not have this problem.

In terms of graphics the consoles would probably go XBox, Gamecube then PS2. But obviously graphics are not everything.

Gamecube can do lifelike graphics if they want to, just because they have not yet does not mean the system is not capable of them. Go look at the movies for Resident Evil 4 and you will see what I mean. As for expensive, it is currently the cheapest console where I live (Canada).

Honestly I would get whatever console has the games that you want to play.

Yeah my xboxes have always been stable for me (yeah I have more than 1).

You're right about the Gamecube too. It is the least expensive. ($89 US opposed to $149 of ps2/xbox). And the gamecube's graphics far surpass that of the ps2 when applied.

I dunno what that other guy was talking about :p

THe games that interest you should be the main reason for what console you choose. One reason I chose the xbox is because I love the games for it, and I love the way they look in HD goodness .......and xbox parties are fun......
Originally posted by peltman78
Haha, I have never had any problems with an XBox and stability. As for it being a PC Console that is pretty stupid. The reason for most PC instability is not the hardware, it is making a game try to work on hundreds of different possible configurations. XBox does not have this problem.

okay, nothing gets me more, than a poorly written post. I never said Being a PC console was bad. you implied said youve never had a problem with your XBox. that means sh*t to him. You are 1 of millions sold. get a clue, its simple numbers.After all, didnt you say get the console with the Games he wants to play? well quantity is important here, and Joor pont dont Kount.
Ignorant mistake #1, but ill let you slide cause youre cheeZe.

In terms of graphics the consoles would probably go XBox, Gamecube then PS2. But obviously graphics are not everything.
matter of opinion, what they CAN do and what games are AVAILABLE to DISPLAY those graphics are two different things. tisk tisk cheeZe.

Gamecube can do lifelike graphics if they want to, just because they have not yet does not mean the system is not capable of them. Go look at the movies for Resident Evil 4 and you will see what I mean. As for expensive, it is currently the cheapest console where I live (Canada).
Thank you for reitterating my point. See my second reply.
He lives in the USA. Greatest nation on earth, your Canadian price is pointless. why ship it international, when he can go down the street and get one?

Honestly I would get whatever console has the games that you want to play.
[/QUOTE] smartest thing you said this whole thread.

D e e p:)
Originally posted by DeepFreeze

Somebody needs to take a chill pill :rolleyes: He was just giving his opinion. Nothing he said was wrong. And good job on calling him cheeze. I'm not sure what his post count on this forum has to do with anything at all.....

You did say it being a PC console is bad. Well you didn't say it's bad. However you said it's unstable (or not as stable as the ps2) because it's a PC Console. Now is instability good? No. On another note, the ps2 and xbox are probably equal on there stability.

And as far as games he wants to play goes. Quantity of games has nothing to do with it. Quality comes into play here.....but then again it comes back to opinion. IMO most ps2 exclusive games suck. In my roomates opinion my xboxes are physical representation of the Devil :p
Originally posted by DeepFreeze
/ snip /

your inability to correctly format a post shows that the so called "cheeze" is able to put together a better post than you. At least his isn't agitating to read. :rolleyes: His post is also rather useful, and informational. As was your original one, but your's actually has more faults than the "cheeze"'s post.

And as other people have said, it really only depends on what games you want to play, and what console they are offered on.

Games are still coming out for all 3 consoles right now, but it's almost safe to say that the Ps2 is running out of air, and the gamecube has always been slow in that department. (keywork: almost)
The one thing gamecube has going for it is that it seems to have the most exclusive games that will never come out on any other console. Whereas most PS2 games usually come out on the XBox as well. That is what I have noticed.
Well, don't know whats the deal with consoles.....buddy of mine just got an xbox today, and I haven't played an xbox game for damn near 2 years and 3 months...(since the last friend of mine got one)...and I played it about the same amount of time as I did last time (about 10 minutes).

I can honestly say FPSs for consoles are not for me. I felt so constrained trying to play halo, i might as well look like I was a monkey dry humping a football. I could feel the rage inside me building was screamed for a keyboard a mouse to myself. ARGH. I can't see how any FPS is any fun on the mechanical just to aim.

Anyhow, he didn't get the HDTV adapter, which I told him to get cuz he has a 50" DLP HDTV. And I thought the graphics look kinda blah....I mean it was on composite so he had that going against him, but then I looked at the level design and textures and thought it oldschool was cable could fix it

I know there are other games, I think the sports games are a safe bet on consoles, and some hack and slash......but nothing FPS.....

I would have like to have seen HD out of an xbox, as I have a HDTV and have at times pondered getting an console....but then I saw the change he dropped on the xbox (300 bucks for including controller, dvd remote, and a monster cable that I thought was a component but upon closer look it was composite) and I could get another gig of ram and a half a raptor for it....or a new 6800 when they come out...
Hey, you realize that you are 1 of millions?

Okay then.

Now that we have that settled. There are going to be many console failures across the board. Your argument that Xbox is less stable than the rest is flawed.

Anyway, get what has the games you want. Your wife and child seem to be in mind right now and they want harvest moon. Get a Gamecube if that will keep your family happy.

If all else fails....and you can't decide. You can get a Xbox and Gamecube at the same time. Together it would be $250....which is pretty damn cheap these days. Accessories may add a hundred to the price....but gamewise....there are SO MANY awesome games for both consoles that are 20bucks a piece or cheaper used these days that it isn't funny. So you can buy a lot of games for cheap.
Me and my friends all own xbox's and love them. My second choice would be a gamecube.
The only reason you'd have stability problems on an XBox is if you somehow happen to come up with an early revision. The original DVD drives haven't held up well. We ended up replacing our early XBox with a new one back in December.
For the most part the Xbox has got some of the best single player games, the Gamecube has a lot of good multiplayer games. I'd start by asking myself if I want to have the best consoles for one person to play at a time, or for several people to play at a time. Then I'd go from there.
I never liked playstation, and to me PS2 was just a PS1 with a Texture and Lighting Unit added. To each their own though. I always thought the PS2 was strong for RPGs, and then gran turismo series, and neither appealed to me much.
I own a Gamecube and the amount of 4 player games is great. At my GFs apartment the gamecube is almost always in use, and its sitting next to a PS1, SNES, 64, and at one time we did have a PS2. GC still took up most of the time, the only game anyone wanted to play on PS2 was Kareoke (Spelling?) Revolution, blah.
I do want an Xbox now though. Something cool about being able to install Linux on it, and being able to put games and movies on your HD. I'd love to have one and just keep my game collection on the HD, and movie collection on the HD that way I can keep my originals safe, and never have to worry about them getting stolen.
Originally posted by Dan UCF
For the most part the Xbox has got some of the best single player games, *snip*
I do want an Xbox now though. Something cool about being able to install Linux on it, and being able to put games and movies on your HD. I'd love to have one and just keep my game collection on the HD, and movie collection on the HD that way I can keep my originals safe, and never have to worry about them getting stolen.

hehehe... yep. definitely THE way to go.... don't even have to get up to change the game. I installed the power switch on the xbox controller since not all "in game resets" work. I have appropriately named the button "the lazy button"

man, I love having all my games on the xbox hard drive!
Originally posted by DeepFreeze
Playstation 2 has the most games, and is the most stable. and yes , i said stable, because XBox is a PC Console.

WRONG. Caught you talkin out your poop hole on this one. Ive had 4 ps2s since xmas '02 all fail within a month of purchase. I've had so many problems with ps2s I could choke you for making a dumbass statement like that. On the other hand my Xbox has served me faithfully for 6 months straight now.


Reasons for Xbox superiority over ps2

#1 Better Graphics. Every Xbox game supports HiDef while 99% of ps2 games don't.

#2 Real Surround sound support compared to ps2.

#3 No Memory cards necessary for Xbox! This is a HUGE plus for anyone who likes to own more than a handfull of games. Plus it doesnt take 500 years to save your games like on ps2.

#4 Custom Soundtracks. This is probably my favorite feature of the Xbox. Nothin like playing a console GTA with custom radio stations or MX Unleashed to the soothing sounds of death metal.

#5 It doesnt break after a month like every new model PS2 Iv'e owned. Since Hitachi started making the PS2s they are complete and utter CRAP.

#6 In fact the Xbox is MUCH more stable than PS2. Ive never had an Xbox game lock up on me every 10 minutes like Champions of Norrath does.

#7 Microsoft doesn't gouge you for every little accessory like Sony does. For the ps2 to have the same capabilities as the out of the box xbox you need to buy crappy 8 meg memory cards at $20 a piece, the network adapter at $50, the multitap for $30, and the USELESS ps2 hard drive costs $90 while on xbox you get all of this stuff built right into the console.

#8 The xbox doesn't need to be propped up on its side to play all it's games correctly like the ps2 does with it's vertical stand(another $12 to sony). A nice benefit of this is that the xbox actually fits in my entertainment center while the ps2s Ive had have to sit in the middle of my living room for everyone to trip over.

#9 All of the games that are technically too difficult to do on ps2 wind up on xbox because it has twice the memory and processing power AND the hard drive right out of the box. See Ninja Gaiden, dead or alive 3, KOTOR, dead or alive volleyball, etc....

If you mod your xbox then the list of reasons xbox is better than ps2 expands even further.

#10 A modded Xbox is the best media player I have ever seen. It plays every format of video I have ever thrown at it. Divx, Xvid, Ogg video, VCD, SVCD, DVD(any region works on modded xbox)everything works perfectly.

#11 A modded Xbox can properly emulate %90 of every Arcade and Console game ever released since the begining of time.

#12 You never have to change discs to play a different game. You store all of your legitamately purchased games inside the xbox and choose what you want from the dashboard. In game reset works perfectly for me on all games(probably because I have the newest bios and evox dashboard).

#13 Being able to FTP videos from the PC to the Xbox(at 10,000 KB per sec no less) so I can watch them on the big screen is awesome. I bought a second Xbox for our bedroom just for this purpose.

#14 LOAD TIMES. With games installed on the hard drive the load times are literally 10x faster than the same games on ps2.

There are at least 10 other reasons I can think of why Xbox is better than ps2 but I think I've made my point. In the interest of fairness I will list the ONE thing ps2 has over xbox.

#1 Game selection. Because the lowest common denominator owns ps2, ps2 gets the most games. 99% of ps2 exclusives are of no interest to me but not having Smackdown, Pride FC, and Champions of Norrath for xbox is like a knife in my heart because these are some of my favorites that I will miss because I will NEVER buy another ps2 again.

FSF. Fuck Sony Forever.
The only reason you'd have stability problems on an XBox is if you somehow happen to come up with an early revision. The original DVD drives haven't held up well. We ended up replacing our early XBox with a new one back in December.

Even by that explanation it still wouldn't make sense. The PS2 hardware has been terrible from the beginning (Just like the Playstation was for all those years up until they released the PSone). If not the blue-disk errors, you get loading errors, disk-read errors, or games that simply won't even begin loading at all.
I dont own a ps2, but i can vouch for the fact that the quality sucks.

It really does. My friend has gone through quite a few, now with the last one hes had it. And hes owned one since it came out.
Get the system that features the game you want, period. It's pointless to argue.

You won't get Gran Turismo 4 on the XBOX so stop whining.

You won't get Halo 2 on the PlayStation 2 so stop whining.

You won't get Mario games on any other console other than the Gamecube so stop whining.

I own two of the three because there are games that I know for a fact will not port over to the other consoles no matter how many fits I throw.
Originally posted by DeepFreeze
Playstation 2 has the most games, and is the most stable. and yes , i said stable, because XBox is a PC Console.
So is this before or after the disc read error problem :rolleyes:
I'm consitering a PS2 or Xbox myself, and for me it comes down to 2 things:

GT4 or PGR2.
I have all of them. Yes they both have problems but most have been fixed with the new revisions.

In the end get the one best suited for your gaming needs. You mentioned COD and not wanting to upgrade and so on...with that I would recommend the X-Box. Alot of pc games are coming or are already out for it, Fable, Men of Valor, COD EXP, Half Life 2, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, RalliSport Challenge 2, DOOMIII, Halo2 to name a few. If you find your system is unable to handle most these new games and you do not want to upgrade your current pc the X-Box should be your choice. Also a big plus for the X-Box is its online play is great and almost lagg free and not to mention the hard drive which can be used to download new or custom maps aswell as for storing music.

The PS2 and GameCube is also great but the only games I am looking forward to is the new Grand Turismo and Resident Evil 4. 1 for each I looking forward to about 8 for X-Box.
I'm finally buying an xbox, but i'm sorta like 'this is dumb cuz i'm only gonna have it for a year and some change, before xbox 2 is out'

As far as i'm concerned, Gotham Racing 2 is reason enough to own an xbox.
The GC would have a lot of games for that daughter(that is if she doesn't play ultra-violent-zombie-brain-mutilating games...). :D